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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #3561 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Nu poți mina Bitcoin cu placa video, ETH se mineaza așa.

  2. #3562 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Să ne spuneți dacă v-ați luat deja!


  3. #3563 SP
    Member smits's Avatar
    Le-am comandat.

    Acuma astept

  4. #3564 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar

  5. #3565 SP
    Member cosmin1088's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by snk2 View Post

    RIP stocuri de PS5

    Daca e adevarat bineinteles.

    Cand am citit asta am simtit (iar) o scarba imensa fata de prapadul pe care il face mining-ul, apoi am analizat putin la rece.
    Sony nu are nicio intentie sa vanda console minerilor, ba chiar ma astept sa baneze prin orice metode lucrul asta. Motivul e simplu:

    Sony pierde bani cu productia fiecarei console (so they say). Profitul Playstation vine din vanzarea de jocuri.
    Fiecare consola care ajunge pe mana minerilor va genera venituri ZERO pentru Sony. N-o sa vada vreun joc in viata ei.
    Citisem o stire recent cum ca Sony incearca sa-si faca prezenta local prin vanzarea directa de console, fara intermediari, pentru a stopa scaplerii.
    Eu ii sustin si chiar cred ca au intentii bune, spre deosebire de Ngreedia, care castiga enorm cu fiecare GPU vandut.

    (NVIDIA today reported record revenue for the fourth quarter ended January 31, 2021, of $5.00 billion, up 61 percent from $3.11 billion a year earlier)

    Edit: In poza aia vad un hash rate de 98.76 MH/s.
    Daca PS5 mineaza aproape ca un RTX3090, la un cost de 2000 lei (PS5 digital), iar Sony nu iau masuri RAPID, atunci da, o sa fie isterie cu stocurile imediat urmatoare.

  6. #3566 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Să ne spuneți dacă v-ați luat deja!

    Sunt pe vine! In aprilie ajunge comanda mea, dark plates si matte black skin varianta MKBHD icons.

    Scump doar pentru o schimbare de culoare dar a fost impulse buy...

  7. #3567 SP
    Member smits's Avatar
    Same here.

    Cand ai plasat comanda?

  8. #3568 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    In ziua cand au lansat (sau am primit mail de la ei cu lansarea) doar ca am apucat valul 3 care vin in aprilie.

  9. #3569 SP
    Member smits's Avatar
    Ah fain. Sa postezi cand iti ajunge. Eu mai am pana in mai

  10. #3570 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Tocmai ce am primit voucher de la Altex de 100 lei pentru achizionarea de jocuri ps5. Din ce inteleg din regulament, l-am primit pt ca am cumparat consola cu disc de la ei. Voucher valabil pana pe 26 martie. Nice!

  11. #3571 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Se aplica doar la Spider-Man, Sackboy, Demon's Souls si Nioh Collection. Asa scrie in regulament.

  12. #3572 SP
    Member flaviud's Avatar
    Da, e valabil doar pt cele 5 jocuri selectate de ei

  13. #3573 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Mda, acum am vazut. O sa vad ce aleg ca nu prea ma intereseaza mai nimic de acolo.

    LE: daca intereseaza pe cineva, il dau cu 50 lei.

  14. #3574 SP
    Member eidos's Avatar

    water cooling

  15. #3575 SP
    Member JohnnyUSA's Avatar

    Clubul PlayStation 5

    @codpin, amuzant mesajul tau. Facem bani si din piatra seaca in vremurile astea, nu? Si ne mai luam de samsari

    Daca intereseaza pe cineva voucherul pentru jocuri de la Altex, il dau “moca”. Nu ma intereseaza niciun joc din oferta lor.

    LE: COD - ATXC3YSJN4Q - Primul venit, primul servit. Valabilitate pana pe 26 Martie.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  16. #3576 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Da si eu il ofer gratis cui vrea. Dar cred ca majoritatea celor cu ps5 l-au primit deja, iar restul nu au ce face cu jocurile de ps5...

  17. #3577 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    Nu stiu daca a folosit cineva codul pus de JohnnyUSA, dar am probat eu acuma si inca merge.
    Iar daca adaugi un joc din celor eligibile si orice alt joc fie el de PS5/PS4, scade 100 de lei din intreaga comanda.
    Nu am folosit codul.

  18. #3578 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    ^ Pai nu e logic sa fie asa?

  19. #3579 SP
    Member iliedobre's Avatar
    Mai las si eu un cod: ATXNECDK6FJ

  20. #3580 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    PS5 Developers Can Now Add Denuvo Anti-Cheat to Their Games

    Denuvo Anti-Cheat has joined the PlayStation 5 Tools and Middleware program, hoping to help developers to fight cheaters on the platform.

    Revealed in a press release from Denuvo creator Irdeto, the company announced that game publishers and developers would be able to leverage its anti-cheat technology to "bring cheating to an end" on PlayStation 5.

    Denuvo Anti-Cheat Is Part Of PS5 Middleware

    Digital rights management company Denuvo has long been controversial in the PC market, where it also offers anti-cheat services to interested developers. Denuvo just announced that its Anti-Cheat technologies have been added to the PlayStation 5’s “Tools and Middleware program.” This means that anyone releasing a game on the PS5 can make use of Denuvo Anti-Cheat to try to thwart would-be cheaters in their games.

    Interestingly, Denuvo said as part of the announcement that a number of PS5 launch games already made use of its Anti-Cheat, though it didn’t specify which ones.

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