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Thread: Criptomonedele - discutii generale, pareri pro/contra

  1. #41 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Bitcoin a crescut de la un cent la $50k in nici 10 ani, ceea ce dupa calculele mele rapide inseamna crestere de 500 000 000%. Mai avea cineva dubii ca e o moneda volatila? 25% intr-o zi nu e mare lucru, si cum a crescut asa se poate duce si inapoi la a nu valora nimic. Cu cripto nu trebuie sa joci decat banii pe care esti dispus sa ii pierzi.

  2. #42 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar
    Daca ai 50k de dolari iti vezi de drum si investesti in altceva...valul cu bitcoin a trecut deja, cine a prins, acum e putred de bogat.....acum aproximativ 1-2 ani era valul cu ethereum-ul care abia acum a inceput sa bubuie. La fel, cine a minat sau a cumparat la inceput, o sa fie bogat in viitor...ideea e sa nu fii lacom si daca ai castigat banii usor, ii bagi in altceva sau te retragi in glorie. Nu cred ca iti trebuie nu stiu ce educatie financiara sa stii cand sa te opresti.

  3. #43 SP
    Member iErvin's Avatar
    "Bitcoin has died 412 times"


    De data asta dispare cu siguranta. Nu cred ca faceti diferenta dintre specula pe ****coins (Dogecoin, shibacoin si nu mai stiu ce) si Bitcoin.

  4. #44 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Fossbytes
    With a market cap of about US$45 billion, the latest digital currency named Internet Computer, which was unveiled just on Monday is now one of the world’s biggest cryptocurrencies. According to, it is the eighth-largest digital asset among the top ten.

  5. #45 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    China tightens ban on cryptocurrencies

    Quote Originally Posted by Reuters
    China banned financial institutions and payment companies from providing services related to cryptocurrency transactions, in the latest blow to digital currencies and their market leader bitcoin.

  6. #46 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Bitcoin is in a bear market

  7. #47 SP
    Junior Member Ultranativ's Avatar
    Nici macar nu a inceput Bull

  8. #48 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar

  9. #49 SP
    Banned Alxk's Avatar
    Ce "face" baietii?
    Inca plangeti ca v-ati pierdut investitiile dupa ce Elon v-a tras nucleara?
    Stati asa ca e doar inceputul.

    Sunt zvonuri ca Biden & co vor incepe sa reglementeze criptomonedele de anul asta pentru a rezolva criza placilor video si a microcipurilor.
    Reglementare in sensul ca nu o sa mai puteti mina si nici sa faceti bani din asta.

    Ceea ce ar insemna ca e cazul sa va intoarceti la MUNCA!

  10. #50 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Well, that says it all:
    How Iran mines bitcoins to bypass US sanctions

    Crypto farms are even placed in mosques.

    Due to sanctions and an economic embargo against Iran, oil exports in the country fell by 70%, leading to an economic crisis.

    The Iranian government decided to take a tricky path and began to promote national mining, allowing organizations and government agencies to mine cryptocurrency.

    Iran has begun using its own oil to generate electricity, which is "converted" into bitcoins. And they are already trading bitcoins on the external market.

    Thus, the Iranian state "sells" its oil reserves in the world markets, using the bitcoin mining process to circumvent the sanctions.

    Now Iran accounts for 4.5% of the world's bitcoin production. It takes 10 million barrels of oil annually, and brings in almost a billion dollars.

    After the Islamic Revolution, Washington imposed sanctions on Iranian financial institutions and an almost complete economic embargo. Oil exports fell 70%, leading to unemployment and periodic outbreaks of civil unrest. To get around the sanctions, according to Elliptic employees, Iran started mining bitcoins.

    In 2019, the government created a licensing system and began to encourage national mining: banks were allowed to buy imported goods for bitcoins, foreign cryptocurrency was banned, and locals were able to sell bitcoins to the central bank. Mining became so popular that crypto farms were even done in mosques, since electricity is free there.

    Based on data from the Cambridge Alternative Finance Center and statements from the Iranian state-owned electricity company, Elliptic estimates that Iran now accounts for 4.5% of global bitcoin production.

    “If 4.5 percent of bitcoin mining is based in Iran, then there is a 4.5 percent chance that any transaction with bitcoin will involve paying a commission to the Iranian miner. the country that imposed the sanctions. "

    Tom Robinson Chief Scientist at Elliptic

    Iranian miners consume about 600 MW per year - about 10 million barrels of oil are needed to generate that much electricity. Iran uses oil to generate electricity, which is later converted into bitcoin. This is how the republic sells its energy reserves on the global market. Bitcoins are also used to pay for imported goods, thus bypassing sanctions on payments through Iranian financial institutions. Thus, the country earns about a billion dollars a year.

  11. #51 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge
    Iran is temporarily banning cryptocurrency mining after some of the country’s major cities experienced repeated blackouts. President Hassan Rouhani said that the ban would last until September 22nd.

    The country has experienced summer blackouts in years past, and while the current round of outages is mostly being blamed on a drought that’s affecting the country’s ability to generate hydroelectric power, it seems that the Iranian government is eager to cut down on any aggravating factors. Power-hungry cryptocurrency mining operations, for instance.

    According to the BBC, Iran operates a program where Bitcoin miners must register with with the government, pay extra for electricity, and sell their coins to the central bank. President Rouhani stated that the legal mining operations in the country consume around 300MW a day; Iran’s state-owned grid operator, Tavanir, reportedly claimed a more conservative daily usage of 209MW. Either number is small compared to the 2,000MW that Al Jazeera reports is used by illegal miners, which reportedly make up 85 percent of the country’s operations. The deputy minister of electricity and energy even told one news organization that miners were using the free electricity afforded to mosques to run mining operations.
    Iran bans cryptocurrency mining for four months to stave off blackouts - The Verge

  12. #52 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge
    Police in the United Kingdom raided an industrial unit outside Birmingham under suspicion it was housing an indoor marijuana growing operation, CNBC reported. They were surprised to discover instead an extensive Bitcoin mining setup which was illegally siphoning electricity from a mains supply.

    Prior to the raid, police observed multiple people going in and out of the building throughout the day, and spotted extensive ventilation and wiring. They also claim a drone was able to detect high amounts of heat coming off the building. Because indoor cannabis farms use systems of grow lights, heating, and ventilation to cultivate plants where they might not usually flourish, police believed they were looking at “classic signs” of a clandestine weed operation.

    What they were actually looking at, as they soon learned, was about approximately a hundred or so Antminer S9 machines, generating enormous amounts of heat while they minted new coins. Easy mistake to make, and incidentally, not illegal in cases where cryptocurrency miners pay their electrical bills. This particular operation, however, was siphoning “thousands of pounds” worth of mains electricity, and as a result was shut down by the same police who thought they were gearing up for a drug raid.
    UK police surprised to learn energy-intensive weed farm is actually a Bitcoin mine - The Verge
    Attached Images Attached Images crypto_mine_wm.0.jpeg

  13. #53 SP
    Member ciypriyan's Avatar
    un scam infect

  14. #54 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things Like Cryptocurrency

  15. #55 SP
    Member ymess's Avatar
    Ceea ce se întâmplă: s-au legalizat scammurile.

    Toate țările balcanice în anii 90 au jucat la scheme piramidale, inclusiv noi Romanii. Doar ca aici nu e nimeni responsabil pentru schema asta, vor fi câștigători și pierzători, fără ca nimeni sa facă pușcărie.

    Bitcoin rămâne doar o specula, niciodată nu va fi o moneda. În momentul de fata, cei mai mari "prosti" sunt cei care au cumpărat o pizza în bitcoin, asta a fost greșeala lor capitala, au folosit aceasta criptomoneda drept moneda.

    O moneda care te face sa devii un mare prost dacă o folosești ca moneda, nu suna prea bine.

    LE: probabil dacă am fi vrut sa scăpăm de un stat tiran, o criptomoneda ar fi avut sens. Dar pana atunci, ce nu e folosit ca moneda nu va ajunge moneda.

  16. #56 SP
    Banned galaxic's Avatar
    Asta a fost cea mai tare parodie cu Dogecoin!

  17. #57 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Daca va intrebati de ce se vinde inca bine PlayStation 4... well, here is your answer: Nici mai mult nici mai putin de 3800 de console intr-o singura operatiune. Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc cate sunt prin lume...

  18. #58 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Reuters
    Using a toilet can pay for your coffee or buy you bananas at a university in South Korea, where human waste is being used to help power a building.

    Cho Jae-weon, an urban and environmental engineering professor at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), has designed an eco-friendly toilet connected to a laboratory that uses excrement to produce biogas and manure.

    The BeeVi toilet - a portmanteau of the words bee and vision - uses a vacuum pump to send faeces into an underground tank, reducing water use. There, microorganisms break down the waste to methane, which becomes a source of energy for the building, powering a gas stove, hot-water boiler and solid oxide fuel cell.

    "If we think out of the box, faeces has precious value to make energy and manure. I have put this value into ecological circulation," Cho said.

    An average person defecates about 500g a day, which can be converted to 50 litres of methane gas, the environmental engineer said. This gas can generate 0.5kWh of electricity or be used to drive a car for about 1.2km (0.75 miles).

    Cho has devised a virtual currency called Ggool, which means honey in Korean. Each person using the eco-friendly toilet earns 10 Ggool a day.

    Students can use the currency to buy goods on campus, from freshly brewed coffee to instant cup noodles, fruits and books. The students can pick up the products they want at a shop and scan a QR code to pay with Ggool.

    "I had only ever thought that faeces are dirty, but now it is a treasure of great value to me," postgraduate student Heo Hui-jin said at the Ggool market. "I even talk about faeces during mealtimes to think about buying any book I want."
    South Korean toilet turns excrement into power and digital currency

  19. #59 SP
    Banned galaxic's Avatar
    E clar dupa stirea asta ca criptomania e pe moarte.
    China deja a interzis minarea, America si UE o vor interzice/reglementa drastic cat de curand, si asta din cauza scumpirii componentelor electronice.
    Se vad deja efecte benefice de dupa decizia Chinei - preturile placilor video au inceput sa scada. Evident, doar in tarile civilizate, ca in Rromanistan marile lanturi comerciale inca continua bisnita.

    Eu as fi mai bland: n-as interzice minarea, dar as propune monitorizarea in masa a minarii si obligatia minerilor de a plati 95% impozit din profitul obtinut din minare, pentru ca chiar e ceva neetic sa faci bani din nemunca in timp ce dormi cu computerele aprinse , sa consumi si atata energie si sa nu platesti o taxa. Plus ca nu foloseste la nimic, doar imbogateste niste putori si lasa fara bani niste prosti, si mai duce la pamant intreaga industrie hardware.

    Ca veni vorba, atentie mare pentru cine isi depoziteaza criptomonedele prin paradisuri fiscale.

    Chiar nu stiu de ce naiba n-au luat guvernele lumii masuri mai demult, dar probabil au lasat-o asa ca sa testeze putin pe populatie, sa vada efectele. Si dupa cum se vede, efectele sunt mai mult decat catastrofale. Criza economica globala prin care traversam acum din cauza pandemiei e si din cauza mizeriei asteia.

    ---------- Post added 13-07-2021 at 18:54 ----------

    Unde o fi desteptul ala care zicea ca se apuca sa mineze serverele cloud?

    Record în Marea Britanie. Poliția a confiscat 210 de milioane de euro în criptomonede de la o rețea internațională

  20. #60 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Daca va intrebati de ce se vinde inca bine PlayStation 4... well, here is your answer: Nici mai mult nici mai putin de 3800 de console intr-o singura operatiune. Nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc cate sunt prin lume...
    Se pare ca era despre altceva:
    A giant cryptocurrency farm in Ukraine that contained thousands of PlayStation 4 consoles was actually a FIFA bot farm.

    Last week the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) announced it had shut down what was reported as a cryptocurrency mining farm that contained an incredible 3800 game consoles.

    It turns out the PS4s were being used to grind FIFA Ultimate Team.

    According to an investigation by Ukraine business newspaper Delo, sparked by scepticism of the official claim about the farm being primarily about mining cryptocurrency, as well as the fact game discs can be seen protruding from PS4s in one of the pictures, what we're looking at in the photos is a bot farm that got stuck into the Ultimate Team grind, with the goal of selling accounts loaded up with in-game currency on the black market.

    The SBU said it also found more than 500 video cards, 50 processors, draft documentation on electricity consumption accounting as well as notebooks, phones and flash drives in the warehouse. With all that, cryptocurrency mining may well have been going on. But it's clear now the primary purpose of the warehouse was to grind Ultimate Team.
    Ukraine warehouse packed with thousands of PS4s was actually a FIFA Ultimate Team bot farm •

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