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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #1701 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Nu cred ca este posibil, cel putin nu in 5 ani cat estimează ei.

  2. #1702 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Eu cred ca este fezabil, cat timp spuneau ca fac 10 mil pt lansarea de anul asta, intr-un an de pandemie, cu, probabil, productia la 50% si nici nu au inceput de la 1 ianuarie. Asa ca as spune ca 20-25mil de console pe an, cat timp este cerere, se pot face fara probleme.

  3. #1703 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    PS5 'Shell' Pictures Leak Showing Outer White Casing in the Wild

    A trio of PlayStation 5 images have surfaced online (through Chinese forum A9VG), supposedly showing the console's outer casing before it's fixed to the system. Riveting, we know, but it's interesting to see how they look. As expected, the console's white 'plates' are separate from the machine itself -- but going by the number of attachment points these things have, we wouldn't say that the 'shell' looks easy to remove and replace.

    And, well, that's all there is to this story, really. There's been a lot of speculation that you'll be able to remove the PS5's casing and that Sony may start selling custom plates, but there's no real evidence to back this up -- at least not yet. We're not sure that these pictures confirm anything, either.


    Rumor: Sony Engineer Confirms PS5 Is Not Using RDNA2, Unlike Xbox Series X

    On the graphics side, Xbox Series X is using the RDNA 2 architecture from AMD. While we thought that the PS5 is using RDNA2, that does not seem to be the case according to a Sony engineer. Principle Graphics Engineer at Sony Rosario Leonardi confirmed that the PS5 is not using RDNA2 but an architecture that is actually between RDNA1 and 2. Some parts are based on RDNA2 but the primary core is based on RDNA1.

    This is interesting because Xbox Series X uses RDNA 2. We know that the Xbox Series X is going to have more raw power than the PS5 and this is another interesting bit of information that backs that claim. So I would not be surprised if the Xbox Series X is indeed the most powerful console at launch.

    Since the announcement of the PS5, Sony has not really discussed aspects other than the SSD. But in fact, we recently got a report that the speed of the SSD and the RAM inside the Xbox Series X might be faster than that of the PS5. If that is indeed the case and if the PS5 is majorly based on RDNA1 then it is not going to be on par with the Xbox Series X in terms of graphics, performance, or even speed.

  4. #1704 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Ce ai pus la “Extra” vezi ca a fost confirmată ca fiind o știre fake. A tot fost discutata pe alte forumuri de acum 2 saptamani.
    (Sa nu mai zic ca RDNA1 nu este capabil nici de frecvente atat de mari si nici de RTX, in plus sunt alte persoane mai in măsura care au confirmat nu doar o data, ci de mai multe ori ca PS5 are la baza RDNA2)

    //nu stiu despre voi, dar eu m-am cam saturat de jocuri OPEN world, sau cel putin nu mai am chef de ele....

    “ Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda says that Project Athia is an open-world game

    He also praises the technical capabilities of the PS5, especially the ray tracing implementation”

    // Eu zic ca este vorba de Silent Hill, sau poate Resistance, acum cine stie...

  5. #1705 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    New Leak Confirms PS5 Removable Plates

    "A leak seems to suggest that the PS5's design will be customizable, allowing gamers to change the console's controversial all-white look."

  6. #1706 SP
    Junior Member Cyberpunk77's Avatar
    @KurtKnispel: interesanta metoda asta tip scoica aleasa de Sony din cate vad din poze e suficient de mult spatiu intre capace si unitatea efectiva astfel incat sa asigure un airflow foarte bun, aerul cald e inpins afara (probabil de un ventilator sau mai multe) in toate directiile, aproape 360 grade daca consola e asezata orizontal.

  7. #1707 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Sper sa gasim inca de la lansare acele placi de schimb. Vreau consola pe negru, arata bine pe alb, insa nu prea sade bine in living-ul meu pe culoarea asta.

  8. #1708 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    ...sau o poți lăsa așa, fără plăcuțele albe. Le dai la o parte și rămâi cu forma minimalistă neagră a consolei.

  9. #1709 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    PlayStation 5: Top Exec Has An Update on Pre-orders

    E posibil sa avem un state of play pe 6 august in care sa anunte si ceva de precomenzi. Ramane sa asteptam totusi confirmarea oficiala.
    Site-ul este dubios, dar tweet-ul pare ok.

  10. #1710 SP
    Junior Member Cyberpunk77's Avatar

  11. #1711 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pai numeste checkerboarding si deja folosesc asta la PS4 Pro - deci vor actualiza tehnologia pe care o au deja.

    Oricum si AMD lucreaza la DLSS-ul lor (DLSS e o tehnologie nVidia pentru cine nu stie) si cel mai probabil asa vor rula toate jocurile "next gen" la 4k, ele ruland de fapt tot la 1440p si upscalled la 4k, dar nu vom mai vedea diferenta datorita tehnologiei respective.

  12. #1712 SP
    Junior Member Cyberpunk77's Avatar
    ^^ bine bine.. AMD lucrează la asta de ceva timp, RIS (Radeon Image Sharpening) a apărut odata cu seria de placi Radeon RX 5X00 dar aici cred că e vb de RIS 2.0 care probabil include și Ray Tracing plus alte lucruri despre care nu sa discutat încă. și cred că asta va permite ca rezoluția și framerate-ul sa crească mai mult atât pe monitoare, tv-uri cat și in PSVR.

  13. #1713 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da si eu ma astept sa vedem RIS 2.0 sau cum se numeste tehnologia lor, lansata odata cu noua generatie de console, pe ambele - si atunci 4k cu 60fps si RTX, chiar si ultra details este mega fezabil pe hardware-ul consolelor, in conditia in care jocurile vor rula la 1440p dar efectiv nu-ti vei putea da seama ca nu ruleaza nativ.

    M-am uitat la o gramada de videos comparative intre jocurile native si upscaled cu DSLL 2.0 si poti vedea diferenta la 800x zoom, ceea ce cu siguranta nu este cazul, mai ales in miscare

  14. #1714 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Trusted Reviews
    Sony has announced a new promotion known as “Ready for PlayStation 5” for its existing line of Bravia TVs, letting gamers know exactly what display is optimised for next-gen gaming.

    While this announcement isn’t unveiling a selection of new displays, it is highlighting exactly which ones will work perfectly with the upcoming PS5 console at 4K and 120fps.

    Some of the first televisions to sport the “Ready for PlayStation 5” branding will be the XH90 4K HDR Full Array LED and ZH8 8K HDR Full Array LED models. The former is capable of running up to 4K resolutions at 120fps with a fairly low input latency of 7.2ms.

    The ZH8 can display incredibly detailed images at an 8K resolution once again at 120fps, but Sony notes that this resolution will differ heavily depending on the game being played. Such a disclaimer isn’t placed on performance, so perhaps 120fps will become an industry standard on consoles with the next generation.

    “Ready for PlayStation 5 TV models also boast BRAVIA Game Mode, which allows users to automatically play games on the PS5 console with low latency. Thanks to BRAVIA Game Mode, users can wake both TV and PS5 with the DualSense wireless controller at once and also seamlessly control their PS5 using just the TV remote,” reads the official press release.

    Sony will be releasing a firmware update for existing owners of these televisions in the future, presumably ahead of the PS5 release. When exactly the next-gen console will launch remains unclear, as it does its price, but we do know it’s set to arrive before the end of 2020. [...]
    Sony announces "Ready for PlayStation 5" Bravia TVs set to support gaming at 8K and 120fps | Trusted Reviews

  15. #1715 SP
    Junior Member Cyberpunk77's Avatar

    sursele pt leak-urile de mai jos nu sunt de cea mai mare incredere... dar e posibil ca macar o parte sa fie adevarata.

    Unproven PS5 State of Play leaks offer huge surprises including Silent Hill reveal and a closer look at the PlayStation 5 console

  16. #1716 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Interesant, dar putin probabil sa tina 2 State of Play la 4 zile distanta in care sa arate doar jocuri - ori tin unu si bun, ori le tin la 1 luna distanta.

    Also, e cam tras de par cu unele jocuri - nu cred ca arata atat de multe acum in august ci daca au pregatit chiar asa multe, le vor arata mai aproape de lansare, ca sa creasca hype-ul.

  17. #1717 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Pff, daca ar fi adevarat tot ce este acolo, ar fi super!

    Ce este interesant, este ca a mai zis o persoana de incredere ca Sony nu va avea doua evenimente in August ci 3, ultimul fiind spre finalul lunii in care vor anunta si pretul consolei.

    Răzvan, pai e luna August, peste 2-3 luni consola va fi la vanzare, nu cred ca e devreme sa isi inceapa campania pentru PS5. Inainte de lansare pot creste Hype-ul cu niste date de lansare pentru unele jocuri.

  18. #1718 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Jeff Grubb implies State of Play is between Aug 5th and 11th

  19. #1719 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Nu prea mi se pare increzatori in ce au, nu arata cum e la interior consola, racirea, pretul. Sper sa nu o dea in bara cum au facut-o cu generatia actuala care e slaba rau pe partea de racire/zgomot. Ar trebui sa ii lase pe cei de la Microsoft sa le faca consola

    Au avut noroc cu studiourile interne care au livrat pe partea de software ca din punct de vedere hardware sunt penibili.

    Bine pot desface un One X sa vada cum arata un hardware performant cu o racire buna.

  20. #1720 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    Pai pe Xbox nu exista niciun joc care sa solicite acel hardware, din cauza asta nu se supraincalzeste.

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