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au chinezii echipe si arabii si liga 1 nu trebui sa facem o cerere online sa le trimitem astora de la EA
Pai araboii sigur platesc sa isi promoveze liga. In timp ce liga chineza e acolo ca sa ii tenteze pe chinezi.
EA the game
On: cica au semnat un contract cu Diadora, o sa avem mingi Diadora si ghete...wooow
Putin probabil. Fifa se lanseasza pana la sfarsitul lunii Septembrie in fiecare an. Consolele next-gen nu cred sa apara mai devreme de spring 2014 (poate de sarbatori 2013).
Cred ca abia Fifa 15 va beneficia de noile platforme.
Mare scartz.
o gluma de joc care se va vinde, de fapt care va stabili un nou record in ukDribbling has also been bolstered with new ‘First Touch Control’ options that changes up your player’s ability to control the ball depending on their pace. Players with better stats will have improved control overall, while less-experienced players will suffer slightly, so choosing your best roster and passing wisely will be crucial.
Tackling has also been improved, with a wider tackling zone meaning you can now string together a variety of ‘Second Chance’ tackles, should your first attempt to nab the ball fails. You can also recover from missed tackles much faster depending on how you react.
If you’d rather hoof the ball past defenders rather than take them on one-on-one, you can now apply a greater degree of curl when passing or shooting, letting you slip the ball into spaces much more effectively.
Does this already make your head hurt at the possibilities? Not to worry as FIFA 14′s ‘Skill Games’ have also been enhanced to make sure you know how all of this works in practice. There will be a new roster of mini-games geared towards honing your skills, regardless of what level of experience you hold.
Once confident you can take to the game’s new career mode which now includes a new Global Scouting Network, putting you in the shoes of a professional scouter. You can develop contacts, appraise any of the game’s 15,000 licensed footballers based on their skills and manage transfers more effectively thanks to a new, clutter-free career hub.
LE: screenshots...jalnic, de vreo 4 ani aceleaşi imagini, schimbata doar cifra
sper sa vina cu un pret bun FIFA 14 asta sper eu de la ei, ca de la joc, an de an e plin de buguri, asta la variantele pe PC (am original FIFA12 si FIFA13)