LOCKERZ Tuesday update: 1) Z-list prize emails are getting sent tonight; 2) Site is down for a full maintenance tune up on our database which will take some time; 3) We're hard at work for our next redemption for the general membership. primit un mail de la ei...
Dear Z-Lister,
Thank you for your patience as we spent the last two plus weeks sorting through all prize redemptions that have been impacted by our technology glitch during the November Z-list only redemption. These orders were very difficult to research because they were missing critical information including exact product information or a receipt number. Plus, in some cases PTZ had not been deleted from members' accounts.
While we were able to recover and fill the vast majority of those orders impacted by problems, the item you ordered was so over-redeemed due to the tech problems that we cannot restock your prize in a reasonable amount of time. We are truly sorry to let even a few hundred members down despite filling thousands of orders in one redemption.
To show you how truly sorry we are to disappoint you, we are fully refunding your PTZ (if they were deleted in the first place) as well as sending you a free gift card for $50 to This is our way of showing you how much you mean to us. These will be sent in e-card form to you shortly.
We are also going to allow all of your PTZ to stay valid a full 30 days longer than the normal 12 month period so you are not penalized in any way for missing a redemption.
Beginning with our next redemption, we are introducing a whole new system that should avoid and fix the tech issues that have plagued our previous efforts. As you may know, we're a very young site that's still in beta, and the redemption process is still evolving. While we're grateful and appreciative of the many members who complimented the progress we made on this redemption, we will remain dissatisfied and will not rest until we provide a bug-free, reliable experience to each of our founding members on Lockerz.
Again, our apologies, and please enjoy your gift certificate.
- The Lockerz Crew
eram 80% convins ca ceva se ca intampla si ca nu o sa imi vad wii-ul
eu am primit un mail de la ei, in care m-au anuntat ca m-au prins ca am trisat( deh, 2 emails for the zlist) si ca mi-au sters toate punctele si ca nu-mi trimit comanda.
dadu93: macar ti-au dat acei 50$ pt amazon ?
p.s. decat sa imi spuna ca nu imi trimit premiul ca nu mai au (cum a patit dadu93) , mai bine mi-au zis ca m-au prins .
p.p.s. vad ca le-a disparut sectiunea "discussions" de pe facebook. probabil se plangea toata lumea
E acuma, au zis ca nu le-ar strica un Wii in plus de sarbatori si ti-au trimis o tampenie de gift card ca sa nu zici ca sunt rai. Eu sunt z-lister de vreo 2 saptamani si inca nu am primit nici macar un mail de confirmare.
Eu sunt zlist de 2 luni + si am primit confirmari peste confirmari, mailuri ca imi trimit tricou de la s cat am ales in profil pana la xxl si mail ca e trimis tricoul si, cu toate astea, nu a venit nimic.
Post of the year ! Ce ? Invitatie ? Lasa si tu o adresa de mail, [email protected]
ce ziceti, am vreo sansa sa vand cardul acela?? el e de 50$...deci asta vine stiu, pe la vreo 150RON, am vreo sansa sa-l vand?? pentru ca nu am mai comandat niciodata nimic de pe amazon, si nu am habar cum se foloseste lol