Voi mai primiti punctele cand intrati pe site, deoarece eu nu le-am mai primit de vreo 2 saptamani ?
Vezi ca in stanga jos deasupra unde scrie data ai Login PTZ dai click pe ala si primesti punctele.
...daca observi jos in stanga este un button pe care trebuie sa apesi ca sa-ti dea punctele
In urma cu 21 de minute...Address update: Please check your address in Settings to be sure that it is correct. You've sent us questions about what you should write in the state field -- here are our answers:
If you live in the United States, Brazil, Argentina, India, Austria, China, Germany, or Canada: Please put your state or province abbreviation in the state code field -- for example, British Columbia would be "BC" in the state field.
If you live in any other countrylease use your country code in the state field.
You can go to this address to locate your country code:Country Codes
And please remember to use standard English letters: "�" should be "e", and "�" should be "a."
If you live in any other country: Please use your country code in the state field.
Deci cei care locuiesc in ROmanica nu trebuie sa schimbe nimic
Citeste mai bine
RO Romania
B : Bucure'ti
AB : Alba
AR : Arad
AG : Arge'
BC : Bacau
BH : Bihor
BN : Bistrita-Nasaud
BT : Boto'ani
BV : Bra'ov
BR : Braila
BZ : Buzau
CS : Cara'-Severin
CL : Calarasi
CJ : Cluj
CT : Conatarta
CV : Covasna
DB : Dambovita
DJ : Dolj
GL : Galati
GR : Giurqiu
GJ : Gorj
HR : Harghita
HD : Hunedoara
IL : Ialomita
IS : Iasi
MM : Maramures
MH : Mehedinti
MS : Mures
NT : Neamt
OT : Olt
PH : Prahova
SM : Satu Mare
SJ : Salaj
SB : Sibiu
SV : Suceava
TR : Teleorman
TM : Timis
TL : Tulcea
VS : Vaslui
VL : V�lcea
VN : Vrancea
If you live in any other country: Please use your country code in the state field.
Aici zice asa: Daca traiesti in alta tara(inafara de cele mentionate): Te rog sa-ti folosesti codul de tara(RO)
Flavius ia un dictionar si tradu fraza,ca sa te convingi si tu...Nu faci decat sa-i dezinformezi pe ceilalti.