Are you for real?
Niste videouri din ultima perioada:
Crota's End Raid: Flawless Raider Trophy (Ending)
Crota's End Hard Raid: Final Boss (First Time)
Crucible: Rumble (Mark of the Unbroken + Sum of All Tears)
Crucible: Rumble (Sum of All Tears)
Leak HoW
House of Wolves release date: 19 Mai
New light level cap: 39
Nu ştiu ce ţi-se pare ţie amuzant, am văzut clipul despre care vb. şi tipul asta, vb. totuşi de un puşti de 11 ani nu de o persoană de 30, iar partea cu trişatul bate câmpii rău de tot, întreg jocul este de *** când vb. glichuri, să îl repare şi atunci lumea nu o să mai triseze, e trist dacă asta este reacţia ta. Ai grijă, karma is a bitch.
Nu este trist deloc, nu ai inteles nimic. Eu m-am amuzat de cum face omu' in videoclip, chiar mi se pare funny.
Nu ma intereseaza deloc ce a patit kidu', dar cum ziceai si tu: karma is a bitch, data viitoare sa-si vada de treaba lui, nu sa caute glitch and sh!t.
Da, scuză-mă, mi-e greu să înţeleg toţi maimuţoi de pe youtube care nu au altceva de făcut.
Iar partea de glich, eu am impresia că tu nu ai înţeles jocul asta, îl joc de când s-a lansat, am 2 conturi pt. că am trecut la ro. şi a trebuit să o i-au de la capăt, am făcut până acum 5 caractere şi mai trebuie să mai fac 2 pt. platină. De când îl joc nu a picat niciodată Gjallahornul, o singura dată am glichuit Crota şi pică Gjallahornul, la fel şi la nightall, intră unul sub level şi la fel îi pică, sistemul de reward la acest joc este cel mai handicapat din câte am văzut, ideea este că dacă joci pe bune îţi dă Bungie la numu, dacă faci glich îţi dă ce trebuie, k.k.t de joc, singurul lucru bun în el este partea de co-op.
Ce aduce noul update pentru Destiny? Well... a lot, i would say:
1.1.1 : The one about Weapon Rebalance
Destiny Update 1.1.1 brings you a round of weapon balancing, perk fixes (including the heavy ammo fix), and other issues.
For a detailed review of weapon changes, head over to Destiny Weapon Tuning.
Fixed an issue in which armor with perks that increase ammunition carrying capacity resulted in ammunition loss upon respawn
Decreased over-penetration value for weapons with armor piercing perks
Fixed an issue where items from the PS3/360 Destiny demo were using old power values. They have been adjusted to regular levels
Song of Ir Yut weapon tooltip now advertises the correct magazine size
Shoot to Loot: Two-second cooldown added to perk to prevent extra ammunition gains while ammunition bricks despawn
Dark Breaker perk will now correctly damage Hive Shriekers
Snap Discharge will now increase attack speed as per the description
Thunderer perk now has priority on the 4th Horseman tooltip
Full Auto: Fixed issues in which the weapon perk stopped working while the trigger was being held down
Auto Rifles
Reduced base damage of Auto Rifles by 2.5%
Reduced effective range values
Pulse Rifles
Increased base damage of Pulse Rifles by 9.7%
Hand Cannons
Slightly reduced effective range
Slightly reduced initial accuracy
Fusion Rifles
Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
Increased damage against all non-Guardian combatants by 2x (100% increase)
Reduced high-end range values
Damage falloff starts sooner
Reduced starting ammunition in PVP
Weekly Heroic Strike now is a matchmade activity
Strikes will be less likely to repeat in Matchmaking rotations for full Fireteams
Players will now unlock all playlists (Control, Clash, Rumble, Skirmish) simultaneously when unlocking the Crucible.
Added a new notification when Crucible modes unlock
Crucible maps will be less likely to repeat in Matchmaking rotations for full Fireteams
Guardians no longer drop heavy ammunition when killed in PvP
Guardians now drop much less special ammunition when killed in PvP
Completed matches will now award gear with the proper power level
Fixed a bug where there was no audio playing for the bullet that kills them
Event: Iron Banner
Iron Banner playlist now contains smaller maps in rotation
"Focused Aggression" Bounty can now be completed with headshots from Pulse Rifles, Scout Rifles, and Hand Cannons
Fixed an issue in which Xur did not carry exotic engrams in inventory on certain dates
Crota’s End completion emblem will now be sent to the Postmaster when player inventory is full
Ammunition consumables will now work if used when player inventory is full
Fixed issues that prevented qualifying players who had deleted their characters from claiming the Tumbler Sparrow from Tess Everis in Tower
User Interface
Character inventory screen now displays faction reputation and weekly mark counters
Players in public spaces will no longer see voice notifications when a player in a matchmade fireteam enter
Players will now see improved notifications when teammates join and depart Team and Fireteam chat channels
Combined Arms Grimoire cards will now unlock when completing a Clash or Control game
House of Wolves card will now unlock upon the start of Ishtar Collective story mission
Guardian Abilities card will be granted when a player enters orbit
Siege Dancers card will be granted upon the start of the Dust Palace Strike
Completing Crota's End now adds to the Raid Introduction Grimoire card's Completed statistic
Ir Yut grimoire card will now unlock appropriately
Siege of the Warmind card will now unlock appropriately
Fixed Grimoire scores for the following cards:
Omnigul, Will of Crota
Ir Yut, the Deathsinger
Crota, Son of Oryx
The Wakening
The Will of Crota
Crotas End
Ascendant Sword
The Cauldron
Might of Crota
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin
Ghost Fragment: Rasputin 2
Ghost Fragment: Hive 4
DLC and Patch systems have been improved
Xbox One upsell from trial version to full version no longer makes you leave the game
Improved networking resilience to packet reordering
Networking improvements for certain routers
Bug was introduced in 1.1.1 patch that caused the Vex Mythoclast to spawn with less ammo in the magazine and reserves in PvP
This weapon was affected by overall Fusion Rifle changes because it is treated as a secondary weapon
We intend to correct this issue in a future release
Yey, gata cu pierdutul timpului schimbând item-uri între personaje.
Destiny's companion app just got a lot more useful, thanks to Vault transfers | Polygon
E cineva care nu a facut nightfall-ul de saptamana asta si e dispus sa-l faca weekendul asta?