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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #2981 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Șmirghel, autocolant... Thank you! Important e să nu ajung la ciocan.

    P.S. Btw, am Orbit Sander de la Makita. Crezi că iese ceva frumos?

  2. #2982 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Am impresia că aveți o fixație pe asta, consola va fi glosy treceți peste, aveți alternative nu este că și cum sunteți obligați.

  3. #2983 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Aici trebuie să postăm doar laudatium la adresa PS5, sau cum? Dacă te deranjează "fixațiile", sari peste... Nu este ca și când ai fi obligat.

  4. #2984 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar

    Clubul PlayStation 5

    Quote Originally Posted by KurtKnispel View Post
    Se rezolvă ușor și cu plasticul ăla negru strălucitor. PS5 se dezasamblează f. ușor.

    Iei un șmirghel de granulație 1200 și în 5 minute ai rezolvat problema.
    Eu ma gandeam la un decal, sper insa cat mai multi oameni vor alege varianta cu smirghelul si poate cativa nici nu vor dezasambla consola o vor face intre reprize de fifa.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #2985 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    E amuzant cum și cât vă deranjează o bucată de plastic strălucitor, dar în acelaști timp și lenea e direct proporțională cu mărimea bucații de plastic glossy.

    Pentru că bineînțeles mai ușor să bocești, în loc să pui un pic mintea și mâinile la lucru.

  6. #2986 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    A luat-o razna si Marques.

  7. #2987 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    E normal ca lumea sa se planga de un aspect sau altul al unui produs. Fiecare-si spune of-ul si e complet firesc.

    Eu sunt curios daca totusi, dupa șmirghel, in caz ca aveti probleme cu ea, o mai accepta la garantie. As tinde spre un mare Nu.
    In schimb daca se aplica un skin, se da usor jos in caz de ceva.

    E enervant rau sa ai ceva atat de lucios. Detest din tot sufletul partea lucioasa de la base PS4 si arata ingrozitor dupa atatia ani de sters, dar nah...defilam cu ce avem si personal nu cred ca voi face nimic ca sa acopar acea suprafata pentru pasa atat de mult

  8. #2988 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by KurtKnispel View Post
    E amuzant că vă deranjează o bucată de plastic strălucitor, dar în acelaști timp lenea e direct proporțională cu mărimea bucații de plastic glossy.

    Pentru că bineînțeles mai ușor să bocești, în loc să pui un pic mintea și mâinile la lucru.
    Eh, vezi, asta va macina pe multi dintre voi. Nu faptul ca poti accepta sau nu argumente pro si contra, ci hate-ul si jignirile gratuite. Eu de exp. am scris simplu si concret despre o chestie care nu-mi place mie, incercand sa nu jignesc pe nimeni. Dar vad ca tu deja ne faci "lenesi" si "bocitoare". Mai mult, cred ca prin expresia "in loc sa pui mintea la lucru" ne faci si prosti. Tipic romaneste. Felicitari, ce sa mai zic?

  9. #2989 SP
    Member JohnnyUSA's Avatar
    Eu nu inteleg de ce ar trebui sa-mi pun mintea la contributie si sa inventez tot felul de chestii ca sa rezolv o hiba vis-a-vis de o consola.

    Am destule pe cap pentru care-mi pun mintea la contributie zi de zi.

    Bag mana-n foc ca daca nu faceau mizeria aia glossy, nu era nici dracu’ deranjat. Just sayin’.

    Oricum, ma consider indreptatit sa spun ce ma deranjeaza, nu vorbesc ca unii, care doar se uita prin vitrina. Am precomanda data, banutii sunt deja luati din cont, deci, am tot dreptul sa spun ce ma deranjeaza, chiar daca lezez pe unii sau pe altii.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #2990 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar

    Hehe, apare si Romania acolo - Playstation 66%, Xbox 35%.

  11. #2991 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    PS5 Launch - Play Has No Limits:

    The theme of the spot is centered around the idea of exploration. There is a desire in all of us to explore and discover new possibilities, whether it’s in gaming, or in our everyday lives. We all want to go to places we’ve never been, see what’s never been seen. We tell the story by paying homage to explorers of the past who stood on the threshold of the unknown and pushed past their limits to achieve the extraordinary.

    Finally, we needed an iconic voice to narrate this unique spot, we went with our new strategic creative partner – Travis Scott. We hope you enjoy, and we look forward to continuing to explore new and exciting worlds with you through PlayStation 5.
    Revealing the global launch ad for PS5 – PlayStation.Blog

  12. #2992 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Over the next two hours, we're going to be dropping updates on five upcoming #PS5 games at http://PlayStation.Blog.

  13. #2993 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Haven - story trailer:

    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    In Haven, you play as two lovers who gave up everything and escaped to a lost planet to be together. It’s a romantic RPG about love and freedom, but a strong characteristic of the game is that you play two characters at the same time: Yu and Kay. It’s first and foremost a solo game, in which you play these two characters, but with such a duo for main characters, we couldn’t pass on the opportunity to make it also a couch co-op experience. In this blog post, I’ll dive in details about the co-op experience for the first time.

    Haven can be enjoyed solo, it’s designed for that. But at any time in the game, another player can join by simply taking another gamepad and pressing a button. The UI will show that co-op has started, it’s completely seamless.
    An important part of the gameplay makes Yu and Kay explore the deserted planet gliding over the grass, collecting flow and food, and cleaning the rust in search for resources and new paths (learn more about the gameplay in our previous blog post). While gliding, one player is leading, and the other is following. The character that is following has the freedom to roam around the lead one. Each time you stop, you can exchange the lead, and “take the wheel” like it’s your turn to drive.

    However, the following player is not just a co-pilot. They can control what we call a “flowblob”, a circle of flow on the ground that they can project around them to interact with the world as they glide. They can use the flowblob to clean the rust or gather resources. The lead character chooses where to go and the following character helps clean the area.
    The flowblob can also be used to slow down a creature that’s chasing you:
    In solo combat, the game pad is split in half. You use the dpad to load Kay’s actions and the buttons for Yu’s. In co-op, each player controls their character. The players have to combine their actions.

    For instance one can be shielding while the other prepares an attack.
    You can exploit temporary weaknesses by having a player stun a creature, while the other prepares an attack that will make critical damage. Or you can synchronize two similar actions on each character to make powerful duo attacks.
    Last but not least, if one of your heroes is down, the other one can help them stand up again.
    While it’s common to see co-op mechanics for action gameplay, it’s much more unusual to see them intertwined in the storytelling. Narration-wise, when the characters talk, the player regularly has dialog choices to make, which sometimes have an impact on the game. When playing co-op, both players have to agree and validate the same dialog choice to progress. From what we’ve seen, it’s very engaging and creates heated discussions between the players on the couch.
    We wanted to make a game that can be enjoyed by everyone: solo for a deep immersion with Yu and Kay, or co-op with a friend or a romantic partner. As you read this we are adding the finishing touches to the game. Haven will release December 3rd 2020 on PS5 and early 2021 on PS4.
    Hold hands alone or with a special someone in Haven, out December 3 on PS5 – PlayStation.Blog
    Attached Images Attached Images haven_1920x1080.jpg

  14. #2994 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Asta iese si pe Xbox., nu? Chiar am jucat un demo in perioada E3-ului, pe Xbox.

  15. #2995 SP
    Member marv's Avatar
    bun, am luat-o, acum sa vina jocurile 4K!
    Attached Images Attached Images dezumidificator-trotec-ttk128e-55lzi-debit-380mch-pentru-spatii-de-pana-la-160mp-timer-higrostat.jpg

  16. #2996 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Asta iese si pe Xbox., nu? Chiar am jucat un demo in perioada E3-ului, pe Xbox.

    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    Temtem makes its console debut exclusively on PS5
    Early Access for the massively multiplayer creature-collection starts December 8.

    After eight months on PC, and over 19 million Tems tamed, Temtem is making its console debut exclusively on PlayStation 5, with Early Access beginning on December 8. The game will feature crossplay between the PS5 and PC communities.

    If you haven’t read our announcement post yet, here’s a quick recap: Temtem is a massively multiplayer creature-collection adventure where you seek adventure in the lovely Airborne Archipelago alongside your Temtem squad. Players can catch every Tem, challenge other tamers, customize their house, or join a friend’s adventure in a full co-op experience.

    What to expect from Early Access
    The world of Temtem is divided into six main islands. Players can access four of them at the start of Early Access. Temtem’s main campaign will carry you through these islands in a journey spanning more than 30 hours, in which you’ll be able to capture over 100 unique Tems!

    The whole campaign is playable in co-op, and since Temtem is an always-online world, you’ll constantly meet other players around you and will be able to battle, trade, or just chat and get to know fellow Temtem tamers.

    You can pre-order Temtem today at a discounted price and receive an exclusive in-game title, PSN avatars, and Early Access on December 8!

    Competitive, customization and aspirational activities
    Once you’ve completed the story campaign, what you want to do next is up to you: there are plenty of activities and features to focus your attention on. If you’re a competitive Tamer, you can test out your skills in ranked matchmaking battles featuring competitive rule sets. These encounters demand strong tactics and strategic thinking to win. Don’t expect luck to save you. Skill is the defining factor of the best players.

    If you prefer to live your online life stylishly, you can focus on fully customizing your character or even your own house. In Temtem, each player can have their own home located in Atoll Row, an infinite neighborhood where players can walk through and visit every house in the game with no load times.

    Temtem also offers some more activities, catered to the more hardcore players out there. Attempt to take on Dojo leaders in new increasingly difficult battles in weekly challenges, hunt for ultra-rare, specially colored Temtems called Lumas at the Saipark, or fish for one of the many (10,368 to be exact!) variations of Koish at the Nuru Lodge.

    Why jump in during Early Access?
    With each major Island update to Temtem the base price will increase. After full release Temtem will flatten out at $44.99 / €37.99 for Standard and $64.99 / €54.99 for Deluxe. Meaning, the earlier you buy in, the cheaper the game will be!

    Additionally, players with the Deluxe Edition that dive in early will receive an exclusive pack of camouflage cosmetics, including a uniform, bandana, and backpack.

    What’s coming after Early Access?
    Temtem will continue to receive updates periodically while being in Early Access until we reach 1.0. Some of the features that you should expect in the coming months are:

    - More story content: Two brand new islands that will guide the player to finishing the game’s story arc.
    - Dozens of new Temtem, including three very special mythical Tems.
    - New multiplayer features like the trading house that will allow server-wide trading or the long-awaited clan wars.
    - More aspirational activities for the most dedicated players, including a whole new island dedicated to end-game activities and a hardcore game mode.
    Stay tuned for major island updates as we’ll be increasing the size of the game all the way through Early Access.
    Temtem makes its console debut exclusively on PS5 – PlayStation.Blog
    Attached Images Attached Images temtem_01.jpg temtem_02.jpg temtem_03.jpg temtem_product_versions_1.png temtem_product_versions_2.jpg

  17. #2997 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Cum sa nu te plangi de plasticul lucios de pe PS5 cand e cel mai prost, se zgarie usor si se umple de amprente/grasime.
    Ca un exemplu e Samsung care a tot folosit mizeria aia de plastic lucios pe telefoane, in timp aratau oribil.

    Unul dintre motivele pentru care mi-am luat Samsung S8500 Wave si S4 Black edition a fost pentru ca am vrut sa evit cu orice pret platicul lucios.

    Pui metal sau plastic mat daca vrei ca produsul sa se mentina cat mai bine in timp.

    Nu mai zic ca mi se pare penibila atitudinea unora care spun ca trebuie sa faci tu ceva cu plasticul lucios nu Sony.
    Pai eu dau 500 de euro ca sa ce? Sa repar ce a facut Sony prost?

  18. #2998 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Stiu ca esti troll si toata lumea te ignora, dar eu am terminat treaba de birou, deci o sa iti dau de mancare.

    Quote Originally Posted by Papillon_ View Post
    Cum sa nu te plangi de plasticul lucios de pe PS5 cand e cel mai prost, se zgarie usor si se umple de amprente/grasime....
    Pai eu dau 500 de euro ca sa ce? Sa repar ce a facut Sony prost?
    Sa ne faci si noua review la PS5 daca tot l-ai primit si zgariat deja. Sper sa il stergi inainte, macar pentru video. Stim ca ai degetele pline de praf de Lotto Classic, se stie ca orice gamer mananca asta cand se joaca si freaca si consola cand baga discul.

    Tu oricum nu dai niciun ban pentru ca nu o vei cumpara, nu mai veni cu farfuria asta de rahat turcesc ca nu ne intereseaza.

  19. #2999 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Iti fac cadou un PlayStation 3 Super Slim ca sa vezi ce inseamna plastic lucios, poate nu ai vazut asa ceva pana acum la birou sau acasa.
    Din cate stiu am cumparat PS3, PS4 Pro varianta originala si acum am PS4 Pro The Last of Us Part II Limited Edition deci sunt utilizator de Playstation...
    Cand o sa sa apara in stoc o sa cumpar si PS5, promit ca iti trimit o poza cu banda aia lucioasa sa o pui ca screensaver.

    Daca spui ceva negativ de PS5 automat esti jignit unii pur si simplu nu pot sa accepte minusurile unui produs si faptul ca cineva are alta parere.

  20. #3000 SP
    Member clax_117's Avatar
    Nu cred ca a spus nimeni ca PS5 nu ar avea minusuri, sigur are destule, dar nu ti se pare exagerat ( asta ca sa folosesc un termen ok) ca un gamer sa se planga de o bucata din plastic care nu afecteaza cu absolut nimic functionalitatea produsului sau experienta in jocuri ?!

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