Ai de masa!!
Noi suntem uimiti de grafica din Infamous S.S, Killzone S.F, sau The Witcher 3....dar probabil The Order va fi maximul de grafica pentru anul 2014 (Uncharted nu va veni in 2014 , singurul care ii putea lua locul)
Pur si simplu asa cred, imi este greu sa cred ca va iesi anul asta, normal ca nu e imposibil, dar de obicei dureaza cel putin un an si jumatate din momentul in care este anuntat. Dar cum am mai spus, e posibil sa ma insel si sa ne faca o mare surpriza cei de la ND, cu o lansare in luna noiembrie (1 si 3 s-au lansat in luna noiembrie......2 in octombrie)
Parca a si declarat cineva de la ND ca nici o șansă sa apara U4 anul asta. Era un articol pe IGN.
Se referea la altceva. A revenit după publicarea articolului și a clarificat informația respectivă.
Sony says The Order 1886 is "coming later in the year", tying with previous Autumn release date | PS4 Games | Official PlayStation Magazine
Sony UK MD Fergal Gara has mentioned The Order 1886 as “coming later in the year” matching a previous Autumn release date suggested by tweets between Sony Santa Monica and Ready At Dawn.
The previous Autumn release date was inferred from tweets between Sony Santa Monica‘s director of technology Tim Moss and Ready At Dawn‘s founder Andrea Pessino.
At this morning’s PS Vita Slim announcement event Gara stated “we have The Order 1886 coming later in the year”, matching that Fall/Autumn date. He also mentions Driveclub sandwiched in-between the upcoming Infamous Second Son and Ready At Dawn’s shooter.
Azi va fi aratat doar pentru presa un gameplay de 40 de minute, sa speram ca scapa ceva si pentru noi. Chiar sunt curios cum arata.
Care masa, aia de Craciun?
ON: un link, ceva? Ma refer la sursa ştiriiCu asta am votat la cel mai asteptat joc din 2014
@Dant3: NeoGAF - View Single Post - The order 1886: 40 minutes gameplay presentation for the press tomorrow !
Tomorrow I'll watch a 40 minutes long presentation of the gameplay of the order 1886, and i will interview the developers. Soon the embargo!Hi everyone, long time I didn't write here
First of all, thanks to the guy that said "assholes" to the members of the press that do their job and describe what they have seen in an alpha stage ;D
Joking aside, I'm confident I can tell you the embargo date (or window) tomorrow, it's a common use to show a game first to the press, because they can understand (or not, sometimes) the potential of the game even if the game it's not finished and the gameplay shown has bugs and stuff like that.
The developer doesn't have to spend time to make a fancy video for us , plus there is usually a presentation explaining the main aspects of the game in detail with just slides .
Having said that, I will have a gameplay broll to make a long video preview for our readers (so other magazines) and I'm sure that Sony will release a couple of trailers before the embargo, one of them showing the gameplay
Last but not least, if you want me to ask some specific questions to the developers, send me a Tweet (@Tanzen) and I'll try to do my best during my interview slot.
Stay cool and let's see if the game lives up to the hype it created!
tare curios sunt ce stie jocul asta sa faca...spre surprinderea mea vad ca asteptarile de la el sunt mari si unora li se umezesc ochii cand vad vreo stire legata de acest joc si nu inteleg de ce, in sensul in care nu se stie mai nimic despre el (nu am vazut vreun tech/graphics show-off, sau vreun gameplay). Sau poate am fost eu prea dezamagit de jocurile care au starnit hype si au dezamagit cand au fost lansate...we'll wait and see
iti explic eu de cejocul e produs de:
1) Ready at Dawn Studios LLC is an American video game developer located in Irvine, California and is composed of former members of Naughty Dog and Blizzard Entertainment.[1] Formed in 2003, the company has primarily worked on games for the PlayStation Portable (PSP), most notably the Sony Computer Entertainment intellectual property God of War and Daxter.
2) Santa Monica
cred ca ti-am explicata da si foloseste un engine nou !
Peste 2 saptamani o sa fiu cam asa:The Order: 1886 Press Preview Embargo Ends on Feb 18
Embargo pana pe 18 la gameplay, inteleg dar nici macar pareri nu au voie sa lase publicului?
Pai pentru asta este embargoul. Isi vor spune parerea in previewuri ce vor fi lansate pe 18.
The Order: 1886 will have No multiplayer mode - Behind Games - Gaming NewsBehind Games – Gaming News
Ready At Dawn Talks About The Sophisticated Cover System In The Order: 1886 - iGame ResponsiblyOn a new interview by the German website with Ready at Dawn ‘s boss Ru Weerasuriya, Weerasuriya confirmed that the game is single player only with no multiplayer mode.
When he asked about the genre of the game he said:
The title is a third-person single player action game.
Apparently the level of destructibility is very precise in The Order: 1886. So much so that it’s not just about destroying cover, it’s about placing shots on a specific part of that cover to hit your enemy.
"for example, the cover system. It is so sophisticated that you can not simply destroy covers but even targeted can shoot holes in this"
The studio also talks about different ways of navigating levels, like deforming a metal door to gain access,
"Or, as a second example the interaction with metals: the player can deform things made of metal, which probably can not be change in other games. A possible result: Suddenly gaps and ways to do the level design, through which the player can assume."
- Single player, no co-op. Squad commands may be possible, but will reveal at later date.
- This war rages for hundreds of years. Future titles could jump around the timeline.
- Linear world.
- Main enemies are the Half Breed. Human/Werewolf hybrids.
- Triangle conflict between Half Breeds, commoners, and Aristocrats?
- Physics and material destruction lead to dynamic cover system. Shooting metal can reveal new ways to advance through environments. Shooting clothing on a line will result in realistic particles flying through the area. All create a believable world.
- When asked about which type of gamers this title will attract, they say three things distinguish the Order. Immersion. Varied gameplay. They hate cutscene-action-cutscene gameplay.
- The world and everything that happens in it play a major role. And finally, combat system. Combining science and fantasy, but always grounded in what was happening at the time with incredible inventors and inventions.
- Different guns for different situations, they didn’t want to allow the gamer access to all the weapons at once.
- When asked about melee, they seem to talk about cinematic fighting, a new approach, new twist. Studied many fight sequences to replicate power and impact. Object interaction plays a role in fighting.
- 1080p/30fps. Not aiming for 60fps, given focus on effects.