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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #3201 SP
    Member 495's Avatar

    minutul 22:20

    raytracing poate fi asa diferit de la un joc la altul, singurul care a avut FULL rt pana acum a fost control. In bf 5 doar reflexii, in metro exodus doar umbrele si tot asa.

    normal ca vom avea raytracing de toate felurile la 60fps. sigur ca si la 4k, dar la ce nivel? cold war probabil va avea un kk de raytracing, dar astept sa fiu contrazis de cei de la df care nu au nicio treaba cu "platiti" si din astea, gizas.

    prefer sa joc orice joc cu 30fps stabil daca am motive pt asta si RT este cel mai mare motiv pt mine. de cand am vazut ce se poate cu el, in orice joc pe care l-am rulat mi-au iesit in evidenta reflexiile "false", SSR. Chiar si cel mai bun SSR are limite, vezi mafia 1 remake.

  2. #3202 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    4k nativ si RT la 60 fps e costisitor. O consola la 500 dolari nu scoate asta. Nu caut clipuri sau cifre acum dar cred ca iti tb minim rtx 3080.

    Cum zicea colegul singurul care are full RT e Control (sau ceva mai apropiat de tot meniul, ce consta in reflectii, umbre, iluminare globala, ambient occlusion, caustics -asta nu stiu ce e). La restul e partial. BV reflectii, Tomb Raider umbre, Metro iluminare si ambient occlusion. Pe console nu va fii full RTin 4k. Poate doar un sistem gen dlss care sa plece de la 1080p sau 1440p. Deci jocurile vor avea compromisuri.

    Hai sa luam Miles Morales. RT in 4k la 30 fps. Nu am vazut prea multe clipuri dar cred ca e vb numai de reflectii. Si asta e joc exclusiv facut special, optimizat ptr PS5.

    Astept cu interes sa apara un joc cu rt de doamne ajuta in 4k la 60 fps si apoi mai discutam.

    Quote Originally Posted by 495 View Post

    minutul 22:20
    vad ca e 1080p. sper sa fie 60fps. oare 1080p e maximul?

  3. #3203 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Raytracing-ul e resolution-independent, aici e vb de cate raze calculezi in joc ca sa faci calculul de lumina pe poligoane, nu are nicio legatura cu output resolution al jocului, ai nevoie de aceeasi putere de raytracing ca sa afisezi jocul pe 800x600 la fel ca la 4k.

    Si din pacate acele 52 de CU's din Xbox Series X (care oricum sunt mai multe decat pe PS5) nu sunt capabile sa afiseze RT fara sa influenteze si fps-ul.
    Astfel ca daca un joc ruleaza fara RT la 4k (rezolutie dinamica) cu 60fps, RT-ul o sa taie cam la 50% puterea, deci un maxim 30fps (tot rezolutie dinamica, pentru a mentine acel 30fps locked).

    Btw, se pare ca au simplificat putin procesul pentru game sharing
    How to enable game sharing on PlayStation 5

  4. #3204 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kkkotto07 View Post
    Viteza de download e ok pe ps5, de 8x mai mare fata de ps4. Eu nu ma plang nici de aia de pe ps4 pro.
    Asta e o chestie pe care ma bucur ca in sfarsit au rezolvat-o! PS4 Pro download speed was horror! Not anymore with PS5.

  5. #3205 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Power, thermals, storage, DualSense, HDMI 2.1 analysis:

  6. #3206 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    E greu sa impaci pe toata lumea si sa te incadrezi in buget. Atata timp cat va exista quality mode si performance mode eu sunt multumit. Imi doresc sa faca jocuri cat mai reusite, pana la urma despre asta e vorba.

  7. #3207 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Raytracing-ul e resolution-independent, aici e vb de cate raze calculezi in joc ca sa faci calculul de lumina pe poligoane, nu are nicio legatura cu output resolution al jocului, ai nevoie de aceeasi putere de raytracing ca sa afisezi jocul pe 800x600 la fel ca la 4k.
    Da, ai dreptate, dar pe langa RT care iti taie din fps, vine si rezolutia care influenteaza si ea.

    Deci ptr 4k, cred ca devine un trade off. Ori 4k cu RT dar la 30fps, ori 4k fara RT la 60. Sau 1080p (sau cine stie 1440p) cu RT si ai parte de 60 fps. Ptr mine 4k nu e o optiune acum (nu am nici tv nici monitor 4k) asa ca, daca as sta sa ma gandesc, ar fi nice sa fie in jocuri si RT la o rez mai mica si sa am 60 fps. Adica o a treia optiune.

    LE: Din ce zic DG se pare ca ptr monitoarele 1440p PS5 da output numai 1080p (4k nu se poate selecta). Au presupus ca daca monitoarele au HDMI 2.0 sau 2.1 e posibil sa poata si rezolutii mai mari de 1080p, ceea ce ar avea sens ptr ca 2.0 duce 4k 60 si 2.1 duce 4k 144.

  8. #3208 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Nu cred ca e momentul sa ne plangem de performante scazute. Eu am incercat sa urmaresc in 4K ceva gameplay de Spiderman Morales (desi nu sunt deloc fan Spiderman), si jocul arata al naibii de bine in Quality Mode. Iar in Performance Mode, e clar ca mai sunt oprite efecte (in special RT stuff), dar nu mi s-a parut "de nejucat". Chiar am facut asa un mic test... m-am dat 2m mai in spate (la urma urmei, majoritatea ne jucam pe console aruncati in fotoliu, pe TV-ul din living... nu vom juca asa cum o facem la un PC la birou), si ambele gameplay videos pareau 99% identice. Daca mi-ar fi inversat cineva video-urile, mi-ar fi fost destul de greu sa disting intre ele. Mai repede m-as fi prins care e in 60FPS (fiind muult mai fluent, in special cand "zbori" printre cladiri) decat care are este video-ul in quality mode.

    Chestia cu alte rezolutii (inclusiv 1440p), eu cred ca se poate rezolva usor din update de firmware (daca o sa vrea Sony, desigur). Nu e ca si cand hardware-ul nu ar suporta. Mai ales ca la XSX merge, si vorbim de aceeasi arhitectura, totusi. La fel de sigur sunt ca vor updata si pentru 8K, cel care in momentul de fata nu este decat pe hartie (pardon, pe cutie). Nu am gasit inca pe nimeni care sa fi conectat PS5-ul la un TV 8K, si care sa reuseasca sa-l seteze in 8K. Oricum, nu cred ca o sa-i placa nimanui acel 8K, pentru ca se pierde acel Chroma 4:4:4... adica va fi un format mai comprimat (cu pierdere de informatii).

  9. #3209 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Launch ad:

    Prima parte a lui 2021:
    - Gran Turismo 7
    - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
    - Returnal

    A doua parte a lui 2021:
    - Horizon Forbidden West
    - God of War Ragnarok (nu apare in trailer, dar stim ca e 2021)

  10. #3210 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Mda, deci Ratchet nu prinde sfarsitul de an

  11. #3211 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    Si sunt mai mult decat convins ca God of War Ragnarok nu prinde nici sfarsitul anului viitor.
    Dar inca sper la un mic trailer la Game Awards.

  12. #3212 SP
    Junior Member ReedV's Avatar
    Astazi s-au expediat de la JRC jocurile de PS5 la precomanda, o sa ma uit la ele inca 8-9 zile.

  13. #3213 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    PS5: The Ultimate FAQ
    Can I store or play PS5 games from a USB drive?

    No, players cannot transfer PS5 games to a USB drive. PS5 games must be stored on the console’s internal ultra-high speed SSD for gameplay. Explorations for allowing players to store (but not play) PS5 games on a USB drive in a future update are underway.

    You can, however, store and play PS4 games from a compatible USB drive connected to PS5. For more details, keep reading.
    Sa speram ca printr-un update intr-un viitor cat mai apropiat.

  14. #3214 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Ăștia menționează că SSD-ul ăla e "ultra-high speed" in absolut fiecare paragraf pe care îl scriu. Try harder pls.

  15. #3215 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    PS5: The Ultimate FAQ

    "Explorations for allowing players to store (but not play) PS5 games on a USB drive in a future update are underway."

    "This M.2 SSD storage upgrade functionality will come to PS5 after launch as part of a system software update. We’ll share more details in the future, including around which type of M.2 SSD storage drive will be compatible with PS5."

    "PS5 is compatible with 8K displays at launch, and after a future system software update will be able to output resolutions up to 8K when content is available, with supported software."

    "The included HDMI cable is recommended, but in general, use an Ultra High Speed HDMI Cable that supports HDMI 2.1."

    "PS4 and PlayStation VR games will load more quickly when stored on and played from PS5’s internal SSD, but they won’t leverage the full next-generation capabilities of the SSD."

    "No , PS5 will not support folders or themes at launch."

    "Yes , there will be a PS5 system software to the latest version on day one."

    "Can I change my Online ID?


    "PS5 automatically captures the past 60 minutes of your gameplay at 1080p resolution. 4K resolution is also available if you manually record your gameplay using the Create button."

    "No , the PS5 system doesn’t include a dedicated web browser app."

    "We’re updating PS4’s Remote Play feature. Now, in addition to being able to access your PS4 from a PC or a mobile device, your PS4 can access other consoles via Remote Play too, right on your TV. This includes the ability to connect to your PS5 and stream a PS5 game to your PS4 so you can play it there.

    Additionally, Remote Play will add support for up to three additional users to join the Remote Play session, which allows users to enjoy local multiplayer games via Remote Play."

  16. #3216 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    "We’re updating PS4’s Remote Play feature. Now, in addition to being able to access your PS4 from a PC or a mobile device, your PS4 can access other consoles via Remote Play too, right on your TV. This includes the ability to connect to your PS5 and stream a PS5 game to your PS4 so you can play it there.

    Partea asta e buna tare. Mut Pro-ul in alta camera si streamuiesc jocuri de PS5 prin Remote Play chiar si de acolo.

  17. #3217 SP
    Senior Member cosminbad's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khufu View Post
    Partea asta e buna tare. Mut Pro-ul in alta camera si streamuiesc jocuri de PS5 prin Remote Play chiar si de acolo.
    Oare tot asa se tureaza ventilatorul la ps4 pro si la remote?......

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  18. #3218 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Nu ar avea de ce, consola care duce greul ar fi PS5-ul, in timp ce Proul primeste semnalul de stream. Singura problema ar fi doar de latency, daca nu ai semnal/net bun.

  19. #3219 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    For Overcooked! AYCE we looked at how best to implement the lightbar, the touchpad, the built-in mic and also for cool and exciting ways to use the DualSense wireless controller’s directional haptic feedback. We’re really happy with what we’ve come up with and we think fans will be too! Let’s take a tour:

    The touchpad will be used to quick select emotes from the emote wheel. So whether you’re communicating effectively with your fellow chefs, or cursing them, your option will be just a swipe away!

    The in-built controller speaker offers up an awesome opportunity to further amplify the chaos of the kitchen. The beeping of a burning recipe, the dreaded alert for a failed order and the round timer will all play using the controller speaker as well as the in-game audio. Double the panic!

    Haptic feedback
    The haptic feedback system in the DualSense wireless controller offers a whole new level of immersion to Overcooked. Imagine not only being able to see and hear as your food burns but feel it. The horror!

    Cooking and Environmental Indicators
    The haptic feedback will not only tell players when something is happening, but also where. Players will be able to tell which side of the kitchen the action is happening by feeling for which side of the controller the vibrations occur. It may be all calm on one side of the kitchen but if a pan is on fire on the other side, your DualSense wireless controller will tell you (it’s okay, we know it wasn’t your fault).

    The vibration will also match the in-game audio, giving you indicators for:

    - Cooking Warning
    - Fire Ignition
    - Food Ready
    - Recipe Time Out
    - Level Timer Countdown
    - Successful Delivery
    - Wrong Order
    - Catch
    - Rat Smack! (Yes, the rats are back!)
    How the DualSense wireless controller immerses you in the culinary chaos of Overcooked! All You Can Eat – PlayStation.Blog
    Attached Images Attached Images featured-image-overcooked-ayce-dualsense-features.jpg

  20. #3220 SP
    Member dinamovistu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khufu View Post
    Partea asta e buna tare. Mut Pro-ul in alta camera si streamuiesc jocuri de PS5 prin Remote Play chiar si de acolo.
    Si eu sunt curios de partea asta. Sunt încă indecis daca sa tin sau nu Pro-ul dupa ce iau PS5. Oare le poți juca prin Remote Player cu controller-ul de PS5?

    Sent from my SM-N976B using Tapatalk

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