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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 3

  1. #3301 SP
    Member soselinho's Avatar
    eu am citit ceva de care am ramas uluit:

    " Costurile de producție pentru PlayStation 3 au scăzut cu 70%, potrivit lui Nobuyuki Oneda - Sony CEO.
    Acesta a lansat informația �n timpul unei conferințe prin telefon, ne anunța TVG.
    "Costurile de producție au scăzut �n mod substanțial comparativ cu momentul lansării, iar totul decurge după cum am planificat," a declarat Oneda investitorilor.
    "We don't disclose how much of the PlayStation 3, specifically the cost deduction, was achieved during the past two years. But that is on schedule."
    �n urma insistențelor pentru niște date exacte Oneda a adăugat, "�n jur de 70%, �n mare vorbind."
    Sony nu a spus niciodată c�t costă producția unui PS3. Totuși, �n momentul lansării se estima că fiecare consolă costă $800 / �485. �n ianuarie 2008, costurile erau de aproximativ $400 / �243, cu 50% mai puțin.
    Carol Vorderman de la GamesIndustry.biza calculat că o reducere de 70% ar �nsemna că acum costurile au ajuns la $240 / �146 pe unitate.
    Se pregătește oare și o reducere de preț? Sau o să le dea pe gratis de acum?


    sursa: eurogamer

  2. #3302 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    my money goes to...PS3 slim la 299eur pe 2 Septembrie

  3. #3303 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    PS3 TOOL DECR-1400A First Look - Dual LAN Ports & More! - PS3 NEWS - PlayStation 3 News
    We all heard about this back in March, that Sony was releasing a new model PS3 TOOL, the DECR-1400A. I have been anxiously waiting (as well as about 4 other people on the planet) for the release of the new TOOL.

    Questions buzzed through my head, does it have one NIC or two? We know that since it was in the original PS3 form factor it would have only one HDD, of unknown size, as the other HDD, which is used for BD emulation can now be done via USB.

    But, back to the NIC issue - on a TOOL, it has multiple Network Interfaces, one for the PS3 side (or three, for the really old TOOL's), and one for the Communication Processor (the DEBUG side).
    Read more: PS3 TOOL DECR-1400A First Look - Dual LAN Ports & More! - PS3 NEWS - PlayStation 3 News
    FCC Reveals New PS3 TOOL Details, Pictures and User Manual - PS3 NEWS - PlayStation 3 News
    As we brought the first pictures of the new PS3 TOOL, we also bring more information, thanks to the FCC.

    Finally the FCC's images of the DECH-1400A have been made available for public viewing, and they show very interesting hardware differences.
    Read more: FCC Reveals New PS3 TOOL Details, Pictures and User Manual - PS3 NEWS - PlayStation 3 News

  4. #3304 SP
    Member soselinho's Avatar
    nu cred nimik, se zvoneste o gramada de lucri, ca va aparea ps3 slim ca vor inbunatatii pe cel actual , ca sunt zvonuri in cea ce priveste ps4 multe, pana nu vad pe piata sau pe siteul oficial sony ps3 nu cred nimik, asa pe toate forumurile se creeaza stiri, la fel ca in presa sau la tv.
    eu unu nu dau crezare unor astfel de afirmatii....

  5. #3305 SP
    Senior Member eXistenZ's Avatar
    si daca apare ps3 slim,daca arata cum e pe net nu ma intereseaza e urat ca dracu

  6. #3306 SP
    Member psycho-07's Avatar
    chiar ca e urat ps3 slim

  7. #3307 SP
    Member Q's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bitza View Post
    Si ala din spate ce e?K, am inteles.

    Va intreb si eu ceva,poate are vreunul idee.Vreau sa-mi cumpar o priza pt PS3 si TV-u,in caz de caderi sau fluctuatii de tensiune/curent sa nu mi se arda vreun echipament.As vrea sa fac asta pt ca deja am schimbat 2 placi de baza.So,are cineva ideea pe unde as putea gasi o asemenea priza care sa aiba in ea o siguranta ceva care ar putea opri curentul in caz de Doamne fereste?Mi se pare o solutie mai ieftina decat saschimb tabloul electric?
    PS:am vazut la media galaxy si altex,si nu numai niste prize care costa 50-80 ron,dar e ele scria ca sunt rezistente la socuri mecanice (daca cade ceva pe ea) si greutati, iar "vanzatorii" habar nu aveau ce anume face priza aia de costa asa scump.Cica e de firma
    Merci anticipat.

    Uite, asa un google rapid:
    Prelungitor V-Mark cu protectie 4 prize Shuko, 4 mufe tel si 4 USB cu protectie

    insa, sa fiu sincer, iti recomand UPS ... in unele cazuri ar fi dublu ca pret iar in altele chiar la acelasi pret insa este cu totul altceva. Amaraciunea aia de prelungitor indiferent cit de scumpe este nu te protejeaza pe cit ti-ai dori.

  8. #3308 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Carcasa "Death" PS3

    Ce spuneti se merita aceasta carcasa e atasabila deci nu trebuie schimbata cea origininala.

  9. #3309 SP
    Junior Member boywonder's Avatar
    cum s-a ieftinit ps2-ul la noi asa se va ieftini si "trey-ul"

  10. #3310 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    Vreau sa imi schimb si eu psn-u dar parca auzisem pe aici de ceva taxe la unele state din US(in caz ca vrei sa cumperi de pe PSN). Pe NY exista asa ceva?

  11. #3311 SP
    RPG and FPS fan G-XtremE's Avatar
    Eu nu am auzit de asa ceva. Ca sa fii sigur incearca colorado springs sunt ceva hoteluri pe acolo. It's the best shot

    Drury Inn Pikes Peak - Colorado Springs, CO
    8155 N Academy Blvd - Colorado Springs, CO, 80920

  12. #3312 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    1) Rumored PS Store Content for 08/13/09

    This week PS3 owners finally get their hands on this summer’s most anticipated fighter, Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. Other than that, this week is really lacking in confirmed content. However we got you covered with our rumored content. As for DLC we have the LittleBigPlanet History Pack, along with the usual Guitar Hero World Tour, and Rock Band DLC (admittedly the Rock Band content is looking enticing). Still no word on Trine, but it’s still in the rumored section, as we know for sure it’s been submit to Sony. Now it’s just a matter of when developer Frozenbyte fixes the bug that’s been found. Check out the full confirmed, rumored, and coming soon content after the jump…

    2) MAG Beta Invite Email Hits the Masses

    lthough MAG has been rumored to be delayed until 2010, it seems as though Sony is ready to start testing if PlayStation Network servers can handle the bullet-flying 256-players per match, all-out wars.

    PlayStation Network is now sending out emails looking for recruits to test it’s latest multiplayer game, MAG. The email reads:

    "Do You Have What it Takes? We are looking for a few good leaders to help us shape the most ambitious shooter ever."

    3)SCEA expands Trophy functionality of
    Trophy hunters now have a valuable new resource to use in their quest to increase their PS3 XP. The Trophies functionality of the official US PlayStation site will be expanded this week to include features currently available on the European site. The most significant addition is a live-updated Portable ID which allows gamers to proudly display their PlayStation level and number of Trophies. The compact image can be embedded on almost any website and will be updated automatically with data from the PSN. Those that have been manually adding Trophy data to third-party websites can now take it easy.

  13. #3313 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    saptamana urmatoare e gamescom si MS lanseaza Shadow Complex. e posibil ca Sony sa contracareze cu Trine (nu stiu, sper si eu ca au tot amanat-o aiurea iar faza cu bugu nu e o problema asa de mare incit sa necesite saptamani de delay).

  14. #3314 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    1) Uncharted goes Greatest Hits
    Finally, Uncharted: Drake�s Fortune is a PS3 Greatest Hits title. Starting on August 16th, gamers will be able to purchase Uncharted: Drake�s Fortune for the low retail price of $29.99. Perfect timing and price to get ready for Uncharted 2 later this year.

    2) Enhanced PlayStation Network Trophies Online
    You asked for it and later this week we�re delivering on it. We are making significant enhancements to the way you view your trophies online. Check out the walk-thru video so you can see these updates first hand.
    Here�s what you�ll be able to do:
    • View detailed info on your trophies on
    • Compare your trophies with multiple friends and other PSN ID�s
    • Compare details on trophies within each game
    • Track your progress to the next level against friends
    • See what trophies you have and what you still need to unlock for each game
    • Use the sorting features to plan your game domination

    3) Free PlayStation Home Batcave comes on Batman: Arkham Asylum disc
    After pounding macho men to a pulp in the recent Batman: Arkham Asylum demo, we're definitely excited for additional bat-goodies. That's why we're happy to pass along some info from the PlayStation Blog, which says Home users will get the sweet Batcave space you see above. It's called the "Batman Arkham Asylum Batcave Outpost Apartment" and comes chock full of stuff, including a "Batsuit, Batmobile, and Batwing, along with various Bat-gadgets."

    4) Vagrant Story released on Japanese PSN
    Square's PS1-era RPG, Vagrant Story, is a weird, brilliant little game. This under-appreciated gem had a number of interesting elements that enraptured those who played it when it was released in 2000 -- elements like deep weapon creation tools, a real-time battle system and a tragic, Shakespearian plot that few RPGs since have been able to emulate.Folks living in Japan recently received a second chance to pick up the game -- it just got added to the Japanese PlayStation Store for the extremely reasonable price of �600 (about $6.25).

    5) European PSN Video Store announcement coming at Gamescom
    Angela Madranero, European PlayStation Store Manager, recently dropped word in the comments section of this EU blog post that the Video Store will be making its way (it's "forthcoming") to the EU PSN. Sony plans on making an announcement at next week's Gamescom, according to Madranero, but, should the rumor about the PS3 Slim be true, we have a feeling the excitement surrounding this will be somewhat diminished.
    Attached Images Attached Images batcave081209.jpg

  15. #3315 SP
    Senior Member Nariggar's Avatar
    Bitza uite ai aici ceva ce ti-as recomanda, e bine sa-ti iei ceva de la o firma cunoscuta chiar daca e mai scump, iar APC este cel mai cunoscut in acest domeniu.

    Q, pune mina si mai citeste nu dezinforma oamenii, pentru informatia ta si a altora, am avut in service PC ars complet cu tot cu UPS, majoritatea UPS-urilor nu fac decit back-up, cele care au si protectia se duc peste 150eu, majoritatea fiind APC.

    Si ca sa fie treaba clara, am vindut acum ceva vreme un surge arest (prelungitor cu protectie) APC unei cunostinte, din 6 PC in urma unui soc de tensiune al lui si inca unul care era alimentat in acel surge arest au fost singurele care au scapat. Sa inteleg ca erau calculatoare superman? Sau ca si-a facut treaba "prelungitorul"? Raspunsul este ca si-a facut treaba surge-arest-ul ca avea una din sigurante arse pe care am schimbato, acel surge-arest mai functioneaza si in ziua de azi (dupa 6 ani de utilizare).

    Ca sa intelegeti, majoritatea surge-arest-urilor APC au 4 sisteme de protectie, 2 sigurante fuzibile, 1 automata (cu circuit electronic) si un circuit electronic de protectie, prevazut cu mai multe bobine de descarcare si cu legatura directa pe masa.

    Sfatul meu ar fi cam asa, nu optati pentru UPS sau pentru surge arest cel mai bine e sa le aveti pe amindoua (alegerea tine mult si de finante), asa aveti asigurata dubla protectie, aveti si back-up si protectie electrica. Deasemeni va recomand sa achizitionati produse APC nu orice noname, chiar daca sint ceva mai scumpe investitia se simte in timp, produsele fiind foarte eficiente si fiabile.

    Acestea fiind spuse va doresc o zi frumoasa.

    PS: nu lucrez la APC Romania si nici nu cistig nimic daca le fac reclama, pur si simplu sint un utilizator de produse APC si comerciant tot odata, tuturor clientilor mei le-am recomandat produse de la APC, rezultatul fiind unul satisfacator atit pentru ei cit si pentru mine.

  16. #3316 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mario View Post
    Deci,mi-am facut un nou cont pe psn,imi zice ca mi-a trimis un cod de activare pe email,intru pe email apas pe codu ala si imi da urmatoarea eroare
    An unexpected error has occurred.

    Please try again later.
    Incerc mai tarziu si tot la fel,de ce?
    Ce cod de activare? Poate e ceva nou dar mie nu mi-a necesitat contu de psn activare. Nu-ti merge psn acum fara activari din mail?

  17. #3317 SP
    I Unlimited Bitza's Avatar
    Multumesc tuturor de raspuns,am sa caut sa cumpar priza dasta de la APC.

  18. #3318 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

  19. #3319 SP
    Junior Member riot's Avatar

  20. #3320 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Toate 3 trebuie jucate.... Daca vrei ceva in trend ca sa zic asa si cu multiplayer solid care este foarte jucat in momentul de fata mergi pe varianta Killzone. Daca vrei un action-adventure extraordinar, in speta Uncharted + un shooter care a facut istorie - mergi pe varianta a 2-a. Ideea e sa te organizezi in asa fel incat sa fii sigur ca vei juca toate aceste jocuri, chiar daca nu le vei avea de la inceput.

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