Până lansează remake-ul poate mai scurtați așteptarea cu versiunea asta
Over on Square Enix’s official North American website, the page for the upcoming PS4 port of the original Final Fantasy VII, originally announced during last December’s PlayStation Experience event, has been updated with a release date of October 16th, 2015. The price for the PS4 port is set at $15.99 on PSN.
The PS4 version of the game will largely be based on the PC port of Final Fantasy VII, which will also include achievements and capabilities to save game progress to cloud storage.
Final Fantasy VII‘s latest port will arrive for PS4 on October 16th, 2015.
Vrăjeală de doi lei
Final Fantasy 7 remake is episodic
Otherwise "we'd have to cut some parts".
Cu un ochi rad, cu unul plang. Adicatalea ma bucur de remake (arata sublim), ma bucur ca exista posibilitatea de a extinde jocul (cu zone noi, chiar si episodice), dar pe de alta parte sunt suparat ca incepe si Square Enix cu chestiile episodice... eventual cu pay to play si alte prostioare.
Trailer nou. Inca nu avem o data de lansare, dar aflam mai multe in iunie, probabil la E3.
Momentan arata f bine.
During E3 2019, Square Enix officially announced the details for the special editions of Final Fantasy VII Remake that will be available when the game arrives early next year.
Aside from the standard edition of the game ($59.99), Square Enix will also be offering the Deluxe Edition of Final Fantasy VII Remake, which will retail for $79.99. The Deluxe Edition will offer a hardcover art book with concept art from the game, a mini-soundtrack CD, a Cactuar Summon Materia DLC, and a special SteelBook case featuring the one and only Sephiroth.
Square Enix also revealed a second special edition of the game called the 1st Class Edition for Final Fantasy VII Remake, which includes all of the content of the Deluxe Edition alongside a Play Arts Kai-made Cloud Strife statue alongside his bike and Buster Sword. The 1st Class Edition is a whopping $329.99 and is exclusive to the Square Enix Store, but appears to be the ultimate edition of the long-awaited remake for Final Fantasy fans.
Square also noted that all pre-orders of Final Fantasy VII Remake (across any version) will also receive a special Chocobo Chick Summon Materia DLC with the game’s launch next year. Pre-orders of the digital release for the game from PlayStation Store will also include a PS4 dynamic theme featuring Cloud & Strife.
Final Fantasy VII Remake Box Art Revealed – PlayStation.BlogOriginally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
Demo out now on US PS store
Enjoy the first chapter of FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE─the iconic Mako Reactor 1 bombing mission─with this demo version.
- Progress cannot be carried over into the retail version of the game.
- Content may differ from that of the retail version.
Sunt curios daca si ei au avut acces la acelasi demo. Astept sa ajung acasa ca sa-l pun si sa-mi prind putin urechile in el
Jocul? Sau demo-ul?
Jocul au zis ca-i exlusiv 1 an. Vedem in aprilie 2021 daca iese si pe Xbox/PC.