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Thread: Coltul de rai al consolistului

  1. #2161 SP
    Mad Collector rodarkone's Avatar
    CSergio -> hosting engineer daca esti pasionat de calculatoare - pune repede mana si invata linux cat mai mult (eventual virtualizare)
    MihneaWii -> a raspuns iry - pretul platit de mine insa a fost sub 300 EU (undeva la 280) a venit insotit de 2 perechi de ochelari si 2 jocuri de Ps3 - o oferta foarte buna avand in vedere calitatea -

  2. #2162 SP
    Member MihneaWii's Avatar
    Am si eu niste intrebari legate de el .
    1. E doar pentru playstation ? Gen te poti uita la filme pe el ? Filme care sa nu fie rulate de pe consola, sau poti sa-l conectezi la cablu/ antena ?
    2. E facut special pentru PS3 , adica e adaptat doar la setarile lui si nu si ale celorlalte PS-uri existente ?
    Ma gandesc ca ar fi fost minunat sa ai setari pentru fiecare PS de pana acum, astfel sa optimizeze imaginea pentru fiecare in parte, si eventual pentru PS4,5,6... sa ii faci un update de soft.

    LE : Am urmarit clipul de pe Amazon, de acolo de la imagini , si mi s-a raspuns la intrebari, mai putin la cea cu conectarea unei antene sau al unui cablu, asa ca nu mai e nevoie sa raspunzi la celelalte.


  3. #2163 SP
    Mad Collector rodarkone's Avatar
    Nu poti conecta o antena - nu are tunner - insa poti conecta antena la un receiver si din receiver in monitor. (este totusi un monitor 3D nu un televizor)

  4. #2164 SP
    Member LeicaBogdan's Avatar
    noul look al camerei
    Attached Images Attached Images img00065.jpg img00066.jpg img00064.jpg img00063.jpg img00061.jpg

  5. #2165 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by rodarkone View Post
    Nu poti conecta o antena - nu are tunner - insa poti conecta antena la un receiver si din receiver in monitor. (este totusi un monitor 3D nu un televizor)
    Isi merita banii?
    Se poate gasi ceva mai bun 3d la un pret asemenator?

    Ma intereseaza de ceva timp si mi-as face cadou un TV/monitor 3d. M-ar interesa in special sa joc Prince of Persia 3d pt ps3 remasterizate, 1-2 jocuri mai noi 3d si poate cateva mai vechi de PC care ruleaza bine.

  6. #2166 SP
    FIFA Fan gvingi76's Avatar
    Asta are in plus fata de orice alt dispozitiv 3D - SimulView
    SimulView - Split-Screen Becomes Full-Screen

    While 3D gaming might be Sony's key focus with the PlayStation 3D Display, the other key selling point comes in the form of the company's SimulView technology, and it has the very real potential to be a viable alternative to split-screen gaming if handled well. SimulView works on the same principles for delivering a stereoscopic image on-screen, but with one minor alteration: separate views are rendered for each eye, but they are duplicated before being sent to each player. Player one sees the 'left' eye image in both eyes and player two the 'right', the result being that each person has their own full-screen image in 2D.
    Supported titles currently include Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3, Super Stardust HD and MotorStorm: Apocalypse via automatic online updates from PSN. The list is very impressive considering that the technology is in the early stages of adoption. Sony's PlayStation 3D Display is the only one which supports SimulView, but integration into the company's range of 3D HDTVs is strongly being considered.
    The most significant gain when using SimulView is that compared to split-screen play the field of view is opened back up for each player, matching that of a single-screen solo experience. While various titles generally implement split-screen modes in a variety of ways - dividing the screen either horizontally or vertically, and even cropping the image in an attempt to maintain aspect ratio - they all share one thing in common: both players' field of view is massively reduced, thus impacting on the experience. The set of shots below show just how much real estate you are getting back when adopting SimulView. The difference is quite remarkable.
    Pentru putine titluri, ce-i drept:
    SimulView Supported PS3 Titles

    Support for SimulView is a bit thin on the ground at the moment - not surprising bearing in mind the extra processing overheads - but we do see a good range of support from Sony first-party studios and more titles are promised.
    • MotorStorm Apocalypse
    • MotorStorm RC
    • Gran Turismo 5
    • MLB 12: The Show
    • Super Stardust HD
    • Killzone 3
    PlayStation 3D Display Review • Reviews •

  7. #2167 SP
    Member b615dub's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LeicaBogdan View Post
    noul look al camerei
    Dar figurinele de Becks de la ce joc de colectie sunt.

  8. #2168 SP
    Member LeicaBogdan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by b615dub View Post
    Dar figurinele de Becks de la ce joc de colectie sunt.
    am avut mai multe dubluri dar s-au dat printre prieteni

  9. #2169 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    ce cauta Resident evil 6 in colectia unui fan adevarat RE ?racoon city mai lipsea

  10. #2170 SP
    Member flightcrank's Avatar
    un mic update,z906!
    Attached Images Attached Images playground.jpg

  11. #2171 SP
    Member Mythul's Avatar
    Nice collection guys !

  12. #2172 SP
    Member felixanu's Avatar
    Battle of the best
    Attached Images Attached Images 2.jpg

  13. #2173 SP
    Senior Member silvian92's Avatar
    Telecomenzile pus invers :d

    Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 P5100 using Taptalk 2

  14. #2174 SP
    Member felixanu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by silvian92 View Post
    Telecomenzile pus invers :d

    Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 P5100 using Taptalk 2
    Da am vaz. M-am grabit cu poza

  15. #2175 SP
    Senior Member Marinake's Avatar
    Sa dai jos acel sticker de pe Xbox pana nu ramane semn acolo pentru ca va arata foarte urat.

  16. #2176 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by felixanu View Post
    Battle of the best
    Si daca tot sunt "comentarii": nu se rastoarna superslimul ala? Mai ales cand bagi/scoti disc inauntru...

  17. #2177 SP
    Member felixanu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RaverX View Post
    Si daca tot sunt "comentarii": nu se rastoarna superslimul ala? Mai ales cand bagi/scoti disc inauntru...
    Am asezat consolele in aceasta pozitie doar pentru poza. Trebuie sa dau comanda de o sufragerie luna asta sau urmatoarea si sa le asez si eu mai bine. Xboxul il am de la fratele meu si il dau si eu mai departe la un verisor mai mic. O sa fac loc pentru PS4:

  18. #2178 SP
    Member stefi's Avatar
    vreau sa aud pareri
    Attached Images Attached Images dsc_0319.jpg

  19. #2179 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar
    Thumbs up pentru setup-ul Apple.

  20. #2180 SP
    Senior Member kragod's Avatar
    A bit excesive for my taste...

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