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Thread: Fifa 14

  1. #61 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by raduadelin View Post
    Nu e vina noastra ce EA ne baga pe gat FIFA 14 inca din aprilie...
    Nu-ti baga nimeni, nimic pe gat. E alegerea ta daca-l iei sau nu. Mi se pare normal sa promoveze un produs in care investesc o suma considerabila de bani, pentru a o recupera si pentru a scoate profit.

  2. #62 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Nu-ti baga nimeni, nimic pe gat. E alegerea ta daca-l iei sau nu. Mi se pare normal sa promoveze un produs in care investesc o suma considerabila de bani, pentru a o recupera si pentru a scoate profit.
    Eu unul sunt de parere ca nu trebuie sa se faca atata valva pe lansarea noului FIFA.E lucru clar ca apare an de an,iar aditii importante nu pot aduce(cum spuneai si tu).Franciza are o masa considerabila de fani care cu sigurana vor cumpara jocul in prima zi. EA ar face bine sa o lasa mai usor cu marketing-ul si sa se apuce de facut jocuri.Army of Two a avut o campanie agresiva de promovare si rezultatul a fost doar un alt joc mediocru cu vanzari slabe,de ce oare?

  3. #63 SP
    Banned SWTFU's Avatar
    Cand o sa apara FIFA 14 demo atunci mai bine va dati cu parerea. Pana atunci orice parere e Kankan.

  4. #64 SP
    Member MiniEmotion's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by catalineatza08 View Post
    Eu vreau sa fiu cooperativistul, care sa conduca cooperativa de blaturi. The new Tata Jean.
    Eu vreau sa fiu comentatorul, sa pot sa injur portarul cand isi ia gol

  5. #65 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Sa-l scuipi ma...

  6. #66 SP
    Member Sepy's Avatar
    Pozele sunt super...numai ca nu o sa ai asa o grafica in Fifa 14 o presimtire ca si Pes 14 o sa scoata ceva fain din acest joc sincer daca ar avea licentele ce le are Fifa ar fii super acest an cumpar ambele jocuri pana in perezent nu am cumparat decat Fifa

  7. #67 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    FIFA 14 release date is September 24, game coming to Vita, Amazon listing suggests -

    The product listing in question is for an unannounced Vita version of EA's latest football game.
    FIFA 13 launched in the US on September 25 last year and FIFA 12 on September 27 the year before, with European releases following a few days later.

    EA officially announced FIFA 14 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC last week, noting that "additional formats" will be revealed in the coming months.

    For more on the game, check out our first look FIFA 14 preview, this FIFA 14 interview, and these FIFA 14 videos showing off the new Pure Shot and Real Ball Physics features.

    EA is currently seeking FIFA 14 testers for playtest sessions due to be held later this month and early next.
    Attached Images Attached Images image_300285_thumb_wide940.jpg

  8. #68 SP
    Banned Venom's Avatar
    Daca EA nu scoate FIFA 14 pe consola WiiU, cred ca se duce dupa Dreamcast.

  9. #69 SP
    Senior Member silvian92's Avatar
    Eu unu il cumpar

  10. #70 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar

  11. #71 SP
    Senior Member nina's Avatar
    cu miscarea asta fifa isi mentine primul loc indiferent cat de bun ar deveni pes in viitor
    cei de konami aveau de la pes 2009 licenta uefa pe 4 ani,deci pana la pes 2012 au extins contractul si asa a avut si pes 2013 licenta uefa
    pe cati ani au extins konami contractul cu uefa?

  12. #72 SP
    Ω Pira's Avatar
    Attached Images Attached Images 970397_10151620246564288_113461301_n.jpg

  13. #73 SP
    Member MiniEmotion's Avatar
    Se mai zice si ca EA va scoate Online Pass
    Quote Originally Posted by Pira View Post
    EA si M$.. hmm, interesant

  14. #74 SP
    Senior Member nina's Avatar
    din ce am inteles doar ultimate team va fi exclusiv pe xbox

  15. #75 SP
    Banned SWTFU's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by nina View Post
    din ce am inteles doar ultimate team va fi exclusiv pe xbox
    Cica UT 14 va fi si pe PS4, doar ca pe XBOX One va fi continut exclusiv: Fifa 14's Ultimate Team Exclusive to Xbox One | TechnoBuffalo

  16. #76 SP
    Banned asperas's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tudyniuz View Post
    Prin 2004 cand nu aveam atat de multe informatii despre jocuri, citisem intr-o revista ca in urmatorul Fifa poti scuipa arbitrul. Iata ca sunt 9 ani si eu tot astept
    acum vad de ce in anii din urma ai fifei cautam arbitrul cu lupa pe teren,insa din ce reiese in urma spuselor tale ala de frica era sub vreo copertina ori la vestiar pt a nu primi vreun scuipat ,doi..!mama lui de..

  17. #77 SP
    Ω Pira's Avatar

  18. #78 SP
    Senior Member nina's Avatar
    arata bine traillerul cu noul engine
    parca nu-mi mai vine sa cumpar fifa 14 pe ps3 stiind ca nu voi avea acelasi gameplay ca si pe ps4
    dar nici pe pc nu vine cu noul engine,ca as fi cumparat jocul pe pc

  19. #79 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

    EA has announced FIFA 14 Ultimate Team gold packs for fans who pre-order the game on PS3 and Xbox 360, and has also announced three editions of the game on pre-order.

    UK fans who pre-order the “Ultimate Edition” pre-order package on the on PS3 or Xbox 360 through Amazon UK will receive 24 FIFA Ultimate Team gold packs—one per week for 24 weeks.
    Each gold pack is a mix of 12 items, including players, contracts, stadiums, managers, staff, fitness, healing, balls, kits, and badges. Gold packs consist mostly of players rated 75+ in-game, and include one rare item, such as enhanced player attributes, longer contracts, and the most coveted players.
    The Ultimate Edition offer includes “instant access to historic kits and new celebrations, Virtual Pro Boosters and an adidas All-Star Team featuring Barcelona and Argentina superstar Lionel Messi.” It will be available until midnight on September 26.
    For a limited time, a Limited Edition package which features premium gold packs— one per week for 24 weeks—is available exclusively at GAME.
    The pre-order content contains premium gold packs, which include “two additional rare items, instant access to historic kits and new celebrations, Virtual Pro boosters, and an exclusive adidas™ All-Star Team featuring Barcelona and Argentina superstar Lionel Messi.”
    The Limited Edition offer is available to pre-order until midnight on August 1.
    Also at GAME is the Collector’s Edition pre-order offer which comes will all the content of the Ultimate Edition as well as an exclusively designed Special Edition adidas EA SPORTS glider football.
    The Collector’s Edition offer is available to pre-order until midnight on September 26.
    Got all that? How about a nice recap via a bullet list instead for the UK pre-order offers.
    Limited Edition -Exclusively at GAME until August 1:
    * FIFA 14 Ultimate Team premium gold packs — 1 premium gold pack per week, for 24 weeks.
    * The adidas Bundle — Includes 2 pairs of boots, 2 balls, and the adidas All-Star Team. This elite team consists of Messi and 29 of the brand’s top players in the world.
    * Pro Boosters — Receive 5 different Pro Boosts to turn your online pro into a star, upgrading passing, shooting, ball skills and more.
    * Celebrations — instant access to 3 new goal celebrations to immediately start showing up your friends and rivals.
    * Historic Club Kits —Instant access to a collection of historic team kits from around the world.
    * GAME exclusive FIFA 14 collectible steel book with magnetic lenticular.
    Ultimate Edition – Amazon UK and GAME until August 1:
    * FIFA 14 Ultimate Team gold packs —1 gold pack per week, for 24 weeks.
    * The adidas Bundle — Includes 2 pairs of boots, 2 balls, and the adidas All-Star Team. This elite team consists of Messi and 29 of the brand’s top players in the world.
    * Pro Boosters — Receive 5 different Pro Boosts to turn your online pro into a star, upgrading passing, shooting, ball skills and more.
    * Celebrations — instant access to 3 new goal celebrations to immediately start showing up your friends and rivals.
    * Historic Club Kits — Instant access to a collection of historic team kits from around the world.
    * Customers who pre-order at GAME will additionally receive an exclusive FIFA 14 collectable steel book with magnetic lenticular.
    * For PC players, the Ultimate Edition will be available exclusively on Origin.
    Collector’s Edition pre-order available exclusively at GAME until midnight on September 26:
    * FIFA 14 Ultimate Team gold packs — 1 gold pack per week, for 24 weeks.
    * Special Edition adidas EA SPORTS glider ball – Exclusively created Limited Edition adidas football.
    * The adidas Bundle — Includes 2 pairs of boots, 2 balls, and the adidas All-Star Team. This elite team consists of Messi and 29 of the brand’s top players in the world.
    * Pro Boosters — Receive 5 different Pro Boosts to turn your online pro into a star, upgrading passing, shooting, ball skills and more.
    * Celebrations — instant access to 3 new goal celebrations to immediately start showing up your friends and rivals.
    * Historic Club Kits —Instant access to a collection of historic team kits from around the world.
    * GAME exclusive FIFA 14 collectible steel book with magnetic lenticular.
    Standard Edition
    * FIFA 14 Ultimate Team — 4 *** gold packs
    * One, or a combination of the following:
    * The adidas Bundle — Includes 2 pairs of boots, 2 balls, and the adidas® All-Star Team. This elite team consists of Messi and 29 of the brand’s top players in the world.
    * Pro Boosters — Receive 5 different Pro Boosts to turn your online pro into a star, upgrading passing, shooting, ball skills and more!
    * Celebrations — instant access to 3 new goal celebrations to immediately start showing up your friends and rivals.
    * Historic Club Kits —Instant access to a collection of historic team kits from around the world.
    FIFA 14 releases in the UK on September 27 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. It will be made available on PS4 and Xbox One after both consoles are released.

  20. #80 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    this is the life

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