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Thread: Battlefield 3

  1. #1101 SP
    Senior Member Anderul's Avatar
    Versiunea PC e infestata cu codati, am intrat in cateva meciuri, aveau astia level de nici macar nu le arata pe emblema si dupa ce i-am cautat pe battlelog, au facut vreo 5 milioane de puncte in doar 10-15 ore. Nu mai joc beta.

    @SirAndrew, am pomenit de versiunea finala ? M-am referit strict la beta, bineinteles ca idiotii astia o sa dispara odara ce punkbuster e activat.

  2. #1102 SP
    Senior Member SirAndrew's Avatar
    iti dai seama ca beta nu inseamna rankuri, leaderboards, punkbuster si altele?

    se testeaza alte lucruri in beta... versiunea finala va avea punkbuster activat.

  3. #1103 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    ironia sortii e ca au ales perfect melodia "99 problems but the bitch ain't one"

  4. #1104 SP
    Member Witchalok's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SepticEye View Post
    Deci tot nashpa e jocul?
    Nu-mi dau seama daca faci misto sau nu... In fine o sa musc:

    1.Jocul imi place, prima impresie nu a fost prea grozava dar incet incet m-am obisnuit.
    2. Cateva bug-uri nasoale (aia morti care de fapt nu sunt morti cum zicea si Downshifting, dar aia cu moarte instant daca esti in miscare n-am vazut-o inca). Faptul ca se opreste din sprinting si trebuie sa te opresti te tot ca sa mearga. Am avut si bug in care nu mai mergea ADS. Sau mesajul ala cu "press square to pick up" cat jumatate de ecran.
    3. Unele arme mi se par OP. Sniperele semi-auto de exemplu. Din cate imi dau seama sunt 2 shot kill de la orice distanta. S-ar putea sa fie 3 la distante foarte mari, sau sa-mi arate hit markere aiurea. In BC2 semi-automatele toate erau 3 shot kill cu magnum (M14 EBR, T 88, SVU, M1)
    Nu m-ar mira nici un nerf la shotgun (doar cu M870 am jucat). Tot 2 shot kill cred ca e de la orice distanta, si faptul ca poti sa-i pui 4x sau mai mult e chiar aiurea.
    4. Sunetele la explozii si la arme sunt varza, dar banuiesc ca vor fi altfel in varianta finala.
    5. Au ales aiurea rau harta asta. In primul rand e rush, in al doilea rand are o groaza de bottlenecks (boala rush-ului de altfel).

    Una peste alta, nici vorba sa anulez precomanda cum ziceau unii pe aici.

  5. #1105 SP
    Senior Member Anderul's Avatar

    Caspian Border - Weekend 64-Player PC Testing

    After analyzing the data from our first round of closed Caspian Border tests, we have great news for participants in the Battlefield 3 PC Open Beta: the DICE team has decided to bring back Caspian Border for the beta’s final weekend and conduct an open large scale test of the 64 player Caspian Border map.

    *****Please keep in mind that as this is beta we will be stress testing our servers***** As such, users may experience crashes, network instability and outages as we roll out and configure servers and network utilities. Understand that such potential issues and the testing environment are not reflective or indicative of the final product and that, through your participation, you will be helping to ensure future stability and functionality.

    As we are again specifically testing 64-player server configurations, this test will be for PC only. The Caspian Border servers will be available for all PC players to join. Caspian Border will be available starting Friday, October 7th, in the afternoon (CET).
    In sfarsit scapam de cosmarul operation metro. Let the jets come !

    S-a deschis primul server !!!

  6. #1106 SP
    Member LeGenD's Avatar
    eu aici ma opresc in acest beta, let the final version come
    Attached Images Attached Images capture.png

  7. #1107 SP
    Member Witchalok's Avatar
    PS3 sau PC? Eu nu-mi dau seama deloc unde-mi vad statusurile de pe PS3. Pe Battlelog imi cere cont de origin. WTF?

  8. #1108 SP
    Member LeGenD's Avatar pe te loghezi cu contul EA....

  9. #1109 SP
    Senior Member SirAndrew's Avatar
    contul de origin e gratis, dupa care legi contul de PS3 cu cel Master EA si gata....
    vezi staturile.

    *caspian border e total nejucabil... lag pe toate serverele.

    si pe cele cu pb activat si pe cele fara pb.

  10. #1110 SP
    Member LeGenD's Avatar
    nu merge pt ca probabil nu ti-ai asignat contul de psn la el...astfel nu prea imi explic acest epic fine mie imi merge...

  11. #1111 SP
    Member cipvas's Avatar
    Intrebare de noob. Puteti vre-unul sa dati cutit la adversar cand acesta e cu fata? La mine neam nu vrea.

  12. #1112 SP
    Member Dante's Avatar
    eu am luat un cutit in freza prin boscheti, nu l-am vazut

  13. #1113 SP
    Senior Member Anderul's Avatar
    Am jucat un meci de jumatate de ora, am facut un scor gigant, fix inainte de sfarsit mi-a dat crash si nu s-a salvat nimic . Aproape toate serverele au lag .



  14. #1114 SP
    Member cipvas's Avatar
    Parca imi lipsesc cladirile care se darama de tot. Cel putin nu am vazut pana acum sa se intample asa ceva in clipurile aparute.

  15. #1115 SP
    Member anes's Avatar
    Battlefield 3 360 Texture Disc, XBox 360 News - GamerZines : Free Digital Games Magazines

    The Xbox 360 version of Battlefield 3 will let users stream higher resolution textures by installing content found on the game's second disc, DICE has revealed.

    "There's a voluntary install on the 360," said Battlefield 3 producer Patrick Liu speaking to GamerZines yesterday.

    "I think Rage did it as well, where you can install content to stream higher res textures.

    "We're pushing that technology to the limit, and compared to our competitors, I would argue that we're the best looking game."

    According to Liu, the game's single-player, co-op and multiplayer are also split up between the two discs, although he wouldn't confirm which modes are present on which disc.

    It's not yet known whether the PS3 version of Battlefield 3 will also include the same hi-res textures on the Blu-ray disc.

    We went hands-on with both versions of the game yesterday, and in terms of visuals, the Xbox 360 version certainly took the edge over the PS3 version.

  16. #1116 SP
    Senior Member SirAndrew's Avatar
    cred ca TOATE, nu aproape toate

  17. #1117 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    Eu tocmai am jucat 2 meciuri pe PC pe Caspian Border.
    Nu va mai faceti griji, dupa ce jucati conquest pe harta asta realizati ca e Battlefield in toata regula.
    Enorma harta.

    ---------- Post added 07-10-2011 at 03:45 PM ----------

    pe pc: no lag; foarte multe servere up and running acum; ruleaza mai bine totul si sunt posibilitati de a cutomiza grafica (nu le-am remarcat eu poate inainte)

  18. #1118 SP
    Senior Member SirAndrew's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by cipvas View Post
    Parca imi lipsesc cladirile care se darama de tot. Cel putin nu am vazut pana acum sa se intample asa ceva in clipurile aparute.

    se darama de tot.
    mai devreme am nivelat cu tunul cateva cladiri de langa un steag unde stateau ca soarecii

  19. #1119 SP
    Senior Member Anderul's Avatar
    Top 10 Battlefield 3 Open Beta issues and how we are addressing them.

    We’re more than half way through the open beta and thrilled to see so many people still enjoying the game while continuing to give us great feedback. As part of our dedication to showing you how your feedback is directly affecting and improving Battlefield 3, here are the latest Top-Ten Community Issues that we’re addressing.
    1. Squad issues: Cannot play with friends within same squad, squads get split up onto opposite teams, etc.

    There will be improved squad functionality in the retail game (including but not limited to): the ability to create squads prior to launching into a game, sticking with your squad when joining a game and continuing together through future games (If team balance on the server allows it), inviting friends to a squad and changing squads once in game.

    2. Regarding additional Open Beta content and fixes/patches for consoles, including PlayStation 3 issues with chat and party systems.

    While we would like to patch the Open Beta, DICE is currently focusing its available resources on polishing the retail game.

    3. Will DICE have enough time to iron out everything by release?

    Please see General Manager Karl Magnus Troedsson's blog post regarding this question.

    4. Can we have ability to change settings/options before deployment into match on PC?

    The ability to modify your settings via the deploy screen has been added into the retail game.

    5. Issues with terrain stability and “falling into the map” on Operation M�tro

    This has been fixed for the beta via a server side update.

    6. Kill cam sometimes zooms out too far or outside the map

    This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

    7. A bug that sometimes keeps some players from being able to sprint

    This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

    8. Screen flickering/stuttering. Blue screen remains after respawn. Game locks up after deploying C4 (360)

    This has been fixed for the launch of the retail game.

    9. Downed bodies appear to be dead, but are not

    The DICE team has been looking into this issue – which is caused by a combination of incidents in a confined area - and are working hard to address the issue for the launch of the retail game.

    10. Why is the hit detection seemingly different from Battlefield: Bad Company 2?

    The netcode is one of the many things that we are testing as part of the Open Beta and is not necessarily reflective of the final retail game. The DICE team appreciates and has heard the feedback you’ve provided and is further optimizing online play.

    Don’t forget to keep submitting your ideas and issues to the Battlelog forums. Thanks to your help and participation we’re on track to make Battlefield 3 our greatest game to date!

  20. #1120 SP
    Member s0whaT's Avatar
    Ce "marlanoasa" e treaba cu Harta pt conquest . Daca se numeste BF trebuia neaparat sa ne dea in beta conquest , iar in alpha rush .
    Partea buna este ca se lanseaza imediat dupa ce se termina beta ( 2 sap )

    Toate hartile conquest sunt full

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