PS3DOOM v0.01 Released
It's a common tradition that when a new console gets hacked, someone will inevitably port Doom to it. The PS3 continues that tradition, courtesy of PSX-Scene member, xtaateli. The port is early in development, but this release is still very playable. Currently, a few things such as resolution and controls are hardcoded, so you can't adjust them. Also there's is currently no sound. However, these issues will be fixed in future revisions.
Salve Don si mii de scuze daca revin cu o intrebare care probabil s-o mai fi pus pe undeva pe acest forum...
Vreau sa-mi iau un XBox 360 Slim (cu HD 250GB) care sa-l poti moda tu (mi-a mai modat un Wii acum cativa ani si inca il folosesc cu acum). Am inteles ca DOAR sistemele cu revizie 9504 se pot moda cu schimbarea de DVD-ROM. Poti sa-mi confirmi si sa-mi dai vreu un sfat? Raman dator...
PS3Splitter Released
As most of you already know, there is a 4GB file limitation imposed by FAT32 hard drives. When using an external hard drive and trying to copy certain games with large files, problems may occur.
PS3Splitter has come to the rescue, allowing users to break up large 4GB+ files into smaller files. This app will automatically scan for large files that require splitting. Making things easy for the user to get their games working on external hard drives.
The method currently supports Open Manager and Gaia Manager. Also make sure to install Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile before using PS3Splitter.
* Automatic scan of selected directory including sub directories for files larger than FAT32 max file size.
* File split is compatible with Open Manager & Gaia Manager methods.
* "Delete original file" as option.
* AutoUpdate as option.
* Aside from progress bar for file split operation there is additional progress bar showing total progress - helpful if processing more than one file.
* Total progress is also visible in taskbar under Windows 7.
* Parts file size is set to 1024 MB.
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Buna am si eu o intrebare,daca am facut update la dashboard nu ma mai pot juca nici un joc nou (ex.brotherhood,fable 3) pana nu apare fw LT+ ?
un mic update pentru stick-ul nostru si... donely... te pregatesti pentru precomenzi
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