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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #3581 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Sa inteleg ca se gandesc deja la jailbreak pe consola si piratare de jocuri?

  2. #3582 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    E partea de Anti-Cheat. Denuvo Anti-Tamper e doar pentru PC si mobile games.

  3. #3583 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Nici nu știam că se folosesc cheaturi la PS5.

  4. #3584 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    E putin mai complex Denuvo sau orice sistem de genul. Am tot citit de cand am vazut stirea.

    La IGN zice asa:
    Correction, 03/10/21, 10:02 p.m. ET—Denuvo’s announcement only specifies anti-cheat, and not DRM, as an earlier version of this article implied. We’ve updated the article and headline accordingly, and regret the error.
    De ex daca intr-un joc e doar single player, dar ai online leaderboard/scoreboard, acolo ai motiv sa integrezi o tehnologie anti-cheating.
    Astea anti-cheating sunt foarte complexe pt ca trebuie sa analizeze tot ce tine de input, sa puna limitari la chestiile care nu ar putea fi facute de om (de ex apasare de 100 ori a unui buton intr-o secunda), orice tine de gamepad hacking/automation etc.

    Denuvo (sau alti furnizori similari) vin ei cu un pachet deja all-in-one. Game developers apoi pot alege sa integreze ala sau aia foarte mari isi fac propriul lor sistem anti-cheating. E foarte complicat si doar cativa pot sa investeasca in ceva propriu pentru ca de ex depinde si ce infrastructura proprie au, poate vor sa previna cumva sa faci vreun atac pe serverele lor prin joc.

    Anti-cheating nu tine doar de gamepad input ci sunt sute de chestii acolo - ai si integritatea fisierelor din joc, sa nu modifici ceva pe acolo, ai si interceptarea pachetelor de retea, sa nu faci hacking pe fir gen, inafara consolei, si sa injectezi tu trafic suplimentar catre server (cum e la FIFA cu celebrul lag switch).

    Mai e si modelul asta unde poti sa faci offline progress si apoi te conectezi online la ei si tre sa stie ca nu ai modificat tu local fisierele.

    Intr-un fel e destul de complicat subiectul, pe cat de simplu pare la prima vedere pentru ca are impact pe performanta, are impact masiv pe tot ce tine de privacy. Pentru ca de regula un astfel de sistem trebuie sa monitorizeze realtime absolut tot ce faci la consola.
    Asa ca sunt si chestii de etica - are ok dpdv legal si etic sa asculte microfonul cat te joci? sau sa inspecteze traficul de internet din casa?

    Implicatiile sunt foarte mari dar in general presa de jocuri a vorbit doar despre partea cu impactul la fps la Denuvo in special si ce mai era la Assasin's Creed (nu mai stiu care) unde se demonstrase cum in varianta hackuita de pe torrent unde scosesera tot ce inseamna denuvo, aveai 200% fps vs jocul oficial si practic se ajunsese ca oameni care cumparasera jocul oficial sa il joace pe ala piratat.
    Parca in AC: Origins avea 100% cpu usage indiferent ce sistem aveai - practic iti folosea resursele la maxim si nici nu stii ce faceau cu ele.

    Asa ca daca implementeaza si pe PS5 (cum oricum deja au toate jocurile un sistem de genul, dar probabil nu fix Denuvo), cat timp nu afecteaza fps-ul (ceea ce confirma link-urile de mai sus), n-ar trebui sa fie o problema pentru oamenii de rand.

  5. #3585 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    PlayStation Japan ‘Play! Play! Play!’ live stream featuring Resident Evil Village and Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade set for March 21
    Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia will host “Play! Play! Play!”—“a talk show that makes you want to play”—on March 21 from 20:00 to 21:00 JST, the company announced. You will be able to watch it on YouTube.

    The program will feature Resident Evil Village and Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade. Presenters for the Resident Evil Village segment include Capcom director Morimasa Sato, model Kayo Satoh, and MC Hatsune Matsushima, while presenters for the Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade segment include Square Enix producer Yoshinori Kitase, entertainer Hatsune Matsushima, and MC Takuya Nakamura.

    Resident Evil Village is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam on May 7 worldwide. Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is due out for PlayStation 5 on June 10 worldwide.

  6. #3586 SP
    Member mladin86's Avatar

  7. #3587 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jade Raymond
    And so today I’m announcing Haven, an independent studio where many of the talented game developers I have worked with for years (and love dearly!) are coming together to do what we are most passionate about. It’s time for us to refocus on GAMES in a place where we can practice our crafts without any barriers or impediments. We want to create worlds where players can escape, have fun, express themselves, and find community. We want to pour our passion into a project. We want to make something wondrous for people to experience. Because we believe in the power of games to bring joy to people’s lives. And Sony does, too. Their commitment to excellence is unmatched. It’s why I couldn’t be happier for their backing and support.

    Together, we want to create games that are a haven for players, and we want to build a studio that is a haven for developers. So, while we don’t have many details to announce today, I want the PlayStation community to know that Haven Studios is already hard at work on an unannounced IP. We can’t wait to show you more!
    Introducing Haven, a new Montreal-based independent studio – PlayStation.Blog
    Attached Images Attached Images 50092820456_effd2224dc_k.jpg jade-raymond.jpeg

  8. #3588 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Astazi, Sony a prezentat 7 jocuri indie pe blog:
    Operation: Tango, PS4/PS5, Spring:

    Chicory: A Colorful Tale, PS4/PS5, Spring:

    Nour: Play With Your Food, PS5, Summer:

    Where the Heart Leads, PS4/PS5, 13 iulie:

    Puzzling Places, PS VR, Winter:

    Heavenly Bodies, PS4/PS5, later this year:

    Disco Elysium – The Final Cut, PS4/PS5, 30 martie:

  9. #3589 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    Starting March 25, 2021
    This amazing selection of PS4 games and PS VR games will be available for free download from March 25 8:00pm Pacific Time to April 22 8:00pm Pacific Time.

    Enter the Gungeon
    Rez Infinite
    The Witness
    Astro Bot Rescue Mission

    Starting April 19, 2021
    But there’s more to come later this spring. Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition will be available for free download between April 19 8:00pm Pacific Time and May 14 8:00pm Pacific Time.
    Play at Home 2021 update: 10 free games to download this Spring – PlayStation.Blog
    Attached Images Attached Images play_at_home_2021_16x9_all.jpg play_at_home_2021_hzd_ce.jpg

  10. #3590 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge
    Sony has announced that the PlayStation 5 will get DVR functionality in Japan by way of a new app that’ll work with its Nasne tuners. The app will be called Torne (pronounced to-ru-ne) and should be available later this year.

    Torne was originally a TV tuner add-on for the PS3 that was released in 2010 and allowed you to save broadcast shows to your console’s hard drive and transfer them to a PSP or PS Vita. It was followed by Nasne, which added its own storage and worked more like a NAS drive, with the recordings available through a mobile app.

    Sony stopped selling Nasne in 2019, but last year Japanese peripheral manufacturer Buffalo announced that it’d take over the product and release Buffalo-branded versions, with the first models set to ship this spring. The new Nasne still looks like a PS3, just with a Buffalo logo on it; Buffalo is doubling the internal storage to 2TB, however, and tripling external storage capability to 6TB. It’ll go on sale later this month for 29,800 yen (~$270).
    The PS5 is getting DVR support in Japan this year
    Attached Images Attached Images nasne.0.jpg

  11. #3591 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Cum se impaca ps5 cu televizoarele full hd? mai exista supersampling?

  12. #3592 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    12 Interesting Things on the PS5

  13. #3593 SP
    Member krOOm's Avatar

    PS5 Watercooling Next Level!

  14. #3594 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Jocurile sunt deja disponibile. Intrati la sectiunea Play at home din Store

  15. #3595 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Au ajuns dark plates de la dbrand! Mai am de pus skin negru mat pe partea lucioasa...
    Attached Images Attached Images img_20210326_101557__01.jpg img_20210326_101637__01.jpg img_20210326_103637.jpg img_20210326_103627.jpg img_20210326_103622.jpg img_20210326_103614.jpg

  16. #3596 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by codpin View Post
    Au ajuns dark plates de la dbrand! Mai am de pus skin negru mat pe partea lucioasa...
    Altă viață, măi nene! De ce nu l-or fi făcut așa din start, beats me... Așteptăm poze și cu partea mată, și va fi PERFECT!
    Ne poți spune cât a durat livrarea? Ai fost nevoit să mergi la vamă, ceva?

  17. #3597 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    @MonkY le-am comandat in februarie si trebuia sa ajunga in aprilie (erau in backorder) dar au ajuns mai devreme. A trebuit sa platesc si taxe vamale ca au fost trimise din UK (fk brexit) dar s-a ocupat UPS de tot.

    Faptul ca Sony a avut o dambla si l-au facut un oreo inversat, e ok. Fie! Dar avand in vedere cat de usor au facut sistemul asta de panouri si ce simplu e de customizat, nu inteleg de ce au lasat un third party sa faca bani pe seama lor in loc sa lanseze ei din prima o selectie de panouri cu diferite tematici. As fi platit imediat pt ceva de la TLoU2 sau God of War de exemplu. Asta pur si simplu nu inteleg.

    O sa revin cu poze si dupa ce pun skinul, doar ca trebuie sa gasesc niste timp liber, eventual cand doarme asta mica, altfel o sa am numai manute peste tot skinul ala

  18. #3598 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Sa lasi un link te rog la ce ai luat. Poate mai sunt doritori. Merci!
    P.S. Pot sa repet spunand ca ARATA SUBLIM pe negru?

  19. #3599 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Asta e linkul pentru cine mai e interesat:

  20. #3600 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Chiar arata fain pe negru mat, imi place. Poate ne mai arati poze dupa ce pui si ultima piesa.

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