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Thread: Totul despre accesoriile consolei Sony PlayStation 5

  1. #161 SP
    Member Phi's Avatar
    Categoric nu tine la fel de mult ca un controller de PS4, dar e si mai solicitat.
    Eu mai ca nu stau cu el tot cu cablu bagat, sa il incarce in timp ce joc. Poate si asta ii afecteaza negativ durabilitatea dupa ce e scos cablul.

  2. #162 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Op Attack
    Various incidents have been making the news recently about Sony leaning on creators and manufacturers that are creating PS5 covers and skins without their permission.

    Now, a patent for those sorts of covers and skins has been listed for Sony, hinting at their future plans for decorating Playstation 5 consoles.
    Sony Has a Patent for PS5 Covers and Skins | Op Attack
    Attached Images Attached Images fezxei4xwaiqasg.png

  3. #163 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Se trezesc si ei dupa un an de la lansare...

  4. #164 SP
    Junior Member pippo's Avatar
    Ha ha dupa ce si-au luat-o rau de tot la imagine de la uni care i-au invitat sa ii dea in judecata, au scos un patent pe niste plastice ,care din momentu asta o sa ii opreasca pe chinezi sa le fabrice s-au vanda . P.S urmatoarele linkuri sper sa nu fie considerate reclama

  5. #165 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by codpin View Post
    Se trezesc si ei dupa un an de la lansare...
    Nu. De fapt, in articol (nu stiu daca in asta, dar in ala initial) zice ca Sony are patent pentru faceplates de anul trecut, de la lansarea consolei, dar ori acum au inceput sa ia actiune bazat pe acel patent, ori acum au aflat oamenii de el si au inceput sa scrie articole bazate pe un articol initial, al cui a fost curios.

    Articolul de mai sus oricum e scris cu picioarele. Cel mai probabil a fost scris in 2020, dar republicat acum:
    Last month, Sony published a teardown video of the Playstation 5 that showed that the large white covers attached to the console could be removed by hand. This gave people hope that customizable faceplates could still be used, though third-party attempts to make use of this were quickly stifled (not helped by the fact that the manufacturers dared Sony to try and sue them).
    Asta s-a intamplat anul trecut, nu anul asta...

    LE: daca dai click pe hyperlink-ul pus de Paul, te duce direct la patent si se vede foarte clar: Filed: Nov 5, 2020.

  6. #166 SP
    Senior Member Encman's Avatar
    Oricum ce fac baietii de la Darkplates, ca nota, nu poate fi dat inapoi de $ony sub nicio forma -- avand in vedere acele "guri de aerisire".
    Acum nu stiu ce si cum a fost cu acele procese (nici nu ma intereseaza) dar ce este acum la vanzare este (clar) un design cu totul nou (nu mai sunt plates normale).

    Ce este mai amuzant este faptul ca $ony s-a trezit tarziu. Daca tot ar fi tinut mortis la acest patent ar fi trebuit sa faca pro-activ niste lucruri. Daca insista sa se precipite in continuare vor face nimic altceva decat sa se faca de ras.. si sa faca reclama altora precum baietilor sus mentionati.
    Nu cred ca ar fi avut mari sorti de izbanda oricum -- la modul general in varii industrii avem "original" si "aftermarket".

    In alta ordine de idei sper sa nu-i prinda flama si pe astia precum pe cei de la Nintendo.. de dau in judecata tot ce prind.

  7. #167 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Nu. De fapt, in articol (nu stiu daca in asta, dar in ala initial) zice ca Sony are patent pentru faceplates de anul trecut, de la lansarea consolei, dar ori acum au inceput sa ia actiune bazat pe acel patent, ori acum au aflat oamenii de el si au inceput sa scrie articole bazate pe un articol initial, al cui a fost curios.

    Articolul de mai sus oricum e scris cu picioarele. Cel mai probabil a fost scris in 2020, dar republicat acum:

    Asta s-a intamplat anul trecut, nu anul asta...

    LE: daca dai click pe hyperlink-ul pus de Paul, te duce direct la patent si se vede foarte clar: Filed: Nov 5, 2020.
    Adevarul e ca nu am intrat pe link, am comentat strict la ce a pus Paul ca si quote din articol.

    Oricum, mi se pare ca au pierdut trenul cu plates astea. Nu cred ca nu s-ar fi vandut in draci plate-uri de la IP-urile Sony foarte indragite (TLoU, GoW, Horizon etc) si ar fi fost relativ simplu sa le faca.

  8. #168 SP
    Member Cristache07's Avatar
    Numai este zvon, in curand disponibil. Fanatec a luat locul lui ThrustMaster ca volan oficial pentru noul Gran Turismo.

    ---------- Post added 26-11-2021 at 02:41 ----------

  9. #169 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Găsesc undeva de cumpărat bureți de schimb la castile 3D Pulse?

  10. #170 SP
    Junior Member asfbobel's Avatar

  11. #171 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Le-am găsit si eu mai devreme pe alea. A comandat cineva, sunt ok?

  12. #172 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge
    Scuf has introduced the Reflex lineup of customizable wireless controllers made for the PS5 and PC, consisting of three pricey controllers. Pricing starts at $199.99 for the Reflex, $229.99 for the Reflex Pro, going all the way up to $259.99 for the Reflex FPS, and each model has its own unique features.

    Across the range, the Reflex is built upon Sony’s first-party DualSense controller board. That means it’ll receive updates through your console and that its feature set is almost identical to what you’d get from Sony’s controller (Scuf’s Instinct Pro for Xbox was built this way, too, mirroring Microsoft’s first-party controller). The Scuf Reflex is rechargeable and supports USB-C charging, and it has a mute button and features a touchpad — all features it shares in common with the DualSense. The Scuf Reflex and Reflex Pro (but not the Reflex FPS) feature haptics and Sony’s signature adaptive rear triggers, which can adjust the amount of tension you feel contextually.

    So, what does the $120 (or higher) premium for Scuf’s Reflex over the DualSense get you? It depends on which of the controllers you buy. All of them come bearing several differences that alter the DualSense’s aesthetic and functionality, for starters. The faceplate can be removed and swapped with a different one (more colors will come in “the weeks and months” following launch, but black is the only color available for now). You’ll also be able to purchase different colors of anti-friction rings that can be installed around the analog sticks that cushion their movement.

    All three models of the Scuf Reflex feature four rear paddles that can be customized. The controllers can store up to three profiles, letting you cycle between up to 12 unique paddle bindings, which is handy if you swap between game genres. In the box with each controller, you’ll get a few thumbsticks that can be replaced with the stock sticks: long, short, domed, and concave.

    Both the Reflex Pro and Reflex FPS have a “high-performance” grip around their back to make them easier to hold. The Reflex FPS is the only one of the bunch that features instant triggers, which are Scuf’s feature that, upon toggling some switches on the rear of the controller, significantly shortens the pull action. This feature (also present on the Xbox-specific Instinct Pro) makes triggers feel more like bouncy mouse clicks, and that shorter pull could lead to faster actuation to let you get the jump on your opponents. As mentioned before, the Reflex FPS lacks haptics and adaptive triggers.

    I’ve yet to actually get my hands on any of the Reflex controllers, but I’m excited that there’s finally a third-party wireless alternative to Sony’s DualSense coming to market. Though, it’s tough to call it an alternative when it costs so much more. But if you’re in the crowd of people who wish Sony would bring its affordable Back Button Attachment from the PS4 days to the PS5, well, this might be your only solution for now.
    Scuf’s Reflex for PS5 is a pricier, customizable take on the DualSense. With adaptive triggers, rear paddles, and more, starting at $199.99
    Attached Images Attached Images clipboard01ddddd.jpg clipboard01ffff.jpg

  13. #173 SP
    Member Cristache07's Avatar
    Noi optiuni de culoare pentru controller si consola vor fi disponibile din 2022

  14. #174 SP
    Senior Member Encman's Avatar
    Ce dragut.. "sold separately".. deci nu console alte culori decat balena alba.
    Vrei altceva, sari cu banul, umflam "attach rate".

    Cat despre unele culori anuntate.. nu stiu daca vreau sa comentez prea mult..
    Dar na, gusturile nu se discuta, probabil o fi piata si pentru acestea.

    LE: exact ce trebuia dupa fiasco-ul cu Dbrand.. sau chiar problemele de stoc PS5..

  15. #175 SP
    Member Cristache07's Avatar
    Au venit cu culorile pentru ca pe Amazon sunt diferite firme ce vand capacele de Ps5 in diverse culori pe la 40 de euro. Cum ii stim pe cei de la Sony, s- au sesizat si de ce sa nu fie original product? Tot o chinezarie cu sigla Sony. Recunosc ca voiam sa schimb si eu capacele in negru.

  16. #176 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cel mai probabil totul era planificat cu mult inaintea lansarii consolei, inclusiv aceasta lansare tardiva, la 1 an+ de la lansarea consolei.

    Mie mi se par fff scumpe si nu ofera nimic pentru partea lucioasa, asa ca dbrand are un mare + aici, dar cel mai probabil, aceste accesorii se vor gasi si in romania in magazine, ceea ce nu poti spune despre celelalte.

  17. #177 SP
    Senior Member Encman's Avatar
    Eu eram sarcastic.. cu privire la fiasco. Uneori il am prea fin.
    Am comentat un pic mai sus cu privire la procesul cu Dbrand. Too little, too late, dar banul e ban.

    Razvan, asa este, ai dreptate. Se vor vinde, iar $ony stie asta, pentru ca se vinde mult in "brick and mortar".
    Deja se pregatesc campanii impreuna cu retailerii.
    Si daca nu asa, pe online, tot vor fi comenzi atata vreme cat vor fi "originale". Bine spune Cristache mai sus.
    Cele aftermarket.. greu a crede a fi procurate la fel de usor.. chiar daca ar fi de o calitate superioara.

    Dar cine stie.. poate vom fi surprinsi. Si nu vor fi "chinezarii".. in culori.. neaose.

    LE: da, acel piano finish pe centrul consolei.. oribil. Cea mai proasta idee de la carcasa OG a lui PS3 incoace.

  18. #178 SP
    Member tzakalaka's Avatar
    Salutare, a atasat cineva butoane pe spatele controller-ului ? Daca da..ce ati folosit ?

  19. #179 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Corsair MP600 PRO LPX with heatsink:
    - 500GB - $99.99
    - 1TB - $169.99
    - 2TB - $339.99
    - 4TB - $784.99
    MP600 PRO LPX 1TB PCIe Gen4 x4 NVMe M.2 SSD - PS5* Compatible
    Attached Images Attached Images corsairps5ssd3.jpg

  20. #180 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Silent upgrade pentru motherboard, sticks si chiar pentru arcul de la triggers
    Sunt curios daca vor face asta si pentru cele albe si negre, dar lansate acum.

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