Trebuia sa recitesti inainte de Submit Reply. Ceea ce nu pricep eu este legat de stilul asta romanesc, ciobanesc (cel putin ciobanul la munte are o scuza solida, salbaticia ... dar tu ?) de a te repezii cu pumnii in fata ori de a amplifica ceea ce de mic ai dorit si nu prea a iesit. Frumos nu poti vorbi, ehh ? doare ... Uite care este problema, daca tot ai venit cu ceva palpabil ca si garantie a spuselor tale era excelent daca si argumenta-i tehnic. Dar asa ce ? la piata la Obor ... Ia de citeste (ca tot dai sfaturi gratuite in directia asta).
Lightning arrester
Surge protector
Uninterruptible power supply
... majoritatea UPS-urilor nu fac decit backup ?
fix invers, toate ofera protectie, totul depinde de tehnoligia utlizata la fabricare si de timpul de comutatie ... si, nu numai ca ofera protectie in curent dar si in tensiune !!! iar aici adevar ai grait, APC este un nume care ofera garantie in domeniu.
... cele care au si protectia se duc peste 150eu, majoritatea fiind APC ?
sa intelegem ca doar o mica fractie din UPS-urile care nu poata marca APC ofera si protectie ?
... majoritatea surge-arest-urilor APC au 4 sisteme de protectie, 2 sigurante fuzibile, 1 automata (cu circuit electronic) si un circuit electronic de protectie, prevazut cu mai multe bobine de descarcare si cu legatura directa pe masa.
bobine de descarcare ... acolo este un VARISTOR
siguranta automata cu circuit electronic , ia modul de functionare:
Siguranţa automată este un dispozitiv mecanic de comutare, care serveşte la:
- decuplarea automată a circuitului electric de la reţea, atunci c�nd curentul depăşeşte o anumită valoare maximă
- conectarea manuală circuitului electric la reţea sau deconectarea de la aceasta
Acestea fiind spusevaiti doresc o zi frumoasa.
1) IGN Back Handedly Announce Another (Yes, Another) Playstation 3 Game -
20:26 Greg Miller: I went on a secret Sony mission yesterday; I saw a bunch of their games. There’s a lot of stuff going on.
28:53 Chris Roper: I think we’ve exhausted all the rumors. Is there anything else that we’ve missed?
28:56 Greg Miller: I know things. I can’t say things.
28:58 Chris Roper: You know things?
29:59 Ryan Clements: Interesting.
29:01 Chris Roper: Games are coming for systems. That’s what we know.
29:06 Greg Miller: New announcements coming. At least one.
So what could it be then? That Gran Turismo 5 announcement perhaps? Medievil III? Or Twisted Metal David Jaffe’s project? Their discussion seems to hint at a GamesCom announcement of something.
2) EA GamesCom Lineup - Playstation Squad
August 19th-23rd (note: not all of these games are for the PS3)
They will also have these games available to media only
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2
- Br�tal Legend
- Dante’s Inferno
- Dead Space: Extraction
- Dragon Age: Origins
- FIFA 10
- FIFA Manager 10
- GI JOE: The Rise of the Cobra
- LITTLEST PET SHOP Country Friends
- Mass Effect 2
- MySims Agents
- NBA Live 10
- Need For Speed Nitro
- Need For Speed Shift
- NHL 10
- SimAnimals Africa
- The Sims 3
- Spore Hero
- Spore Hero Arena
- Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10
- All Points Bulletin
- Army of Two: The 40th Day
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2
- Br�tal Legend
- Command & Conquer 4 (working title)
- Dante’s Inferno
- Dead Space Extraction
- Dragon Age: Origins
- EA SPORTS Active: Personal Trainer
- FIFA 10
- FIFA Manager 10
- Mass Effect 2
- Need for Speed Nitro
- Need for Speed Shift
- NHL 10
- Rage
- RockBand: The Beatles
- The Sims 3 World Adventures
- MySims Agents
- The Saboteur
- Tiger Woods PGA TOUR Online.
3) PS3 News: A Price Drop Will Spur The PlayStation 3 Past The Xbox 360
Obviously, we believe that software is always the catalyst for hardware sales; it's the #1 priority and foremost in our minds whenever analyzing the current competitive situation. But we aren't about to present the list of PlayStation 3 exclusives to attempt to prove the PS3 will surpass the Xbox 360; instead, we're going to use it to look at the overall picture.
4) Valve Not Even Bothering With The PS3 Any More - Valve - Kotaku
Valve, Valve's boss Gabe Newell and the PlayStation 3 have a history. A history of not getting along. And it doesn't look like that's about to change any time soon. Here's a little chit-chat the Valve head had with host Geoff Keighley on tonight's episode of GTTV:Keighley: Are you guys working on PlayStation 3 here now, trying to understand it, trying to get better at it?
Gabe: Uh, no. Not in any real way.
PlayStation LifeStyle US PlayStation PSN Portable ID Update Live; Compare Trophies Included
Just the other day, Eric Lempel announced that the PSN portable ID would be receiving an update, which now displays your trophies. Giving you official PlayStation trophy cards for you to post on forums, social networking sites, and more.
The update to is now live. Along with the updated PSN Portable ID’s, there is also now a section under “my profile” for “trophies” where you can not only see your own profile, but you can compare your trophies with up to 5 PSN friends at once.
Head on over to and get your updated portable ID now.
Mi s-a parut mie sau in aceea lista chiar este Mass Effect 2?
Edit: Sorry, acum am citit ca nu toate acele jocuri sunt pentru PS3
ce pacat ca nu apare Mass Effect 2 pt PS3 ...
ps: ce jocuri seamana ff mult cu Mass Efect si sunt (si) pe ps3?
Imi cer scuze dar as vrea sa va mai deranjez cu 2 intrebari...
1. Cum e cu Zone1/Zone2 la jocuri? Am inteles ca tine de tara pe care ti-ai facut contul... nu pot sa imi fac 10 conturi sa zicem pentru toare zonele?
2. In ziua de 19 august vom afla daca se ieftineste sau apare varianta slim (pe viitor) cu certitudine?
nu ne deranjezi.
1) sunt 4 zone.
zona 1: jocurile din America de Nord
zona 2: Jocurile din Europa
zona 3: Jocurile din Asia
zona 4: Jocurile din Australia
zonele nu depind de cont, depind de unde cumeperi jocul. daca il iei din State o sa ai zona 1, daca il cumperi din Europa o sa ai zona 2, daca il cumepri din Asia o sa ai zona 3, daca il cumepri din Australia o sa ai zona 4. daca vrei sa downloadezi de pe PSN DLC pentru jocuri trebuie sa ti cont de zona, daca jocul e zona 1 cumepri de pe PSN USA si tot asa.
2) Nu se stie sigur, dar 19 august o sa fie o zi importanta pentru Sony. sunt multe zvonuri, precum PS3 slim, price cut, new game, dar cu siguranta se va anunta ceva important. asa ca keep an eye on this day, D-Day .
Multumesc foarte mult, AndRewqp!
Legat de zone... o consola cumparata din Ro v-a putea rula jocuri din toate cele 4 zone?