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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 3

  1. #201 SP
    Member alexxx_862006's Avatar
    Mi-am luat un LCD si din cate stiam eu nu are 1080p, dar cand l-am conectat la tv prin cablu Hdmi si mi-a dat sa aleg rzolutia era si 1080p iar dupa ce o selectam la Current Output Resolutions este 1080p. Deci e posibil sa imi apara 1080p si sa o pot selecta chiar daca Tv-ul nu are aceasta rezolutie? Si la setari ce rezolutie este cel mai bine sa tin bifata? sau le pot lasa bifate pe toate? Si pot vedea in timp ce ma joc in ce rezolutie ruleaza jocul? Thx

  2. #202 SP
    Member drati71's Avatar
    A aparut update-ul pentru Burnout Paradise. Versiunea 1.40 (154 MB- By MOTO pack). Spor la descarcat....

  3. #203 SP
    Member playgame's Avatar
    UK Update


    NBA Live 09
    Soul Calibur 4

    Game Add ons

    Rock Band:
    All Over Again Game Pack �0.99
    Don't Make Me Wait �0.99
    Livin on the COrner of Dude and Catastrophe �0.99
    She Does �0.99
    Shhh �0.59
    Skullcrusher Mountain �0.59

    Locksley Pack 01 �2.49
    The PAX 2008 Colletion �1.69
    Rock Band Sony Export Key �2.49


    Fallout 3 Official Trailer
    Resistance 2 Twisted History
    Pain Amusement Park Trailers x2
    Playtv Product Trailer

    Themes and Wallpapers

    Pain Wallpapers
    Playtv Wallpapers

  4. #204 SP
    Senior Member nameless_fear's Avatar
    Si eu am un tv phillips 720p care ruleaza la 1080p pe ps3 ... cel putin asa scrie.
    In timp am revenit pe 720p deoarece cred ca totusi rezolutia afisata este 1080i si nu p cum scrie pe ecran ... nu sunt 100% sigur dar in 720p se vede cu siguranta mai bine pe al meu tv.
    Cred ca daca afisa 1080p se lauda producatorul direct cu asta.

  5. #205 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    US Update :

    Price Promotion

    Call of Duty 4 Map Pack 1-week price promotion @ $4.99 (from 9/18/ - 9/25)
    Note from Infinity Ward: We�re kicking off a full week of promotions for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare this week, starting on Thursday, Sept. 18 at 2pm (PT). We�ll kick it off by dropping the price of the #1 Add-on DLC on PSN, the Variety Map Pack, to the price of $4.99 all week long. Four new maps � Creek, Broadcast, Killhouse, and Chinatown will be great new locations to rank up when we switch on the Double XP this weekend. Some of the IW crew will be jumping on Friday between Noon � 4pm (PT) to rank up and take on any open challenges from the community. Be sure to add our PSN IDs and drop us an invite if you see us online.
    Add-on Game Content

    Rock Band
    Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit
    • �The Conjuring� - Megadeth ($1.99)
    • �Wake Up Dead� - Megadeth ($1.99)
    • �Bad Omen� - Megadeth ($1.99)
    • �Devil�s Island� - Megadeth ($1.99)
    • �Good Mourning/Black Friday� - Megadeth ($1.99)
    • �I Ain�t Superstitious� - Megadeth ($1.99)
    • �My Last Words� - Megadeth ($1.99)
    • Peace Sells�But Who�s Buying? Album ($10.99) - this album includes �Wake Up Dead, �The Conjuring,� �Devil�s Island,� �Good Mourning/Black Friday�, �Bad Omen,� �I Ain�t Superstitious,� and �My Last Words� - Megadeth.
    • �Hands Down� - Dashboard Confessional ($0.99)
    • �One of THOSE Nights�� The Cab ($0.99)
    • �She�s a Handsome Woman�� Panic at the Disco ($0.99)
    • �Natural Disaster�� Plain White T�s ($0.99)
    • Rock Band Live 2008 Tour Pack 1 ($3.99) - includes �Natural Disaster� - Plain White T�s, �She�s a Handsome Woman�- Panic at the Disco, �One of THOSE Nights� - The Cab, and �Hands Down� - Dashboard Confessional.
    File sizes: 22.4 MB - 52.1 MB (singles), 101 MB - 253 MB (track packs)
    Game Demos (free)

    Fracture Demo
    Defend the world against a genetically modified enemy force and unleash the power of terrain-deforming weapons and technology. Download the Fracture demo now!!
    ESRB Rated T
    File size: 876 MB
    Mercenaries 2 Demo
    It�s Your Chance to Destroy Anything and Everything � Mercs Style! Check out the new Mercenaries 2 Demo!
    ESRB Rated T
    File size: 1.10 GB
    Game Videos (free)

    NBA 09 The Inside: Life (x4)
    NBA 09 The Inside and the makers of MLB 08 The Show bring you The Life. Could you step into the shoes of an NBA player in The Life? See if you�ve got what it takes to play three different story-lines in your bid to go from the streets, straight to the NBA. Pre-order today through GameStop and get an officially licensed NBA cap. Specially marked boxes can also get you one year FREE subscription to Vibe Magazine. Nothing Gets You Closer.
    File sizes: 46 MB - 72 MB (HD), 76 MB - 117 MB (1080)
    Valkyria Chronicles GC Trailer
    Leipzig Game Convention reveal of the Valkyria Chronicles exciting real-time action gameplay in various new environments.
    File size: 43 MB (HD)
    EA Sports Hockey League Video
    Jump into the EA SPORTS Hockey League and become part of the first console sports MMO. Take your created player online and join a team with friends, or scout for players. Featuring 6 vs. 6 online team play, the ability to level up your player, tournament brackets, and awards at the end of every season - you can become the first great name in videogame hockey.
    File size: 89 MB (HD)
    AST Dew Tour - Portland FMX Jam Session
    A compilation of the best moments from the FMX Jam Session at the third stop of the AST Dew Tour in Portland, Oregon. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
    File size: 91 MB (HD), 146 MB (1080)
    AST Dew Tour - Portland Skate Thrills
    A compilation of the best moments in Skateboard Park and Skateboard Vert from the third stop of the AST Dew Tour in Portland, Oregon. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
    File size: 94 MB (HD), 154 MB (1080)
    AST Dew Tour - Portland BMX Highlights
    BMX Park athlete Rob Darden has his best finish on the Dew Tour in Portland for the Wendy�s Invitational. Here he talks about his strategy and training as he�s prepared for this season on Tour. Check out this video exclusive to the PSN!
    File size: 128 MB (HD), 212 MB (1080)
    AST Dew Tour - Rob Darden Profile
    Get an inside look with skate park athlete Paul Rodriguez as he talks about his success so far in 2008. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
    File size: 118 MB (HD), 196 MB (1080)
    AST Dew Tour - P Rod Profile
    Get an inside look with skate park athlete Paul Rodriguez as he talks about his success so far in 2008. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
    File size: 91 MB (HD), 155 MB (1080)
    AST Dew Tour - Skate Park Stars
    Both Chaz Ortiz and Paul Rodriguez have had quite a year on the Dew Tour, hear from them as they talk about the Tour and the role model P Rod is for Chaz. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
    File size: 116 MB (HD), 191 MB (1080)
    AST Dew Tour - Behind the Scenes with Andy M.
    Skate Vert athlete Andy Macdonald takes you behind the scenes in Portland for the Dew Tour. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
    File size: 92 MB (HD), 154 MB (1080)
    AST Dew Tour - PlayStation Pro Moments Portland
    Download and watch part two of the behind the scenes series looking at the making of Legendary. In this episode, we hang out with the dev team as they talk about Legendary�s other creatures; the titan-class Golem and Kraken to the smaller - but still lethal - Firedrake, Nari and Echidna Tentacle.
    File size: 49 MB (HD), 87 MB (1080)
    Play the Pros: Baltimore
    Danny Mayer, skate vert athlete, and Mathieu Therres, skate park pro, compete on the PlayStation� Experience truck against their fans in Gran Turismo� 5 Prologue. Check out this video exclusively on the PSN!
    File size: 72 MB (HD), 120 MB (1080)
    PLAYSTATION Store for PC

    Here is this week�s content release for the PLAYSTATION Store for PC. To download these games to your PSP, navigate to There, you�ll find descriptions of the content and directions on how to get started. For more on the PLAYSTATION Store for PC, please click here.
    PSP Game Download

    * Cube ($9.99)
    (also downloadable via PS3)
    * PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient ($9.99)
    (also downloadable via PS3)
    Game Demos (Free)

    * NBA 09 PSP Demo
    (also downloadable via PS3)
    Game Videos

    * NBA 09 PSP Trailer

  6. #206 SP
    Member playgame's Avatar

  7. #207 SP
    Member Q's Avatar
    Standard (rezolutie):
    720p (1280 x 720)
    1080i (1920 x 1080)
    1080p (1920 x 1080)

    i - interlaced
    p - progressive scan

    Practic i metoda prin care se afiseaza semnalul cu rezolutie fullHD (1920 x 1080), prin procesarea semnalui care este transformat astfel incit sa suporte rezolutia fizica a panelului (Plasma: 1024 x 768, LCD: 1366 x 768). In alte cuvinte panelurile fizice sint un fel de salata, au nevoie de metode de corectie ca sa poata afisa semnalul standardizat.

    ex: Plasma Panasonic TH-42PV70 (1.024 x 768, 786.432 pixeli) HDready in specificatii are trecut clar:
    • Circuite integrate pentru procesare digitala 1080p
    • Procesor "Digital Re-mastering" 1080p
    normal ca cei neavizati trec cu vederea usor peste cele doua propozitii iar la final le ramine in cap 1080p insa in fapt acolo scrie: circuit pentru corectia semnalului 1080p (1920x1080) ce va fi transformat in semnal cu rezolutia 1024x768 ce poate fi afisata fizic de catre aparat. In timp ce procesor digital re-mastering este, daca vreti in traducere libera domule dam cu fond de ten pina acoperim toate vinataile.

  8. #208 SP
    Junior Member Shaft's Avatar
    Monky am un ps3 80 gb ... Cam pe unde ash putea gasi blueray-uri la un pret mic ??

  9. #209 SP
    Junior Member Soop's Avatar
    Shaft, jocuri piratate de ps3 nu vei gasi.Deocamdata doar originale se pot gasi si sper sa ramana asa cat mai mult timp.Daca vrei discuri blu-ray mai ieftine(banuiesc ca te referi la jocuri),verifica sectiunea Publicitate din acest forum

  10. #210 SP
    Senior Member istrategie's Avatar

  11. #211 SP
    Member killlemalll3's Avatar
    2 posturi si alea extrem de profunde...Mi-am mai adaugat si eu unul cu ocazia asta...

    V-ati hotarat la lista jocurilor pt sfarsitul asta de an?L mine e foarte greu,sunt foarte multe.Review urile vor face alegerile mai usoara insa chiar si asa...Vreun top in functie de ce va ganditi sa cumparati?problema e ca toate apar in acele 2 luni specifice

    Eu personal nu renunt si am preorder la

    Resistance 2
    Motorstorm 2
    Litlle big planet
    Saints row 2
    Far cry 2
    Cod 5
    Fallout 3

    observ ca lumea se agita la Dead space insa EA ma face sa fiu reticient...
    Prince of persia acum ca apare pe 2 apropo,nu am vazut nicaieri vreun gameplay,va fi grafica sanatoasa sau stilul acela cartoon din screen uri?

    Bioshock e must buy pt cei care nu l-au jucat pe o alta consola...

    Articolul ala de pe ign ar fi trebuit sa ajute,nu pe mine,acum la ditamai lista am adaugat si Sillent hill de care uitasem,

  12. #212 SP
    Member Tavitzu's Avatar
    Eu voi cumpara 100% : Resistance 2 , Motorstorm 2, Little big planet, Fallout 3, Mk vs dc, fifa 09
    Posibil de craciun : far cry 2, cod5 sau dead space ma orietenz spre far cry si dead space
    Killlemall3 prince of persia va arata aproape identic ca precedentu doar cu niste texturi mai frumoase , design mai bine arata si rfom 1 sincer, dar un adventure game nu trebuie judecat dupa grafica

  13. #213 SP
    Senior Member istrategie's Avatar
    Astazi am copiat toate salvarile de pe hard-ul PS3-ului pe iPod. A mers aproape perfect, cu exceptia ca un file (mai exact, save-ul de la R6 Vegas 2) nu a putut fi copiat. Aveti vreo idee? E ceva legat de status-ul online din joc si de aceea nu merge?

  14. #214 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Orice se poate copia cu backup... insa nu orice se poate copia file by file. E probabil fisier protejat... adica sa nu poti da salvarea altcuiva (sau sa o poti salva, modifica si pune la loc). E o metoda buna anti-cheating.

  15. #215 SP
    Senior Member istrategie's Avatar
    La back-up imi cerea 9GB, probabil si pentru ce jocuri aveam instalate pe Hard. O sa incerc sa il fac cu back-up, dar probabil va trebui sa sterg instalarile, nu?

  16. #216 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Am si eu 2 intrebari
    1. In legatura cu home. Daca am psn id ro, o sa am acces la home? Adica o sa fie la fel ca ps store?
    2. Si daca imi fac cont us sau uk pt store, si cumpar un joc, o sa pot sa-l joc de pe contul ro? Jocul e legat de cont sau consola?

  17. #217 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    istrategie: mai bine sterge daca ai demo-uri si alte chestii pe care le poti downloada repede. Depinde cum ti-e mai usor

    andreips3: cu home inca nu stim daca vom avea acces. Teoretic va fi la fel ca si store. Iar la a doua intrebare, da, poti sa iei de pe UK sau US si sa joci pe RO fara probleme. Jocul e legat de consola (si de cont insa doar cu save-urile).

  18. #218 SP
    Junior Member Chaser's Avatar
    Salutare !
    Am intrat sa ii salut pe toti membrii acestui forum (in special pe MonkY). Sunt si eu un nou posesor de PS3 si normal abia ma dezmeticesc in privinta consolei, dupa ce te joci pe PC si ajungi la controllerul PS3 e un pic cam dificil (dar nu cred ca trebuia sa va mai spun asta) .Momentan nu prea ma descurc la nici un joc (poate la F1 Championship mai treaca-mearga), dar dupa ce ma obisnuiesc un pic mi-ar face placere sa ne vedem online pentru un "duel".
    Have fun !

  19. #219 SP
    Junior Member Chaser's Avatar
    Hello again!
    Intrebare. Unde as putea gasi de downloadat niste demo-uri pentru GT5 sau FIFA (EURO) 2008, eventual ceva care sa poata fi si split-screen?
    Va multumesc anticipat!

  20. #220 SP
    Member andreips3's Avatar
    Ok, mersi pentru raspuns.
    Ma gandeam sa nu adaug pe nimeni la friends list inca, in eventualitatea unor probleme cu home. Oricum postat psn id, puteti sa-mi dati add ca va accept dar, daca o sa fie probleme de genu cu home o sa va mut pe toti intr-un cont nou

    Scuze pt dublu post se pare ca nu mai pot da edit.
    Mai am o intrebare. Am memory card utility in xmb asta inseamna ca pot juca jocuri ps2/ps1? Si daca nu, de ce am optiunea asta?
    Mentionez ca am consola cu hdd de 40 care am auzit ca nu are back compatiblity.

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