L-am si dat cu vreo 86kpresimt ca va fi destul de ieftin la lansare!
Pana la lansarea jocului full il dadeai cu minim 120K si probabil mai tot crestea in functie de review-urile youtuberilor. Kun e inca bestial pt UT.
Nu joaca nimeni doar manageriaza clubul. Pe webapp:
Play FIFA Online | *** Web App, Creation Centre, Clubs | EA SPORTS
ori se transfera automat ori nu se transfera deloc, desi nu cred ca se transfera de niciun fel...![]()
creTzulea, poate te ajuta asta:
Si eu abea il astept ... nu am ce sa ma mai joc. Aveti idee se poate cumpara si separat acel premium in ultimate team...?
Poti cumpara Season Ticket:
EA SPORTS Season Ticket | Play Games Early & Get DLC Discounts | EA SPORTS 25 dolari US
20 de lire pe UK:Access to over $100 of PDLC Across all participating titles
Don’t wait to build your club in Ultimate Team, compete against your friends, or test your skills in weekly global tournaments. With EA SPORTS Season Ticket, get a leg-up on your opponents with access to the following PDLC across all five participating titles:
24 Pro Madden Packs (over $30 in value)
24 NHL Premium Gold Packs (over $30 in value)
24 FIFA Premium Gold Packs (over $30 in value)
24 Tiger Woods PGA TOUR Pin Packs and an Exclusive Golf Club Set
24 NCAA Football® All-American Packs (over $30 in value)
Eu am Season Ticket de anul trecut din 21 septembrie, insa am vazut ca mi-au prelungit abonamentul pana in martie 2014, exact cand se termina cele 24 de pack-uri. Practic am mai primit 1 an moca.![]()