offtopic: Caut de cateva zile jocul si nu il gasesc cam pe nicaieri. Daca sunt colegi de forum care l-au terminat si doresc sa il vanda as fi foarte interesat. Va rog contactati-ma prin PM.
Scuze de off, dar am cautat pe bazar fara succes.
offtopic: Caut de cateva zile jocul si nu il gasesc cam pe nicaieri. Daca sunt colegi de forum care l-au terminat si doresc sa il vanda as fi foarte interesat. Va rog contactati-ma prin PM.
Scuze de off, dar am cautat pe bazar fara succes.
So? L-ai luat? L-ai jucat? Cum ti se pare?
Mie nu prea mi-a placut Fable 2, doar muzica din menuinsa de Fable 3 m-am indragostit din prima secunda
, e superb din toate punctele de vedere imo. They nailed it ! I'm playing it like crazy...
Lol dude,ce ai fumat zilele astea?lol,Fable 3 its like the ultimate chick&kids game
L.E. don't shoot![]()
L-am luat inainte de Craciun de pe un site obscur de la noi la un pret exorbitant. Din pacate erau singurii care il aveau...
Jocul mi-a placut fff mult, atmosfera e extraordinara, alegerile pe care trebuie sa le faca eroul de-a lungul aventurii sunt extrem de dificile - la unele am stat cu minutele sa ma gandesc inainte de-a lua o decizie.Artwork superb, sunet de calitate, voice acting top-notch.
Singurul minus sunt marile scaderi de framerate care m-au disperat. Se pare ca n-au invatat prea multe din problemele partii a 2-a.
want a fresh one?
This egg takes a bit longer to get to but its worth seeing. In Fable 3 in the mission Crime & Punishment, Nigel is at it again and you must find him. As you follow the path moving in one direction go to the first door on your right. You will notice a silver key but before that go another right and into the small open space between the crates and the wall continue to follow it until you see the cake on the table. If you notice their is a man bowing to a crate but if you zoom in with your gun you will notice a heart on it. Companion cube. =D
The Cake Is A Lie?lol
Fable III Traitor�s Keep game add-on � Available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace for 560 Microsoft Points on March 1, the Traitor�s Keep game add-on continues the journey as fans venture into three new levels called Ravenscar Keep, Clockwork Island, and the Godwin Estate, taking on new quests and encountering a mysterious prisoner. Traitor�s Keep also comes packed with 250 gamerscore points and additional content.Gears of War 3 Beta update and much more just announced - Xbox Live's Major NelsonFable III for Windows � Launching in the US on May 17, Fable II for Windows takes gamers back to Albion for the next installment of the beloved Fable franchise. Players can take advantage of the same great action found on the console game as well as a full 3-D functionality made possible by NVIDIA technology and a PC-exclusive hardcore mode which offers a higher level of difficulty.
Molyneux admits Fable 3 wasn't 'all he dreamed it would be' | Joystiq
...zise omul care promitea ca Fable 3 va fi RPG-ul perfect![]()
eu am terminat fable 2 de vreo 4 ori.....din ce in ce mai interesant...acum astept fable 3.....x...
sper sa fie mai interesant decat fable 2
Adevarat. Ne lovim de marea problema "This item isn't available from your current location." . Eu am cont pe UK. Idei cineva?
Se pare că nu este o eroare, Fable 3 va fi gratuit toată luna iunie pentru cei care au Gold. Folosiți orice fel de VPN de UK dacă aveți contul pe acea regiune.![]()
In fiecare luna cei care au gold vor beneficia de 2 jocuri gratis. Luna viitoare, daca bine am retinut, urmeaza Assassin's Creed II si inca unu (s-a zis aseara la E3).
Halo 3 este în a doua jumătate a lunii iulie.
Dar cred că cel mai important aspect, sper că am înțeles bine aseară, vor rămâne ale tale. Adică dacă nu mai ai abonament gold, tot le vei putea juca.![]()
Până pe 31.12.2013 de fapt.
Un joc va fi valabil în primele două săptămâni ale lunii, iar al doilea joc în ultimele două săptămâni.
Terms & Conditions: *“Games with Gold” bonus games offer available 6/10/13-12/31/13 for paid Gold members only. Each participating Xbox 360 game (selected by Xbox) available for download from Marketplace only during specified half-month window; available games may vary by country. Kinect and/or hard drive required for some games. Offer available in all Xbox Live countries while supplies last, is non-transferable, not redeemable for cash, and cannot be combined with any other rebate or offer. Taxes, if any, are the sole responsibility of the recipient.