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Thread: Clubul PlayStation TV - PS TV

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Lightbulb Clubul PlayStation TV - PS TV

    Well, conform de acum avem inca un device de la Sony. Inca nu stiu daca se va integra cel mai bine in threadul de PSVita sau ar fi mai bine sa stea in threadul de PS4, insa asteptam mai multe detalii despre jucarie. Mie mi se pare o idee excelenta a celor de la Sony. Un concurent ieftin pentru Apple TV, Chromecast si OUYA, care la 99 USD vine si cu un controller DualShock 3 inclus (suporta maxim 2 players).

    Practic pe un Vita TV oricine nu detine un PSV va putea juca orice joc de PSP, PSV, downloadable games... Sony spune ca ar fi peste 1300 de jocuri suportate din start. Inca nu avem data de lansare pentru US si UE, dar in Japonia acesta se va lansa pe 14 Noiembrie. Banuiesc ca pana de Craciun va fi si in UK.

    Mai jos aveti un filmulet de prezentare precum si comunicatul oficial de presa. Cum vi se pare?

    Easily Access Various Video and Gaming Content on Your Home TV
    With the PlayStation® Family’s New Entertainment System,
    Available in Japan on November 14 at 9,954 yen (Including Tax)

    Tokyo, September 9, 2013 – Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) today introduced PlayStation®Vita TV (PS Vita TV), a new entertainment system within the PlayStation® family that will allow users to easily access video services, games and various content on their TV at home. The new system adopts chip sets and system software of the PlayStation®Vita (PS Vita) portable entertainment system and its size is 6.5cm × 10.5cm, smallest of all PlayStation® platforms that connect to a TV. With PS Vita TV, users can comfortably enjoy various video services in high quality, including “TSUTAYA TV,” TSUTAYA’s video service with more than 40,000 contents new and old, “niconico,” delivering array of content including live broadcasts, and “Hulu,” an online video subscription service with unlimited access to movies, TVs and anime, by simply connecting the system to the network. In addition, more than 1,300 software titles for PS Vita as well as various network services for PS Vita and PlayStation®Plus membership service can be enjoyed on the system. SCE will deliver PlayStation® experience available on PS Vita TV through system software updates and by enriching the content, to existing PlayStation® fans, as well as those who have not experienced PlayStation® products.

    PS Vita TV will be available first in Japan prior to any other regions, on November 14, 2013, at a recommended retail price (RRP) of 9,954 yen (including tax). “PS Vita TV Value Pack” comes with Wireless Controller (DUALSHOCK®3) and 8 GB Memory Card, will also be available on the same day at 14,994 yen (including tax). Additionally, a promotional campaign will run at its launch in Japan, offering PlayStation®Plus 90 days free trial with every “PS Vita TV Value Pack” purchase.

    Main features of the PS Vita TV system are as follows:

     Various video services
    For the Japanese market, a variety of attractive video services will be available including “SKY PerfecTV! On-Demand,” “TBS THE WORLD HERITAGE SELECTION,” “,” “TV dogatch” and “U-NEXT” in addition to “TSUTAYA TV,” “niconico,” “Hulu” and video contents available on PlayStation®Store. SCE will continue to further broaden the video services available on PS Vita TV, delivering entertainment experiences only available on PlayStation®.

     Vast lineup of software titles
    PS Vita TV offers a vast lineup of 1,300 software titles*1 from PS Vita games, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) games and PlayStaion® games from PSOne classics, including all-time favorites to the latest blockbuster titles like DANGANRONPA1&2 Reload (SPIKE CHUNSOFT Co., Ltd.), GOD EATER 2 (NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc.) and SOUL SACRIFICE DELTA (Sony Computer Entertainment). Users will be able to enjoy all of these titles using the Wireless Controller (DUALSHOCK®3).

     PlayStation®4 (PS4™) remote play
    As with PS Vita, PS Vita TV will also support PS4™ remote play and Wireless Controller (DUALSHOCK®4) through future system software update*4. This will allow users to enjoy most of the PS4™ games on PS Vita TV as if they are playing it on the PS4™ system.

     Network Services
    In addition to the basic applications preinstalled on the system such as “Browser,” “Email” and “Party,” an application for voice chat and text chat, users will have access to various network service applications available for download including; Music Unlimited, a cloud-based digital music service, “,” *5 an Internet Protocol simulcast radio service, “Reader for PlayStation®Vita,” *5 an e-book application for reading books and comics, and “LiveTweet for PlayStation®Vita”*6 an application that allows users to easily find what information they want from Twitter*5. Further enhancing the entertainment experience, new services such as “JOYSOUND.TV (a tentative title),” a streaming karaoke service will also become available for the system.

     Quickly resume game play with Standby Mode
    Similar with PS Vita, users can put their PS Vita TV system in standby mode, temporarily saving the system status. With this feature, users will not have to turn off the system completely and can instantly resume their games from the point where they left off.
    Additionally, if a user owns a TV with CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) specification like BRAVIA™ Sync features*7, they can set it up to turn on automatically when the PS Vita TV power is turned on, allowing users to resume their game by a touch of a button.

     Smooth, quick and easy control
    PS Vita TV adopts PS Vita system software and user interface, allowing users to smoothly, quickly and easily operate the menu as well as applications and games using DUALSHOCK®3.

     Fun and Unique features of PS Vita TV

     PS Vita TV users can play games with PS Vita users via Ad Hoc mode. Those users who are not playing but in the same room can enjoy the televised game play that the PS Vita TV users are playing.

     Up to 2 DUALSHOCK®3 controllers can be connected to PS Vita TV, allowing users to enjoy multiplayer games from PS One classics titles.

     Videos stored within Memory Card or those videos being played on the “Browser” of the PS Vita system can easily be transferred to PS Vita TV to be viewed on the large TV screen. While being transferred, PS Vita can be used as a remote controller using the video player application.

     PS Vita TV will also support “nasne™,” a networked recorder and media storage device. Users will not only be able to enjoy content stored within the device but also back up their game data as well as save data on “nasne™” via the network*9.
    PS Vita TV will continuously evolve with future system software updates that further strengthen its features and services on PSNSM and PlayStation®Plus, as well as further promoting the connectivity with the PS4™ system.
    SCE will continuously expand the world of entertainment through PS Vita TV platform by further enhancing its services and features.

    PlayStation®Vita TV (PS Vita TV) Product Outline
    Product name: PlayStation®Vita TV (PS Vita TV)
    Color: White
    Product code: VTE-1000 AB01
    Release date: November 14, 2013
    Recommended retail price: 9,954 yen (including tax)
    External dimensions: Approx. 65.0 × 105.0 × 13.6 mm (length × height × thickness)
    Mass: Approx. 110g
    CPU: ARM® Cortex™-A9 core (4core)
    GPU: IMG SGX543MP4+
    Main slots and connectors
    ・PlayStation®Vita card slot
    ・Memory card slot
    ・USB connector (USB 2.0 Type A)
    ・HDMI output port (HDMI-CEC)
    ・LAN port (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX)
    Wireless communication
    ・IEEE 802.11b/g/n (n=1×1) (Wi-Fi)
    ・Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR (A2DP,AVRCP,HSP,HID)
    Internal memory card: 1GB
    AV output: 720p, 1080i, 480p
    Sound output: LPCM 2ch
    Power: AC adaptor: DC 5V
    Maximum rated power consumption: Approx. 2.8W
    ・PlayStation®Vita TV × 1
    ・HDMI cable × 1
    ・AC adaptor × 1
    ・Power cord × 1
    ・Printed materials × 1
    * DUALSHOCK®3 Wireless Controller is required to enjoy this product.
    * The internal memory card contains space that is available for users and space that is reserved for the system, therefore the actual space that is free for users is smaller than the total space stated in this document.
    * Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.

    PlayStation®Vita TV Value Pack
    Product name: PlayStation®Vita TV (PS Vita TV) Value Pack
    Product code: VTE-1000 AA01
    Release date: November 14, 2013
    Recommended retail price: 14,994 yen (including tax)
    ・PlayStation®Vita TV × 1
    ・HDMI cable × 1
    ・AC adaptor × 1
    ・Power cord × 1
    Attached Images Attached Images psvtv.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Ca sa va faceti o idee de marimea sa, am prins o mica "reclama" pe PlayStation Japan
    Attached Images Attached Images vita_tv_size.jpg

  3. #3 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Un concurent ieftin pentru Apple TV, Chromecast si OUYA, care la 99 USD vine si cu un controller DualShock 3 inclus (suporta maxim 2 players).
    Pachet Standard - $100
    - PS Vita TV
    - cablu HDMI
    - power adapter
    - power cord
    - manuals

    Value Pack - $150
    - PS Vita TV
    - cablu HDMI
    - controller DualShock 3
    - PS Vita memory card 8 GB
    - USB cable
    - power adapter
    - power cord
    - manuals

  4. #4 SP
    Member Mechatronick's Avatar
    Deci nu am nevoie de un vita ca sa-l folosesc ?
    Wow, uimitor atunci, cu toate jocurile de vita luate de la plus!

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mechatronick View Post
    Deci nu am nevoie de un vita ca sa-l folosesc ?
    Wow, uimitor atunci, cu toate jocurile de vita luate de la plus!
    Teoretic da, in afara de cele care se bazeaza pe touchscreen, backtouch, motion controls si camera.

  7. #7 SP
    Member BlackSnake's Avatar
    Am gasit lista de jocuri care merg pe ps vita tv:
    Google Translate

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    in momentul in care se va lansa PS4, Vita TV ca dobandi suport pentru DS4 si implicit pentru touch, iar atunci vom putea juca mai toate jocurile disponibile pentru PS Vita.

    ---------- Post added 10-09-2013 at 00:51 ----------

    si sa nu uit, mai mult ca sigur va suporta si pairing cu un headset bluetooth, deci vom avea si microfon. mai ramane sa ne dea Sony suport pentru PS Eye de PS3 si e dotat aproape complet (mai lipseste compasul de pe Vita dar nu cred ca se impiedica multe titluri de chesta asta).

  9. #9 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    At the moment the Vita-powered microconsole is already sold out on Amazon Japan in both its incarnations (stand alone and value pack including a DualShock 3 controller and an 8 GB memory card).
    PlayStation Vita TV Already Sold Out on Amazon Japan | DualShockers

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    Traducatorul este

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member iPaul's Avatar

  12. #12 SP
    Member flightcrank's Avatar

  13. #13 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu chiar nu inteleg de ce nu l-au facut cu DS4... si aveau si touchpad si gata... problem solved!

  14. #14 SP
    Member szabi90's Avatar
    Cele mai tari jocuri nu merg , deci nu ma intereseaza

  15. #15 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Last week, Sony released the PlayStation 4 in the Western world, but that wasn't the only PlayStation console to make its debut in stores. Japanese consumers this past week saw the release of Sony's new micro-console, the PlayStation Vita TV.

  16. #16 SP
    Junior Member razzv's Avatar
    Nu ma intereseaza atat de mult pt jocurile de Vita, cat ma intereseaza pentru faptul ca pot schimba camera cand ma joc pe PS4. GENIAL!

  17. #17 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Bun asa, a iesit patch-ul si pentru Killzone Mercenary. In curand urmeaza si support pt DS4.

    Sa speram ca o sa avem in curand o data de lansare si pentru EU\US.

  18. #18 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Vad ca deja a aparut la preorder PlayStation TV si la Altex: PlayStation TV - 439.90 RON - disponibil din 14.11.2014.
    Attached Images Attached Images playstation_tv_1.jpg playstation_tv_2.jpg playstation_tv_3.jpg playstation_tv_4.jpg playstation_tv_5.jpg playstation_tv_6.jpg

  19. #19 SP
    Member braingrinder's Avatar
    Ce este mai exact acest device ? O alta consola de la Sony ? Cheers !

  20. #20 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Well, conform de acum avem inca un device de la Sony. Inca nu stiu daca se va integra cel mai bine in threadul de PSVita sau ar fi mai bine sa stea in threadul de PS4, insa asteptam mai multe detalii despre jucarie. Mie mi se pare o idee excelenta a celor de la Sony. Un concurent ieftin pentru Apple TV, Chromecast si OUYA, care la 99 USD vine si cu un controller DualShock 3 inclus (suporta maxim 2 players).

    Practic pe un Vita TV oricine nu detine un PSV va putea juca orice joc de PSP, PSV, downloadable games... Sony spune ca ar fi peste 1300 de jocuri suportate din start. Inca nu avem data de lansare pentru US si UE, dar in Japonia acesta se va lansa pe 14 Noiembrie. Banuiesc ca pana de Craciun va fi si in UK.

    Mai jos aveti un filmulet de prezentare precum si comunicatul oficial de presa. Cum vi se pare?

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