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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 4

  1. #9701 SP
    Member Imperatore's Avatar
    De cand a aparut ps3 ul ne mint cu ultra mega fast network etc...sunt sigur ca au o infrastructura in domeniu neadaptata la cerinte si vremuri !

  2. #9702 SP
    Senior Member tudomih's Avatar
    Nu cred ca infrastructura nu este neadaptata, ci insuficienta. Cred ca japonezii nu se asteptau sa vanda atat de mult, si toata situatia asta i-a prins cu "pantalonii in vine". Poate ca si Live-ul de la xbox ar fi avut probleme asemanatoare daca in loc de 6 milioane de console, erau vreo 12 milioane.

  3. #9703 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    3.3 Million PS4 Sold in Q2 2014; Sony Posts a Loss While Game Division Soars articolul aici 3.3 Million PS4 Sold in Q2 2014; Sony Posts a Loss While Game Division Soars | DualShockers
    Sony just disclosed its financial results for the fiscal quarter between July 1st and September 30th 2014, showing solid results for the game division with an operating income of 200 million dollars. The company as a whole unfortunately posted a rather sizable oprating loss of 785 million dollars resulting in a net loss of 1.247 billion dollars.
    Despite that, sales were up 7.2% compared to the same period last year, even thanks to the strong performance of the PS4, that also determined a strong increase in income from network services.
    And the performance of Sony’s new console is indeed strong, with 3.3 million units shipped in the quarter, bringing the total up to a very flattering 13.5 million, making it the fastest selling console in its first fiscal year of sales.

    The breakdown specific to the games division underlines the strong performance of the PS4, matched by a predictable decline of PS3 sales for both hardware and software.
    Sales increased 83.2% year-on-year (a 74% increase on a constant currency basis) to 309.5 billion yen (2,839 million U.S. dollars). This significant increase was primarily due to the contribution from PS4 hardware sales, a significant increase in network services revenue related to the introduction of the PS4 and the contribution from PS4 software sales, partially offset by a decrease in PlayStation®3 (“PS3”) hardware and PS3 software sales.

    Operating income of 21.8 billion yen (200 million U.S. dollars) was recorded, compared to an operating loss of 4.2 billion yen in the same quarter of the previous fiscal year. This significant improvement was primarily due to the impact of the above-mentioned increase in sales related to the introduction of the PS4, partially offset by the impact of the above-mentioned decrease in PS3 software sales.

    Interestingly, during the quarter Sony sold 3.3 million PS4 within a total of 4.1 million home consoles, 0.7 million portables and 106 million software units. It’s worth mentioning that Sony listed PS4 unit sales separately this time around, something that the company didn’t do before in its financial documents.
    Separate numbers for PS4 sales were provided even for earlier fiscal periods, indicating the total shipments of the console sitting on a very comfortable 13.5 million.
    The forecast for annual unit sales for home consoles, portable consoles and software actually remains unchanged from the earlier prediction at 17 million, 3.5 million and 390 million respectively, even if the forecast for gross earnings and operating income has been raised to 1,290 billion yen and 35 billion yen from the previous prediction of 1,240 and 25 billion yen respectively. This is partly attributed to the strong performance of the PS4 and partly to the favorable impact of foreign exchange rates due to the depreciation of the yen.
    The forecast of 17 million home consoles in the while fiscal year might actually seem a tad on the conservative side, considering the holiday season and the flood of strong titles and exclusives coming around February.
    The company opted to leave the overall forecast for the whole fiscal year unchanged at 7,800 billion yen, with an operating loss of 40 billion yen, despite the fact that some analysts predicted a lower forecast to be announced today.

  4. #9704 SP
    Member blondutzu's Avatar
    actually Microsoft a intuit mai bine ce presupune next-genul - jocuri axate mai mult pe online si s-au pregatit in directia asta:
    Un articol random

    Tinand cont de ce jocuri apar parca always online-ul nu mai suna asa rau (stiu casunt egoist pentru ca avem net bun pe plaiurile noastre).

    Sony au dormit in ghete...

  5. #9705 SP
    Senior Member tudomih's Avatar
    Da, asa este. Oamenii de la Microsoft au fost mai "mintosi", s-au pregatit mai bine, dar au si de doua ori mai putin trafic fata de PSN, cel putin pe next-gen.

  6. #9706 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Wow, au ajuns la 13.5 milioane de unități vândute, nici ei nu știu de ce, cuvintele nu-mi apartin, parca asa spunea un boss de la ei

  7. #9707 SP
    Senior Member tudomih's Avatar
    Da, au vandut extrem de bine, cred ca pana la sfarsitul anului fac 15 milioane, tinand cont ca vin sarbatorile si asta e o perioada de cumparaturi.

  8. #9708 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    cum adaugi acum prieteni noi in lista ?!
    cu noul 2.0 au schimbat si asta, eu unul nu mai stiu cum sa adaug un id pt friends request..

  9. #9709 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Şi acum ce facem ? Ne rugăm să nu mai vândă console, poate aşa rămâne sistemul stabil, normal că sunt mai bine pregătiţi MS faţă de Sony, mie îmi pare defapt că cei de la Sony nu sunt pregătiţi deloc, fac update fw şi un nr de console fac crash, apoi aşteptăm alt update pt. ca altele să dea crash şi intrun final o să ne rugăm să nu mai facă update ca nu cumva să ne strice consola.

  10. #9710 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Vor sa ne strice consolele, sa cumparam apoi alte 13.5 milioane

  11. #9711 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by poiuyt View Post
    cum adaugi acum prieteni noi in lista ?!
    cu noul 2.0 au schimbat si asta, eu unul nu mai stiu cum sa adaug un id pt friends request..
    up !

    de pe consola te trimite pe aplicatia de pe telefon , insa pe telefon iti da sa adaugi cu text ,email sau link si de fapt nu poti sa scri id-ul si sa-l adaugi..practic nu faci nimic

    ---------- Post added 31-10-2014 at 11:56 ----------

    a gata..eram prea plopist, de pe lupa, parca tot asa era si inainte, dar de pe telefon nu mai poti adauga

  12. #9712 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    @poiuyt: Din aplicatia de pe telefon apesi pe More la sectiunea Friends, apoi pe bara unde scrie All, dai Search pentru a gasi id-ul, apesi pe profil si Send Friend Request.

  13. #9713 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    fir-ar sa fie de sageata ! aiurea au ascuns meniul ala de ochii mei

    merci ReNeGaDe , chiar ma seca treaba cu telefonu'..
    eu dadeam ca si pe consola, pe fata aia cu + si ma baga aiurea cu facebook sau email..


  14. #9714 SP
    Member cipvas's Avatar
    Aplicatia lu' peste si Youtube asta. Pana la urma a reusit cineva sa se logheze? M-am cam plictisit sa tot incerc.

  15. #9715 SP
    Member legokid220's Avatar
    eu tot incerc din prima zi .. tot nu merge sa te loghezi pe youtube.
    Se poate inregistra cumva vocea cand inregistrezi si un gameplay?

  16. #9716 SP
    Member dinamovistu's Avatar
    Eu am reusit aseara sa ma loghez. Am cont de US daca asta conteaza.

  17. #9717 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    Parca daca ai camera legokid.

  18. #9718 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Pentru cei care aveti probleme cu logarea pe YouTube incercati pasii urmatori:
    1. Urmati linkul cat timp sunteti logati pe contul de YouTube:
    2. Verificati daca apare PSN in lista de permisiuni.
    3. Revocati accesul pentru PSN.
    4. Logati-va din nou de pe PS4.

  19. #9719 SP
    Member vallio's Avatar
    Asa am patit si eu, la inceput nu puteam sa conectez am incercat de vreo 3 4 ori, apoi a picat PSN-ul am primit erori peste erori si surpriza cand a revenit PSN-ul eram logat in aplicatia de YT.Trebuie neaparat sa scoata un patch ceva.

  20. #9720 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Eu m-am logat fără probleme.

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