Da,am buletin.Intrebam doar ca vad ca unii au trimis parintii sa ia coletul...
Eu am trecut pe numele mamei si cand m'au sunat de la UPS au cerut o poza cu buletinul ei pe care sa o trimit pe mail/fax.
Cred ca se poate ridica si fara buletin.Eu m-am trezit cu coletul care continea tricoul de Z-Lister in curte.Nu a venit nici un aviz,so nu a trebuit sa merg sa-l ridic cu buletinul.
lol cam ciudat sa iti vina coletul acasa, tot timpul trebuie sa folosesti buletinul ca sa ridici coletul doar daca ti-l aduce acasa nu cred ca trebuie .. ca doar tu locuiesti acolo.
La mine cand a venit Ipod-ul,au sunat de la FanCourier(ca au trimis de la Bucuresti pana la Giurgiu)pe mama,si tata s'a dus si l'a laut(mama fiind la servicilol).A luat buletinul mamei,si avea o poza acolo la colet scoasa la imprimanta cu buletinul mamei(poza trimisa pe mail).
Taken directly from lockerz facebook.
ITEM----------------------------------- PTZ
Piaggio Fly 150 --------------------------7500
Gym Class Heroes � Lockerz Private Concert! ---5000
Samsung 40" 1080P LCD HDTV 63----------- 3000
MacBook Air, 13-inch, Aluminum------------2500
Macbook ------------------------------1000
Burton Snowboards----------------------- 850
New (as of 9/10) iPod Touch 64GB------------ 800
NEW (as of 9/10) iPod Touch 32GB------------700
X Box 360 game system elite----------------675
PS3 Game System Slim- 120GB -------------- 625
iPod Touch 32GB ------------------------- 600
Apple TV------------------------------- 500
Sony Cybershot W220---------------------500
Canon Elph Powershot SDI200 I--------------500
Canon Elph Powershot SD1200IS------------- 500
Apple Time Capsule-----------------------500
iPod Touch 16GB------------------------- 450
Beatles RockBand Bundle LTD Edition X360----- 450
Beatles RockBand Bundle LTD Edition WII----- --450
Beatles RockBand Bundle LTD Edition PS3-------450
NEW (as of 9/10) iPod Nano 16GB-------------425
Marc Jacobs Bags------------------------350 - 500
DSI Game System------------------------- 375
Beatles Rockband Value Pack x360------------375
Beatles Rockband Value Pack Wii--------------375
Beatles Rockband Value Pack PS3--------------375
Ripstik Classic---------------------------- 375
T3 Bespoke Labs Hairdryer ------------------ 350
Rayban Orignal Wayfarers-------------------335
iPod Touch 8GB---------------------------325
iHome Docking Station----------------------325
Smart Parts Paintball Guns---------------- 325- 450
Portable DVD Player------------------------300
iPod Nano--------------------------------300
iTunes Gift Card - $50----------------------250
CHI Ceramic Hairstyle Flatiron-----------------300
Ruffian Scarf -----------------------------300
Wii System w/ wii sports---------------------250
Wii Fit System---------------------------- -250
Microsoft Points Card - $50------------------250
Apple Mobile Me--------------------------225
Jessica Simpson Boots ---------------------- 225
Camuto Shoes-----------------------------225
BCBG Shoes------------------------------ 225
PSP Ratchet Bundle-------------------------200
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle x360-------------- 200
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle PS3---------------200
Guitar Hero 5 Guitar Bundle Wii----------------200
PSP Rock Band Bundle-----------------------200
iPod Dock + Karaoke System----------------- 200
Flip Video Ultra HD-------------------------200
4GB Shuffle-------------------------------200
G-Shock Watches --------------------------200
Second Generation iPod Shuffle ----------------150
Skullcandy headphones-------------------125 - 175
Orange Amps - Micro Crush-------------------125
Assorted Concert Hoodies
(Valencia, Metro Station, End Ever After)----------125
UFC 2009 Undisputed x360------------------- 100
Batman Arkham Asylumx360-------------------100
Bioshock x360-----------------------------100
Call of Duty: World at War x360----------------100
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 x360------------------100
Dirt 2 x360------------------------------- 100
EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 4 x360------------100
Grand Theft Auto IV x360---------------------100
Guitar Hero Aerosmith Bundle x360--------------100
Madden NFL 2010 x360---------------------- 100
Marvel Untimate Alliance II x360----------------100
Midnight Club LA x360-----------------------100
MotoGP 08 x360----------------------------100
Need for Speed Shift x360--------------------- 100
NHL 2010 x360-----------------------------100
Prototype x360------------------------------100
Shaun White Snowboarding x360----------------100
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection x360-----------100
Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10 x360----------------- 100
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen x360----------100
Wheelman x360-----------------------------100
Mario & Sonic @ Olympic Games DS--------------100
Marvel Untimate Alliance DS-------------------- 100
Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Destiny DS--------------- 100
New Super Mario Bros. DS---------------------100
Pok�mon Platinum DS------------------------- 100
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box DS----------100
Scribblenuts DS------------------------------100
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box PC-------------100
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood PC Video Game--------100
Dawn of Discovery PC Video Game----------------100
Fallout 3 PC Video Game------------------------100
Far Cry 2 PC Video Game-----------------------100
Grand Theft Auto IV PC Video Game---------------100
Hearts of Iron III PC Video Game------------------100
Street Fighter IV PC Video Game------------------100
The Sims 3 PC Video Game-----------------------100
World of Warcraft PC Video Game------------------100
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror PS2---------------------100
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince PS2------------100
Batman Arkham Asylum PS3----------------------100
Dead Space PS3--------------------------------100
Dirt 2 PS3------------------------------------100
EA SPORTS Fight Night Round 4 -PS3---------------100
Ghostbusters: The Video Game PS3----------------100
Grand Theft Auto IV PS3------------------------100
Guitar Hero Aerosmith - game only PS3-------------100
Kill Zone 2 PS3--------------------------------100
Madden NFL 2010 PS3--------------------------100
Marvel Untimate Alliance II PS3--------------------100
Midnight Club LA PS3 ---------------------------100
Mirror's Edge PS3--------------------------------100
Motor Storm PS3---------------------------------100
Need for Speed Shift PS3--------------------------100
NHL 2010 PS3---------------------------------100
Tom Clancy�s EndWar � game only PS3----------------100
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen PS3-------------100
UFC 2009 Undisputed PS3------------------------100
Dirt 2 PSP-------------------------------------100
Final Fantasy: Dissidia PSP-----------------------100
God of War: Chains of Olympus PSP----------------100
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories PSP--------------100
KillZone: Liberation PSP--------------------------100
Madden NFL 2010 PSP--------------------------100
Marvel Untimate Alliance II PSP---------------------100
MLB �09 The Show PSP--------------------------100
Need for Speed Shift PSP--------------------------100
EA SPORTS Grand Slam Tennis Wii--------------------100
Guitar Hero AEROSMITH S/W only Wii -----------------100
Madden NFL 2010 Wii----------------------------100
Mario Cart w/wii wheel Wii-------------------------100
Marvel Untimate Alliance II Wii ----------------------100
NHL 2010 Wii -----------------------------------100
Punch-Out!! Wii----------------------------------100
Rock Band Track Pack: Classic Rock Wii-----------------100
Sports Resort w/wii motion plus Wii-------------------100
Super Paper Mario Wii----------------------------100
Apple Remote------------------------------------100
Tracy Matthews Jewelry-----------------------------85
Fekkai Hair Kits-----------------------------------85
Bare Minerals Eye Kits------------------------------85
alex and ani - Jewelry------------------------------75
House of Harlow Jewelry ---------------------------75
OPI Nail Polish Sets--------------------------------75
Essie Nail Polish Sets-------------------------------75
Assorted Concert T's
(Valencia, Metro Station, Matisyahu,
Jack's Mannequin, Hey Monday, Fall Out Boy,
End Ever After, Butch Walker, Brighten,
Boys Like Girls, Martin Says)-------------------------75
Dylan's candy------------------------------------50
Baggu Bags--------------------------------------50
USB - 2GB Bracelets-------------------------------40
Deci ce vrei sa luati acuma?
nu cred ca e bun siteul ala,in primu rand arata 2 restokuri,iar ei au zis ca sapt asta o sa fie ultimul