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Thread: Articole interesante legate de gaming

  1. #101 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  2. #102 SP
    Member felixanu's Avatar

  3. #103 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar

  4. #104 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    apropo de ascunsul in spatele monitorului

  5. #105 SP

  6. #106 SP

  7. #107 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar

  8. #108 SP
    Member COD.221's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by eneea View Post
    prietena mea care are impresia ca gamerii sunt niste soricei de pivnita antisociali
    daca vrei fac un schimb, o saptamana , macar asa nu trebuie sa ma cert cu nimeni de la controller, ce preferi ? discutii pe o tema banala, sau bataie pe consola

  9. #109 SP

  10. #110 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    prima stire.. foarte interesanta

  11. #111 SP

  12. #112 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  13. #113 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    *citesc stirea, dau click pe link, il vad pe..,,ala" => inchid dupa 2 secunde browserul*

  14. #114 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Virtual Selection: The Rise of the Survival Game - IGN

    Interesant. Vorbesc despre genul survival care a devenit tot mai popular in ultimii ani. Au discutat despre titluri cunoscute precum Minecraft, Don't Starve si Day Z, dar au adus vorba si de un joc foarte interesant numit Miasmata (check the video, e foarte interesant). Au mai mentionat si de Fortnite de la Epic Games: stiam ca ruleaza cu Unreal Engine 4 dar credeam ca e un simplu kill em all shooter, nu un survival game. Ceea ce me gusta!

  15. #115 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    The 23-year-old CEO of a leading eSports team has been missing since Dec. 17 and his team's top StarCraft 2 player says he's owed $23,000 in unpaid salary and prize money, The Daily Dot reports.
    The Daily Dot, which first wrote about Boudreault's disappearance on Tuesday, returned again for this in-depth look at the aftermath. Simon Boudreault (pictured), the owner of Quantic Gaming, hasn't been seen in more than two weeks and Ko Hyun, Quantic's StarCraft star, really wants to find him. He says he hasn't been paid in months. Other players and staffers who say they are owed money, upwards of $40,000 in all.
    The Daily Dot, quoting an unidentified source, said on Tuesday that Boudreault may have been confronting a serious health problem prior to his disappearance. Boudreault inherited a stake in his father's IT company when his father died several years ago. Quantic staff told The Daily Dot he spent much of the salary he earned from that role on eSports.
    He purchased Quantic Gaming in February 2013 but as soon as May, rumors had it that Quantic was going to go out of business. In August, Quantic sold its Counter-Strike unit to another eSports team and its League of Legends team, which had been a vital source of sponsorships, dissolved. In October, a top StarCraft player quit, accusing Boudreault of mistreating and mismanaging him.
    The upheaval has left Ko trying to raise money from the StarCraft community to recover his lost pay. He says he'd sue Boudreault if he could find him. Quantic staff, some of whom are owed money themselves, have had to answer for Boudreault's disappearance to angry fans.
    The Daily Dot's run-down of this weird, intriguing story is as comprehensive as it gets, absent Boudreault's side of the story. But then, if he was around to present it, he wouldn't be disappeared.

    E prezentabil rau individul

    eSports Owner Vanishes and Top Starcraft Player Says He's Owed $23,000

  16. #116 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    ^seamana cu Jimmy fiul lui Michael din gta5

  17. #117 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    +, nici nu am jucat GTA V dar am tot vazut imaginea pe net si inteleg asemanarea..

    ---------- Post added 06-01-2014 at 09:15 ----------

    When Nvidia announced the Shield, it showed off the device's ability to play games streamed directly from your PC. While the idea of GameStream is great, the technology requires certain computer hardware and Wi-Fi router specs to work correctly, and it can be challenging to find out exactly what you should buy. Well, Nvidia wants to make the purchasing process easier by introducing "Nvidia GameStream-ready" certified PCs and routers, with a number of known computer providers and manufacturers already on board.
    As far as pre-built PCs are concerned, Nvidia has teamed with with iBuyPower, Origin, CyberPowerPC, and more. Specific routers from Asus, Buffalo, D-Link, and Netgear are also GameStream certified. Nvidia has provided a full list of GameStream-ready hardware if you're interested in streaming games from your PC.

    CES: Nvidia Simplifies GameStream with Certified PCs and Routers - IGN

  18. #118 SP

  19. #119 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    nuuuuuuuu urmatorul hitman nextgen e anulat si echipa se ocupa de un nou titlu a francizei pentru Android si iOS frak!
    LE: Update: A Square Enix representative has confirmed to IGN that a new Hitman title is in development at IO interactive for PC and next-gen consoles, while Square Enix Montreal will focus on mobile titles. Square Enix provided the following statement:
    "Io-Interactive is developing a new, AAA Hitman game that will be coming to PC and next-gen consoles and Square Enix Montreal is fully focused on mobile development of games some of which are related to the Hitman franchise. We look forward to sharing more details about these titles later this year."

  20. #120 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Asta ai inteles tu de acolo? Ca urmatorul Hitman nextgen e anulat?

    Scrie clar: "IO-Interactive lucreaza la un nou Hitman ce va fi lansat pe PC si next-gen, in timp ce Square Enix Montreal se ocupa exclusiv de jocuri pt mobile, printre care unele legate de seria Hitman."

    In nici intr-un caz nu scrie ca Hitman pe nextgen e anulat.

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