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Thread: Clubul Retro - Arcade

  1. #481 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    LEGO Nintendo Entertainment System:

  2. #482 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SNK MVSX (Multi Video System)
    50 legendary NEOGEO titles preinstalled in MVSX

    The MVSX Home Arcade will include 50 legendary and popular titles from various NEOGEO Series such as THE KING OF FIGHTERS, FATAL FURY, SAMURAI SHODOWN and METAL SLUG.

    Remake the classic NEOGEO MVS cabinet with 17 inch display

    The design of the MVSX Home Arcade is based on the nostalgic NEOGEO MVS arcade and will feature 2 sets of joysticks and buttons, stereo speakers and an 17 inch display. Enjoy all the classic arcade games with your friends again!

    The size and panel fits perfectly for 2 players

    The size and panel is perfect for 2 players but is not too big (W15 in X D 17 in X H25 in) as it uses the classic MVS joystick and button configuration.
    Both MVS and AES modes supported in MVSX

    There is a AES/MVS mode switch in the settings menu that allows you to play either the arcade or home versions of each game.

    Game image pixel to pixel scale and scan line support

    The MVSX has a 1280x1024 LCD screen, and we have pixel to pixel scale to remake the perfect pixel style game image, and we also support scan line to emulate the old CRT image.

    To make a full size arcade with a MVS style base

    We have a standalone MVS style base for the MVSX Home Arcade. The height is 32 inches making the attached unit and base a nearly 5 foot tall arcade unit.
    Lista de jocuri:
    1.The King Of Fighters '94 / 2.The King Of Fighters '95 / 3.The King Of Fighters '96 / 4.The King Of Fighters '97 / 5.The King Of Fighters '98 / 6.The King Of Fighters '99 / 7.The King Of Fighters 2000 / 8.The King Of Fighters 2001 / 9.The King Of Fighters 2002 / 10.The King Of Fighters 2003

    1.Metal Slug / 2.Metal Slug 2 / 3.Metal Slug 3 / 4.Metal Slug 4 / 5.Metal Slug 5 / 6.Metal Slug X

    1.Samurai Shodown /2.Samurai Shodown II / 3.Samurai Shodown III / 4.Samurai Shodown IV / 5.Samurai Shodown V / 6.Samurai Shodown V Special

    1.Fatal Fury / 2.Fatal Fury 2 / 3.Fatal Fury 3 / 4.Fatal Fury Special / 5.Real Bout Fatal Fury / 6.Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / 7.Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 / 8.Garou: Mark Of The Wolves

    1.World Heroes / 2.World Heroes 2 / 3.World Heroes 2 Jet /4.World Heroes Perfect / 5.Art Of Fighting / 6.Art Of Fighting 3

    1.Sengoku / 2.Sengoku 2 / 3.Sengoku 3 / 4.Savage Reign / 5.Magician Lord /6.The Last Blade / 7.The Last Blade 2 / 8.Kizuna Encounter /9.Shock Troopers

    1.Super Sidekicks / 2.Top Player’s Golf /3.3 Count Bout / 4.Baseball Stars Professional / 5.Football Frenzy
    Attached Images Attached Images figure-1_b.png figure-2_b.png figure-5_b.png figure-6_b.png figure-7_b.png

  3. #483 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Au mai ramas cateva ore pana la super documentarul: #ConsoleWars vi-l recomand cu drag, indiferent cum faceti rost de el...just WATCH IT! #CBS

  4. #484 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Un top excelent <3 TOP 20 Arcade Games of 1995

  5. #485 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Hidden Gems no Arcade || TROldSchool Collections

  6. #486 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  7. #487 SP
    Junior Member adrianpopa9's Avatar
    Mai e cineva pe aici care sa mai aiba casete pentru jocurile terminator 2 si sega mega drive ?

  8. #488 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Cauta sau pune un anunt aici: Bazar Retro: Jocuri Console.

  9. #489 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  10. #490 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Ray-tracing pe SNES:

  11. #491 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  12. #492 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Ask Iwata is a Delight - REVIEW (Book)

  13. #493 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Donkey Kong and the Rise and Fall of the Classic Arcade - Timeless Games

  14. #494 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Piepacker
    Piepacker is a new multiplayer gaming platform to play retro games with friends on your web browser. It comes with a constantly growing pre-built catalogue of more than 60 awesome retro games from the NES to the PlayStation 1. To make the online living room experience complete, we included a video chat to see and talk to the people you are playing with:
    • Users create an account and play multiplayer retro games online
    • No installation required, directly in your Chrome browser.
    • Use our magic URLs: share the room link with friends, they click, you play together. Your friends don't even need an account.
    • Integrated video chat with game-themed AR 3D masks
    • 60+ licensed retro games pre-installed & ready to play!! From the NES to PS1.
    • ...or bring your own games digitally (ROM) [for Premium Members] or physically, thanks to our proprietary cartridge reader: the PieReader.
    This exclusive and pro-pie-tary accessory to our platform will be available with 3 system adapters to import your own cartridges (All versions supported: PAL/JAP/US) directly to the multiplayer world of Piepacker. It currently supports :
    • NES (not Famicom)
    • Super NES
    • SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis

  15. #495 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Evercade VS announcement trailer:

    Quote Originally Posted by
    The Evercade VS will be available to pre-order from May 28, with a price tag starting at $99.99 (£89.99/€99.99).

    The cartridge-based system will support up to four players locally via USB controllers. Two proprietary controllers will be included in the box, but the console will also support third-party options including the Xbox Adaptive Controller.

    In terms of software, the Evercade VS will support cartridges previously released by Blaze Entertainment for its handheld console -- the Evercade Handheld, which launched in 2020. The library of over 260 games is spread across 20+ cartridges and includes titles such as Asteroids, Burger Time, Double Dragon, and Earthworm Jim.

    The system will allow for two cartridges to be used at the same time, meaning players will be able to access up to 40 games from the home menu without having to swap cartridges.

    The cartridges all include save and load states, meaning games can be swapped between the Evercade Handheld and VS without losing progress.
    Blaze Entertainment announces home gaming console |
    Attached Images Attached Images evercade_vs_console_image_01.jpg

  16. #496 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Why We Buy Retro Video Games

  17. #497 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Egret II Mini: EGRETⅡ mini | 株式会社タイトー.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge
    [...] Appropriately enough, that feature is present on the Egret II Mini, which has a 5-inch 4:3 LCD that can be played in either orientation.

    The Egret II Mini’s primary controls include six primary buttons and an arcade-style microswitched stick that can be adjusted from four to eight directions depending on the game. There’s also an optional expansion controller that includes a paddle input for games like Arkanoid, as well as a trackball for the likes of Cameltry.

    Here’s what the controller looks like. It’s 240 x 100 x 48mm, so it looks pretty substantial — somewhere between a traditional gamepad and fighting stick in size.

    Taito is also selling a gamepad and an additional arcade stick as optional extras:

    There’ll be 40 games preloaded on the cabinet itself, and the expansion controller also includes an SD card with ten games that use the paddle or trackball. Here’s the list of titles that have been confirmed so far:

    - Space Invaders
    - Lunar Rescue
    - Qix
    - Elevator Action
    - Chack’n Pop
    - Bubble Bobble
    - Rastan Saga
    - Rainbow Islands Extra
    - New Zealand Story
    - Don Doko Don
    - Violence Fight
    - Cadash
    - Liquid Kids
    - Metal Black
    - Kaiser Knuckle

    The paddle/trackball games so far confirmed for the bundled SD card include:
    - Strike Bowling
    - Arkanoid
    - Plump Pop
    - Syvalion
    - Cameltry
    - Arkanoid Returns

    Beyond the SD card slot, the Egret II Mini also has a USB-C port for power, two USB-A ports for controllers, an HDMI port for TV output, and a headphone jack.

    The Egret II Mini could get pretty expensive depending how big of a Taito fan you are. The cabinet itself costs 18,678 yen (~$170), the expansion controller is 12,078 yen ($110), the extra arcade stick is 8,778 yen ($80), and the gamepad is $3,278 yen ($30). There’s also a 49,478-yen ($450) limited bundle that includes everything plus some extras like soundtrack CDs, and a 32,978-yen ($300) bundle that excludes the arcade stick and the gamepad.

    At least there’s time to save up your yen — the Egret II Mini won’t ship until March 2nd 2022.
    Taito announces mini arcade cabinet with rotating screen and trackball - The Verge
    Attached Images Attached Images cabinet.png taito1.jpg taito2.jpg taito3.jpg

  18. #498 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Visual Pinball Collections || 5 Recreations +1 Original for Virtual Pinball

  19. #499 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Cute Easter egg in the new subway train in Stockholm
    Fabiano Souza on Twitter
    Attached Images Attached Images e7julzaxsaabvpr.jpg

  20. #500 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Piczle Puzzle & Watch Collection announcement trailer

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoreStudiosJapan
    Coming July 29, 2021!

    Three retro handheld puzzle games in one cool classic collection.

    This is the Piczle Puzzle & Watch Collection, a love-letter to the days of LCD handheld gaming! Play one of three logic-puzzles designed to look like those pioneering handheld gaming devices of yore.

    Piczle Cross
    Choose from over 200 10x10 nonograms to play. Game A requires you to clear them making fewer than 3 mistakes. Game B let's you puzzle as you please. Your fastest time for each puzzle is recorded.

    Piczle Pattern
    Turn every square in a grid black following a cross pattern. Start with a blank slate and record your fewest moves, or start from a randomly generated grid.

    Piczle Loops
    72 logic-puzzles that require you to draw an uninterrupted looping line on a grid following the clues. Game A offers 36 puzzles from easy to moderatem, Game B another 36 from moderate to hard.

    Lovingly unbox your games. Take a close look at every nook and cranny of the devices, the packaging and the included materials. Read the manual, like in the good old days! Don't press on the glass, it might damage the liquid crystal! Use the controllers or press

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