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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #4261 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Exagerati. Ce e live-service SI PROST* trebuie starpit, ca exista si live-service bune (vezi Helldivers 2, cel mai recent exemplu)

  2. #4262 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Pentru Twisted Metal live-service avea sens. Rocket League, unde doar te lupti pentru minge, are atat de mare succes incat au facut Rocket Racing in Fortnite.

    Later edit: Am uitat ca au incercat cu Destruction AllStars, dar n-avea atatea arme ca-n Twisted Metal.

  3. #4263 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Interesanta comparatie intre PS Plus Game Streaming si xCloud:

    L-am testat si eu de cateva ori si am fost impresionat de ce bine merge chiar si la noi.

  4. #4264 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Spider-Man: The Great Web, jocul live-service anulat, in-progress trailer: .

  5. #4265 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Zvonuri actualizate despre PS5 Pro:
    In early 2023, I reported via Key to Gaming that the PS5 Pro is under the codename ‘Trinity’ and will be targeting improved and consistent FPS at 4K resolution, a new ‘performance mode’ for 8K resolution, and accelerated ray tracing. In addition, it was reported that Trinity will have 30 WGP and 18000mts memory.

    Today’s leaked documents also confirmed:
    - Rendering 45% faster than PS5
    - 2-3x Ray-tracing (x4 in some cases)
    - 33.5 Teraflops
    - PSSR (PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution Upscaling) upscaling/antialiasing solution
    - Support for resolutions up to 8K is planned for future SDK version
    - Custom machine learning architecture
    - AI Accelerator, supporting 300 TOPS of 8 bit computation / 67 TFLOPS of 16-bit floating point

    Insider Gaming, who was also shared documentation from the developer portal under the condition that it’s not shared publically or privately can also confirm that Devkits have been available to first-party studios since September 2023, third-party since January 2024, and from Spring 2024 Testkits will also be available which will be identical to the final product.
    PS5 Pro Specs Leak are Real, Releasing Holiday 2024 - Insider Gaming
    Outlined in documents provided to Insider Gaming under the condition that they are not made public, PlayStation’s ambitions with PSSR is to achieve 4K 120FPS and 8K 60FPS. Whilst these are not the targets for the PS5 Pro due to hardware limitations, it is the internal goal for PSSR in future console interactions. The PlayStation 5 Pro PSSR currently supports 3840×2160 and is currently aiming for 4K 60 FPS and 8K 30FPS, but it’s unclear if those internal milestones can be passed.

    PSSR Memory Requirements is roughly 250MB; 180MB from the PSML Library and 64MB from the game.

    Two Case Studies for two unnamed first-party games include:

    Game 1
    Target – image quality close to Fidelity Mode (1800p) with Performance Mode FPS (60 FPS)

    Standard PlayStation 5 –
    - Performance Mode – 1080p at 60FPS
    - Fidelity Mode – 1800p at 30FPS

    PlayStation 5 Pro –
    - 1440p at 60FPS (PSSR used)

    Game 2
    Target – Add Raytracing to gameplay

    Standard PlayStation 5 achieved 60FPS without raytracing, and PlayStation 5 Pro achieved 60FPS with Raytracing.
    PlayStation's Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR) is Aiming for 4K 120FPS & 8K 60FPS - Insider Gaming

  6. #4266 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    DF confirma zvonurile si le discuta:

  7. #4267 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cand "zvonurile" vin de la bloomberg, nu prea mai sunt zvonuri ci leak/certitudine.

  8. #4268 SP
    Member tmihai20's Avatar
    Bloomberg le-a luat de la Moore's Law Is Dead. Dacă va fi atât de puternic PS5 Pro, cred că nu am de ales și îl voi cumpăra.

    Sent from my SM-S928B using Tapatalk

  9. #4269 SP
    Member tmihai20's Avatar
    Cei de la Digital Foundry au discutat despre PS5 Pro având în vedere leak-urile. Am mai citit părerea asta, că o versiune Pro are SoC-ul downclock-at. Am mai citit că Sony investighează leak-urile despre PS5 Pro.

  10. #4270 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tmihai20 View Post
    Cei de la Digital Foundry au discutat despre PS5 Pro având în vedere leak-urile.
    Sunt clipuri din video de mai sus.
    Quote Originally Posted by tmihai20 View Post
    Am mai citit că Sony investighează leak-urile despre PS5 Pro.
    E normal, documentatia e de pe portalul dedicat dezvoltatorilor si s-au trimis si dev kits.

  11. #4271 SP
    Member tmihai20's Avatar
    Am văzut mai târziu clipul de sus, are totuși peste o oră și eu personal prefer ce postează pe DF Clips.

    Cea mai importantă este schimbarea pe GPU. Acolo mă aștept să se vadă puterea lui PS5 Pro.

    Sent from my SM-S928B using Tapatalk

  12. #4272 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Give me 4K@60 sau macar 1440p@60 + RT si ne linistim. Tinand cont ca 8K este si va ramane o utopie cel putin pentru urmatorii 5 ani, sunt curios care va fi diferenta intre Quality si Performance pe PlayStation 5 Pro si daca va mai exista aceasta diviziune. O sa fie o toamna interesanta!

  13. #4273 SP
    Junior Member SieNoK's Avatar
    Ideea la PS5 Pro era sa functioneze toate jocurile pe Quality mode cu 60 FPS, asa cum ideea la PS4 PRO era sa ai 4K la jocuri in loc de 1080.

    Daca nu se intampla asta, atunci ce rost are sa iti iei un PS5 PRO?

    Iar daca GTA VI nu functioneaza cu 60 fps pe PS5 PRO, si functioneaza cu 30 fps, atunci pe PS5 normal te joci la 720p cu 30 fps?

  14. #4274 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Daca un joc e CPU heavy, adica limitat de CPU (vezi ca sta in 99% mereu, chiar si pe cea mai mica rezolutie), atunci doar un upgrade de CPU te poate ajuta sa cresti fps-ul, ceea ce la PS5 Pro, cel putin daca asta ramane hardware-ul final, nu se va schimba in sens pozitiv.

    Cel mai probabil, GTA VI va fi super CPU heavy, la cate sisteme are in spate - tine cont ca placa video se foloseste doar la ce vezi, sa transpuna informatia din 1 si 0 in ceva vizual/imagine.

    Anywho, GTA VI parca zicea un angajat Rockstar ca tind spre 60fps, deci probabil vor avea si ei 2 moduri.

  15. #4275 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  16. #4276 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Sony introduce Trofee pe PC.

    Primul joc care le suporta este Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut, dar sunt la comun cu cele de PS5.

    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is the first PlayStation title on PC that uses a new PlayStation overlay, which includes your Friends list, Trophies, Settings, and your Profile. This feature is available on Windows PCs and will be accessible from the in-game menu or, for keyboard players, by pressing the “SHIFT +F1” shortcut on your keyboard.
    Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut PC cross-play and system requirements revealed

  17. #4277 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Satya Nadella e multumit de cum se descurca jocurile Microsoft pe PlayStation si strategia va continua:
    Earlier this month, we had seven games among the top 25 on the PlayStation Store, more than any other publisher.
    We are committed to meeting players where they are by bringing great games to more people on more devices.

  18. #4278 SP
    Member tmihai20's Avatar
    Cât de departe vor merge? Au destule jocuri exclusive pe care le-ar putea aduce pe PS. Mă refer la marile nume gen Forza, Halo sau Gears of War.

  19. #4279 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Din 1 iunie, SIE va avea 2 co-CEOs:
    - Hermen Hulst, CEO SIE Studio Business Group
    - Hideaki Nishino, CEO SIE Platform Business Group

    Hiroki Totoki va fi SIE Chairman si cei 2 ii vor raporta lui.

    A Message from Hiroki Totoki - A New Era at Sony Interactive Entertainment - Sony Interactive Entertainment
    Attached Images Attached Images screenshot-2024-05-13-230951.jpg

  20. #4280 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    In mesajul de mai sus e ceva interesant, ce trimite la ideea unui PS5 Pro:
    Quote Originally Posted by Hiroki Totoki
    Later this month you will learn more about the long-term vision for Sony Group and the essential role SIE plays in that vision. As I mentioned previously, FY24 marks the start of the Mid-Range Plan period for Sony Group in which we will set the course for sustainable growth.
    E un zvon ca va fi un PlayStation Showcase curand.

    Alte zvonuri:
    - un jurnalist rus, care a fost primul/printre primii care a spus ca Sony va lansa jocuri PlayStation pe PC, vine acum si spune ca vor lansa o consola portabila:
    Google Translate: "By the way, I can confirm that Sony is preparing a new PSP for release, but damn - there are only PS4 games in the launch lineup, which are generally available on PC, and therefore on SteamDeck. Retail chains, by the way, are quite sceptical. Either Sony is doing something completely, or they are still keeping secrets from their partners."
    - SIE Japonia a postat un anunt de angajare pentru (tradus in engleza) "System software development (program compatibility system development between different architectures)": (japoneza) Job Application for システムソフトウェア開発(異なる� �ーキテクチャ間でのプログラム互換� ��ステム開発) at Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc..
    PS6 pe arhitectura ARM? Pentru noua consola portabila? Pentru portari pe alte sisteme?
    Attached Images Attached Images 66vfpjo.png

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