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Thread: Clubul Xbox Series X

  1. #1161 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  2. #1162 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar

    Imagine the future for gaming powered by quantum computing and featuring the world’s first holographic UX. The fastest most powerful gaming experience ever made — capable of 1 exaFLOPS of processing power, 32K video and 240 frames-per-second — yet it’s 90% smaller, a gaming supercomputer you hold in the palms of your hands. Imagine Xbox 2042.

    Xbox 2042 is built to drive native 32K resolutions in Full Spectrum Color at a base frame rate of 240 FPS (up to 480 FPS) with zero latency. All games are now “instant-on” requiring no loading times whatsoever. Even cloud-based open-world games with worlds so enormous they have their own dedicated data centers load and sync instantly. The all-new holographic user experience is intuitive, extra-sensory and will forever change how you game.

    The new gaming experience will support a robust games lineup, featuring more than 70 titles available at launch including the cutting-edge first-person shooter, Battlefield 2042. Xbox 2042 also offers full backwards compatibility with the games you know and love, boasting a library of 5000+ titles across four decades of Xbox. Just imagine the possibilities?

  3. #1163 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    That was...random si super useless

  4. #1164 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Au parteneriat pentru Battlefield 2042. De-asta acest marketing cu Xbox in 2042.

  5. #1165 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da, mi-am dat seama ca e ceva legat de BF 2042, dar sa ai "imaginatie" sa zici de 32K rezolutie si 480fps, dar totusi sa arati acelasi gamepad de acum, nu ceva mai futurist, sau macar cu ceva functii "futuriste" cum are DS5

  6. #1166 SP
    Member 4_2's Avatar
    e vintage

  7. #1167 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    S-a deschis un nou Xbox Gear Shop in Europa, livreaza si in Romania iar preturile sunt si in RON:

    'At the moment, these are the only countries they can't ship to: Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Myanmar, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Belarus, Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Cuba. Some countries will always bring issues, while others should be a matter of time until the team finds solutions that don't mess with local laws or other restrictions.

    Also, please bear in mind that some products can only be shipped from the US, so though you can purchase them through these links, you still have to deal with a different value of shipping and probably gonna deal with customs.'
    Attached Images Attached Images xbox.png

  8. #1168 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Atentie la currencies -> pe langa EURO, avem evident CZK, HUF si PLN care au suport Xbox si culmea, inca 3 currencies unde exista PlayStation oficial si care ar cam fi cap de lista pentru o 'eventuala' expansiune a serviciilor Xbox -> Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia (Nu Serbia, nu Ucraina, nu Bosnia, etc).

    Stiu, sunt obsedat, dar sunt un obsedat analitic
    Attached Images Attached Images currency.png

  9. #1169 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    De optimizarea The Matrix Awakens tech demo s-a ocupat The Coalition:
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    One of those partners was The Coalition, the studio behind the Gears series, who have been working with Unreal Engine for many years now. With that experience under their collective belt, the team set out to support development of the project.

    While Epic created the demo, The Coalition got involved helping to refine and optimize their vision, having previously worked with Epic on UE4 support for Xbox Series X.

    When Epic reached out in 2021, The Coalition had been working with Unreal Engine 5 “Early Access” for almost a year.

    So what exactly did the team at The Coalition do? A primary focus for them was on memory and performance optimizations to fully take advantage of both Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. Because the experience features an incredibly large and dense world with a staggering amount of content, the first step was working on memory optimization. In that area, they worked with Epic to ensure the assets in the demo were set up to fully leverage virtual texture streaming and nanite wherever possible and tuned internal memory systems, especially on Xbox Series S, to ensure it all fit in the memory.

    On the performance optimizations side, the teams made some threading improvements to improve utilization of the CPU cores. They also made some Xbox Raytracing optimizations, resulting in performance wins of about 0.5ms. Finally, they enabled Vertical Sync tuning to ensure a stable FPS throughout the experience.

    With this focus, the Xbox Series S version shipped with all the same UE5 features enabled as Xbox Series X (albeit with different quality) including but not limited to raytraced reflections and raytraced shadows. Regardless of which platform you experience it on, you’re in for a visual treat.
    How The Coalition Worked with Epic to Bring The Matrix Awakens to Life on Xbox Series X|S - Xbox Wire
    Epic Games Art Director & The Coalition Technical Director:

    Full demo:
    Attached Images Attached Images launch_dash_1920x1080-logo_jpg.jpg 02_screenshot_3840x2160_legal.jpg

  10. #1170 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ce articol facut pe genunchi care nu spune absolut nimic concret, desi este destul de lung

    Au facut aia... ca sa mearga pe ala cu limitarile de memorie, au activat si pe S aceleasi chestii... dar stai ca de fapt sunt lower settings - e o retorica prin care de fapt nu spun nimic concret

    "they enabled vertical sync tuning" vertical sync tuning what?
    Ruleaza la 20-30 fps, nush ce vertical sync sa pui acolo... si la ce sa faci tuning

  11. #1171 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Microsoft nu are suficiente console asa ca se vor folosi si dev kits la Halo Championship Series:
    Attached Images Attached Images fg7vw9uxwaaewvs.jpg

  12. #1172 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Microsoft to acquire Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion!

  13. #1173 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar

    Microsoft cumpara Activision - Blizzard - King

    Sa vedem daca accepta Activision.

  14. #1174 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    As zice ca-i deja done deal, din moment ce a postat Microsoft.

    Ciudat este pretul, muuuult prea mare pentru o astfel de achizitie, asa ca ori e greseala si au luat toti acea greseala de ~70 miliarde, ori e altceva ciudat rau la mijloc.

    Ei au un profit de maxim 2 miliarde pe an (in toate 3 segmentele - Activision, Blizzard si King), deci ar scoate banii astia in 20-30 de ani.

  15. #1175 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar
    Poate i-au cumparat pentru Candy Crush ))

  16. #1176 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Face COD exclusiv? lol

  17. #1177 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    100% nu vor face nimic exclusiv din astea. Nu au de ce. Ei nu sunt Sony, sa-si taie singuri craca de sub picioare.
    Gandeste-te numa cati extra bani au facut cu Minecraft si cat ar fi pierdut daca-l faceau exclusiv.

    Aici sigur nu se pune problema de asa ceva. Intentiile sunt altele si cel mai probabil, legate de metaverse.

    The acquisition also bolsters Microsoft’s Game Pass portfolio with plans to launch Activision Blizzard games into Game Pass, which has reached a new milestone of over 25 million subscribers. With Activision Blizzard’s nearly 400 million monthly active players in 190 countries and three billion-dollar franchises, this acquisition will make Game Pass one of the most compelling and diverse lineups of gaming content in the industry.
    Uite un super motiv - pt cei 400 mil, care sunt mai mult decat dublu cat e audienta Xbox + Minecraft.

    "I wonder how Playstation will fight back, if they even can."

  18. #1178 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  19. #1179 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Inca un update din partea Microsoft, un nou account de twitter numit Microsoft Gaming a fost deschis in Ianuarie 2022.

    Everything gaming at @Microsoft. Home of @Xbox, Xbox Game Studios, @Bethesda, @XboxGamePass, and gaming on @Windows.

    Haideti, animalelor, haideti ca Microsoft Store aveti deja in RON, redenumiti dracului odata tot si faceti link sub o singura umbrela pentru tot ce numiti gaming si sa terminam odata cu noaptea vesnica a tampeniei infinite.

  20. #1180 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pai s-au schimbat odata cu marea achizitie si tot atunci a fost Phill numit CEO la Microsoft Gaming.
    Acum este o singura entitate, cea noua.

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