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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #1461 SP
    Member JohnnyUSA's Avatar

    Clubul PlayStation 5

    Serios? Si pe mine tot de ani de zile ma observi? Cred ca este prima data cand imi dau cu parerea despre o conferinta care vizeaza una dintre cele doua console “rivale”.

    PS: deci “future of gaming” inseamna pentru dumneata TLoU2 pe PS4. Am inteles, cu toate ca nu vad legatura cu PS5.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #1462 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Wow. Dacă e corectă estimarea, nu pot să spun decât așa: That's frickin' HUGE (that's what she said)! Cred ca va fi bun pe post de filtru de aer... aspiră praful cu brio din toată camera.
    Attached Images Attached Images console_compared_ps5.png

  3. #1463 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da, e cam cu 50% mai inalta/lata (depinde cum o pozitionezi) decat PS4 normal.
    Totodata sunt curios ce sunt cele 2 sloturi subtiri dar late de deasupra unitatii optice (pt ca nu sunt USB sau Type C, alea sunt departate).

    Also, mi se pare oribil felul in care arata la orizontala si cred ca face un balans deranjant daca o atingi/apesi/scapi ceva pe ea.
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  4. #1464 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    razvranzay: eu REFUZ sa cred ca asa va sta consola pe orizontala. Nici chiar Sony nu poate sa faca ceva atat de stupid... Cred ca e doar un mock-up.

  5. #1465 SP
    Member mladin86's Avatar
    nu stiu fratilor arata rau, ce naiba?! oricum o pui ... si acum ca am aflat ca e si atat de mare... ioooi (sigur nu e o gluma ?)
    nush iertati ma pe mine , gusturile nu se discuta dar pt mine e deranjant felul cum arata

  6. #1466 SP
    Member Svart's Avatar
    SSD-ul ala o sa conteze exact cat raw-powerul xboxului , adica spre mai deloc.

    fanboys will be boys in ambele tabere.

    Bineinteles ca fiecare vrea sa vina cu sloganuri de marketing care sa rezoneze cu publicul tinta, nu e nimic rau in asta.

    Conferinta nu a fost rea, si a fost incomparabil mai buna decat ce aratat xbox . Desi comparatia nu sta in picioare, ar trebui sa asteptam sa vedem cu ce vin ei luna viitoare (nu ma astpet la mare lucru, sincer).
    Altfel, fiecare isi ia ce vrea, sau ambele, dupa preferinte, si chiar nu vad sensul sa arunci cu rahat in competitie, indiferent de ce parte te afli.
    La mine intotdeauna platforma preferata a fost cea de la Microsoft, dar am luat si PS pentru exclusive. Si a meritat, si doar pentru Bloodborne, Nioh si God of War. Asa cum poate si pentru altii Halo sau Forza inseamna mai mult decat exclisivele Sony.Si nu am simtit niciodata nevoia sa fac comparatii, stau acolo in pimukl rand pentru comunitate, pentru prieteni.
    Ambele platforme sunt bune, cu plusuri si minusuri fiecare, ambele console sunt bune. Next gen-ul e inca o necunoscuta in ambele tabere, atat din punct de vedere hardware cat si jocuri, singurele certitudini sunt Halo si Spidermanul ala pana la urma, ca timeline.
    Nu are rost sa va incrancenati si sa va flexati muschii pe aici dupa parerea mea.

  7. #1467 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Era prea buna imaginea ca sa nu o postez )

    Usor, usor ne îndreptam catre o era digitală....

    App, Spiderman cred ca ar putea fi exemplul perfect de SmartDelivery. Cei care dețin jocul deja, vor fi nevoiți sa il cumpere iar?! Ar fi aiurea sincer sa fiu, este doar un remaster cu un DLC mai extins. Sper sa nu o dea in bara cu treaba asta...

    //cateva noi detalii.
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  8. #1468 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Se pare ca asta nu este un joc de sine statator, ci doar un demo tehnologic

    Astro’s Playroom comes pre-loaded on every PS5
    Astro’s Playroom is essentially a series of playable tech demos, and comes pre-loaded on every PS5. It’s a 3D platformer that features four worlds, each inspired by one of the PS5’s components. Having Playroom in the name sort of gave this away, because Playroom was itself the PS4’s pre-loaded experience.

  9. #1469 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by CNET
    The PlayStation head, in an interview with CNET, discusses the new PS5 design, launch games like Spider-Man, and pre-orders.

    When Sony and Microsoft released their respective PlayStation 4 and Xbox One devices seven years ago, the devices were designed to blend into our living rooms, with nearly all-black rectangular and parallelogram designs.

    When the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X land in stores later this year, they'll be hard to ignore. The new Xbox is shaped like a monolith, with a striking neon green fan at its top.

    The PS5 meanwhile has two white panels sandwiching a black side. The device looks like it came out of one of Sony's own futuristic games, complete with dramatic blue lights seemed designed to glow against the white panels.

    "We wanted to do something that was bold and daring almost," said Sony's PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan in an interview with CNET following the company's reveal Thursday. "We wanted something forward facing and future facing, something for the 2020s."

    Sony's PS5 reveal comes mere months before the device is expected to hit store shelves, in time for the holiday shopping season. For both Sony and Microsoft, the next generation consoles offer an opportunity to increase the visual spectacles of their games. The worlds Sony showed off Thursday varied from bustling cities to lush green pastures filled with seemingly endless blades of grass, trees and leaves.

    But visuals can only get game makers so far. Sony's also bringing out new sequels to fan favorite games, such as its hit action adventure Marvel's Spider-Man from 2018, and futuristic role playing game Horizon: Zero Dawn from 2017. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and Horizon Forbidden West will pick up where their predecessors left off while also bringing in new characters. Though the new Horizon game doesn't have a launch date, Spider-Man will be released alongside the PS5.

    The PS5's design is meant to demonstrate Sony's belief that the technology inside and the games that run on it are as eye-catching as the outside you see. Ryan uses buzzy phrases like "quantum leap over the current generation" and mentions games will be "transformational in the how they look, sound and feel."

    He also said the white-and-black version of the PS5 will be the launch color combination.

    Ryan declined to say how much the PS5 will cost, whether the discless all-digital version will be cheaper, or exactly when they will be made available. But he did say manufacturing remains on track despite the coronavirus pandemic, which has upended businesses around the globe as it infected more than 7.4 million people and killed more than 420,000 patients.

    In the midst of the uncertain economic climate, which has forced some stores out of business, Ryan said Sony is working with retailers to make sure the preorder process is as smooth as possible. "We're confident we'll find a way with them to ensure that PlayStations will find their way to consumers who want them," he said.

    Sony reiterated that more events are planned between now and the PS5 launch this fall, including when it'll discuss pricing, launch date and other details. Ryan declined to discuss the future of Sony's PlayStation VR virtual reality headset, its PlayStation Now streaming service, and whether Sony would offer a disc trade-in program for people who buy the all-digital PS5, saying more details will be revealed at later events.

    Below are edited excerpts from CNET's conversation with Ryan about what you can expect from Sony's device.

    Q: Talk me through the design of the PS5 and the look you showed off today.

    Ryan: For us, tonight was important because we wanted to demonstrate that what we're doing with PS5 really represents a quantum leap over the current generation. And the intent was to have the games do that for us.

    I use the expression in the opening preamble of the show, these games are transformational in how they look sound and feel. And the sheer beauty, the scale, that was apparent from the show.

    I've been around for a long time. I've done all of these PlayStation launches. I've never yet had the pleasure of being in a situation where we've had this much software of such quality at this stage prior to the launch. We showed over two dozen games tonight. Over half will be exclusive to PlayStation when they launch and, you know, nine from our worldwide studios. I really want to convey the message that we're only getting started here.

    What's the difference between the all-digital PS5 and the standard one? Obviously there's a disc, but are you focusing on more storage?

    As you saw, there is a small difference in the form factor of the two consoles. I'm sure you also observed, the basic design aesthetic is consistent between them. So there is that and the fact that the digital edition does not have a disk drive. That is it. Other than that, they are identical products.

    We're just acknowledging here that as time passes our community is becoming more digitally orientated. In the first quarter of this year, two thirds of new games purchased were digitally downloaded. People increasingly, as they are with their music and their video, they prefer digital and we want to recognize that.

    The disc version will also obviously offer backwards compatibility with those old discs too.

    We said that the PS5 has been designed to play PS4 games. We're going through the process with the publishers and developers testing that rather exhaustive library of over 4,000 games. We're happy with the progress that's been made.

    On the camera, am I buying that separately? And what's going on with your PSVR virtual reality headset?

    All that we have said to date, and we're not adding to it tonight, is that the current PlayStation VR is compatible with PS5. The camera that we demonstrated tonight will be available as a peripheral, it will not be in the box at launch.

    How hard is it going to be for me to get my hands on a PS5 if I want one?

    Today is a very important day for us because following today we will see meaningful activity with retailers in terms of the generation of pre-orders, even if it's absent price. But we will be collecting those data points, extrapolating what that means in terms of day one demand -- and we've obviously done this many times and you know, we're not perfect, but we're not bad at it either -- and that will in turn inform the production process.

    A lot of very serious work starts for us right now.
    Sony PlayStation CEO says PS5 design is 'bold, daring and future facing' - CNET

  10. #1470 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Cateva ganduri de la Moore’s Lae despre PS5, XSX si PC. Interesant video pentru cine are răbdare.

  11. #1471 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Totodata sunt curios ce sunt cele 2 sloturi subtiri dar late de deasupra unitatii optice (pt ca nu sunt USB sau Type C, alea sunt departate).
    Expandable storage? Par sa incapa ceva de genul un ssd m2...

  12. #1472 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    Nu cred ca este niciun slot. Doar buton de power on si eject disc. Cel cu unitate optica are 2 butoane iar cel digital only doar 1.

  13. #1473 SP
    Member biagyydog's Avatar

    - controller: 80$ sau 75 euro
    - consola: 700$ sau 655 euro

    Desigur multe modele nu au inca pret si vor fi diferente intre digital si disc, 1 tb si 2 tb samd.

  14. #1474 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Cand anunti un produs care "sparge normele" pai arati doar content care "sparge normele" nu-mi arata jocuri indie, party si de copii. Nu ma intelegeti gresit, ADOR jocurile indie (chiar si alea pt. copii) insa frate...alea lasa-le pentru mai tarziu. Pt. a 2-a zi vb. aia pe sistemul: mai avem astea. Merci ca-mi arati trailere si pt. jocuri din 2022 dar niste gameplay? Slab de tot.

  15. #1475 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Jason Shrier

    NEWS: “Spider-Man Miles Morales is *not* an expansion or enhancement or remaster, despite a Sony executive's comments this morning, a source tells Bloomberg News. Nor is it Spider-Man 2. It is a brand-new, standalone game similar in scope to Uncharted Lost Legacy.“

    Insomniac Games

    “Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is the next adventure in the Marvel's Spider-Man universe. We will reveal more about this standalone game at a future date. “

  16. #1476 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Au aparut skins de la dbrand: Sony PS5 Skins, Wraps & Covers » dbrand. Customizati si puneti poza sa va admiram alegerile.

  17. #1477 SP
    Junior Member pac86's Avatar


    ceva de genul ...
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  18. #1478 SP
    Member cosmin1088's Avatar
    Guys, nu stiu ce gameplay revolutionar credeati ca vedeti, PS5 e echivalentul unui PC cu Ryzen 2/3000 si RTX 2080, dar cu performanta ray tracing mai slaba. Si bineinteles SSD-ul care e peste orice momentan.

    Cine vine din lumea PC-ului, deja avea toate astea la dispozitie de ceva timp, dar la ce pret ?

    Pentru un salt de la PS4 PRO la PS5, e o diferenta uriasa.
    Daca ne referim strict la teraflops, e cam un salt de la GTX970 la RTX 2080, nu suna rau pentru aprox. 2500 lei, nu?
    Pe cel mai ieftin RTX 2080 e 3200 lei. Doar placa video! Un SSD 970PRO 1TB e 1700 lei! Faceti voi un calcul dupa ce adaugati restul de componente...

    Aici e bucuria, ai hardware de top la un pret mult mai ok fata de un PC echivalent, si bineinteles, jocurile exclusive Sony, care vor stoarce tot din consola in urmatorii 7 ani.

  19. #1479 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    ^Nu de hardware e vorba. Am hardware de top si Spiderman care arata absolut identic cu Spiderman de pe PS4. La fel si Horizon. Iar celelalte jocuri deja au fost intrecute grafic de jocuri de generatia veche precum God of War. Diferenta pe hartie ma lasa rece.

  20. #1480 SP
    Member cosmin1088's Avatar
    Pai diferenta o s-o vezi mai bine cand pornesti consola.
    Majoritatea titlurilor vor fi 4K60, chiar si cu VRR, nu 1080p, nu 1440p, nu 4K checkerboard, nu 30fps.
    Loading time-ul va fi mult mai rapid.
    Vei vedea mai multe poligoane pe ecran, lumi mai incarcate, mai mari, jocuri open world mult mai dinamice, datorita CPU-ului 8core.
    Vei vedea poate simulari mai bune de particule si fluide, tehnici de ray tracing, poate un fel de DLSS AI based, cum are Nvidia.

    Cam asta e diferenta, mai multa putere de procesare. Principiul e acelasi, tot rasterizare e, cu ceva ray tracing.
    Doar ca acum ai mai multi cai putere.

    In 7 ani se pot intampla multe. Uite, PS4 incheie in glorie cu TLOU2. Oare cum o sa arate un joc de PS5 in 2023 ? Dar in 2027 ? Eu zic ca nu e cazul sa ne pronuntam acum.

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