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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 5

  1. #3441 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da. Ala e un articol. Sunt o gramada bazate pe aceeasi sursa. Pana la finalul anului mai e literaly o luna.
    Asta ziceam initia. Ori mai sunt 7.5 milioane pe care le scot acum de sarbatori, ceea ce e fff putin probabil, fie a fost vrajeala acel numar.
    Oricum alea nu sunt cifre oficiale (twitt-u) si astept ceva oficial. Eventual ceva despre ce s-a livrat si ce s-a vandut. Sigur sunt discrepante mari, pentru ca de regula fiecare comerciant pastreaza un procent pentru eventualele console cu defecte.

  2. #3442 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Pai nu au anunțat nimic oficial, vineri este BF în afară și sigur vor fi alte stocuri plus sărbătorile de Crăciun, nu au aruncat tot pe piață în ziua lansării.

    Oricum pandemia asta a dat peste cap multe din planul lor, aceasi problemă o au și MS.

  3. #3443 SP
    Junior Member Xedros's Avatar
    Eu ce am înțeles, este că inițial au estimat 10mil, apoi raportările din septembrie arata ca au redus producția cu 4mil. La numărul de console vândut, nu avem nimic oficial. Cert este ca nenea Ryan a zis ca e gol cotețul, s-a vândut tot.

  4. #3444 SP
    Senior Member JeNeI's Avatar
    Mai are cineva probleme cu conectarea la PSN dupa ce s-a logat pe PS4? Eu joc si pe PS4 si pe PS5 si de cand am pornit PS4, nu ma pot loga pe PSN cu wifi, doar prin hotspot cu telefonul. Problema este valabila la ambele console.

    Mai este cineva in situatia mea? Trebuie sa fac ceva setari la cont?

    EDIT: Se pare ca IP-ul este blocat. Toata problema a inceput cand m-am logat ieri pe PS4.

  5. #3445 SP
    Senior Member cosminbad's Avatar
    Un reset la router face minuni cateodata. Si schimba si IP-ul daca nu ai fix.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  6. #3446 SP
    Senior Member JeNeI's Avatar
    Am resetat routerul la setari de fabrica si si-a revenit Nu imi mergea nici aplicatia de iOS.

  7. #3447 SP
    Member sinnombree07's Avatar
    Switcher pentru căști astro A40 wireless trebuie sa fie original astro sau pot cu alt switcher? Și dacă puteți sa îmi recomandați unu bun, mulțumesc.

  8. #3448 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  9. #3449 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    La asta am ras copios, cand am auzit melodia din Interstelar

  10. #3450 SP
    Member paulone's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Eu am luat-o de la ruși. Era și asta lângă.
    Cred ca merge si pestele de sticla peste mileul ala, la cat de oribila e consola(ca design) se incadeaza perfect

  11. #3451 SP
    Junior Member Lord_Silver's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paul View Post
    An issue that prevented the PS5 wireless controller from being charged while in rest mode when connected to the PS5's front side USB Type-A port using the USB cable included with some PS5 consoles was resolved.
    Am testat treaba asta si pare ca s-a rezolvat, nu mi-am dat seama cat de repede sau nu a mers (ca era deja destul de mult incarcat), dar pot sa zic ca acum functioneaza incarcarea prin USB-ul din fata, in rest mode. N-a durat prea mult sa se rezolve singura problema de care am dat eu pana acum.

  12. #3452 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VICE
    The company's own data showed that people were spending more time playing single player games, but struggled making it part of their schedule.

    [...] The presentation opens by saying "everyone knows single player is dying," with a list of the top-selling PlayStation 4 video games that seems to crib this sales list, showing games like Grand Theft Auto V and Black Ops 3 dominating sales because of their multiplayer modes.

    In the next slide, however, Sony explained that, in reality, its internal tracking data shows that "single player is thriving," and PlayStation users are regularly spending more time playing offline than online. [...]

    The company then outlined what players say are their problems with single player games:

    - "No idea how long I might need, don't play unless I have 2+ free hours"
    - "Takes a lot of time to scan through long help videos when stuck"
    - "How to engage socially without risk of spoilers"
    - "Forgot what I was doing in this game last time, hard to get back in"

    The presentation, at times, cites surveys Sony has conducted to learn more about what its players think, but it does not lay out many specifics about the data itself. One survey cited said it spoke with roughly 3,000 players.

    "In an ideal world, every player has the time to spend hours per day, every day, playing games," reads a slide on top of a photo of a man holding a baby and a cup of coffee. "In reality, most people have jobs. Or kids. Or school. Or all of the above. Often, free time comes wedged between other obligations. An hour before bed. A 30-minute break between homework assignments. A few minutes before your online MP [multiplayer] match."

    The problem, Sony proposed, was that people don't have enough information to determine when and how they should play a single player game. Alongside being able to jump around between different quests, Sony's activity feature would suggest how long it will take to finish a quest, allowing players to find something that fit best with the time they have available.

    "In a busy world, that time [to play]" might not come for a while," reads another slide next to a photo of someone hiking through the mountains, holding a map. "When they finally do find a spare hour, they've forgotten where they were, and what they were doing. Then what?"

    All of this, according to Sony, creates "friction," while their proposed system, dubbed the Universal Data System, can help solve.

    "We can change 'should I start playing' to 'which part should I start playing?'" reads a slide next to a screen shot from Uncharted. "The options are there. The choices are clear. The game is calling. Pick up that controller. It's time to play."

    There is no universal system for implementing activities into PS5 games, which is why you see it used differently across games. In Demon's Souls, for example, it's warping between worlds. In Miles Morales, you can jump straight into a story mission or side quest, if you don't feel like swinging across the map. According to Sony's presentation, the ideal activity is one tied to "a unit of gameplay inherent to the game structure (e.g. quest, chapter, mission.)" [...]
    Internal Sony Docs Explain How "Activities" Became a Cornerstone for PS5

  13. #3453 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Pai era idiotul ala de la EA care tot spunea că jocurile single player sunt pe moarte.

  14. #3454 SP
    Junior Member mwscoofield's Avatar
    Guys, oare se va adresa load time-ul la jocuri?
    Sincer, dupa ce ma joc pe Series X, si apoi ma pun la PS5, ma cam enerveaza ca stau pe loading screen-uri la fiecare joc (chiar si la un Rocket League)
    Controller-ul e absolut genial, dar in rest nu prea imi da senzatia ca e un NEXT-GEN console.
    My 2 cents

  15. #3455 SP
    Member Syni's Avatar
    Apas butonul și pornește automat și TV-ul. Ma duc spre fotoliu, și când ma întorc e deja pregătit. Aleg jocul dorit și în 5 sec, pana îmi scot parul din ochi, sunt in game . Adevărul e ca într-adevăr contează alea 5 sec .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  16. #3456 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Conteaza foarte mult, la un SSD ce se vrea a fi 2x faster decat ala de XSX. Dar diferentele nu sunt atat de mari si s-a vazut pana acum ca diferenta este de fapt chiar in favoarea lui PS5, dar cu un 20-30% mai rapid.

    Also, dupa ce am jucat pe PS5 si m-am obisnuit cu loading times mici, acum cand m-am reintors pe X1X mi se pare oribil sa stau 30-40s la un fast travel

    Nah, fiecare cu ce-l doare

  17. #3457 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Ma gândesc că timpul de încărcare va fi mai scurt în special pentru Exclusive, cele Cross vor fi probabil la fel.

  18. #3458 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Pai nu ați văzut cum e la Spiderman: MM? Și este încă începutul.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  19. #3459 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    In ce am jucat eu pana acum este la fel, 3-4s loading.

    Ce face PS5 este ca afiseaza toate filmuletele unskipable de la pornirea jocului, doar la prima pornire (cred) si apoi cand apesi pe buton, ai un mic loading de 2-4s si esti in meniu. Adica fix ce era firesc sa faca si ce se cerea de cativa ani.

  20. #3460 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

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