O intrebare am si eu. Mi-au aparut cele 5 jocuri...si acum nu mai imi apar. Am vrut sa downloadez unul dar m-am razgandit si apoi nu mai imi apare decat faza cu PS + dar jocurile gratuite nuCe am gresit?
Intra in Account Management-> Transaction-> Service List-> SCEA Promotion si o sa le ai acolo.
si eu am patit intr-o prima faza, dar s-a rezolvat repede dupa ce urmezi pasii pe care ii spune colegu.
in alta ordine de idei, am dat de belea cu welcome back asta... am luat ratchet & clank de pe UK si s-a dovedit atat de addictive incat ma simt obligat sa cumpar si sa termin primul joc (tools of destruction), dupa care continuu de unde am ramas cu quest for booty asta si termin cu a crack in time pana iese al 4-lea.
E la fel de addictive precum seria Jak & Daxter (de pe ps2).
cablul suporta 1080p fiindca atunci cand redau un film de pe un disc bluray tv-ul scoate 1080p, dar nu pricep la acest joc ca nu e defect a fost sigilat luat de la magazin....e posibil sa fi mintit producatorul ca suporta 1080i si p???
Re: Which PS3 Games Are 1080p ( full high definiti... - Official PlayStation� Community -PlayStation.com
Legendary = 1280x720 (no AA)
nu are Anti Aliasing - marginile obiectelor se vad zimtate adica.
du-te in video settings din ps3 si lasa bifata numai casuta pentru 1080p.
o sa faca upscaling direct din consola si nu din tv, vezi daca iti place mai mult cum arata.
desi s-ar putea sa se intample in felul urmator:
I think I can explain this best with GTA IV or Assassin's Creed III as an example. If you look on the back of the case, you'll notice it says "720p, 1080i and 1080p", but if you have every option ticked, it'll run on 720p. This is because game developers chose to do so, because they thought it gave the best image. Playing a game in 1080p makes your framerate drop. This is not very noticeable with AC II, because the PS3 version (sadly) already suffers from screen tearing, but the difference is noticeable with GTA IV, especially in car chases, etc...
Developers have had this problem for a while. They can't seem to figure out how to get a game running at a 1920x1080 resolution at 60fps. (If consoles nowadays had better graphics cards, this would not be a problem.) This is why game developers sometimes choose 720p ONLY (look at Uncharted 1 and 2, Fallout 3, MGS 4, ...), because they think smooth gameplay (60 fps) is more important than a high resolution.
Setting your PS3 to 1080p ONLY does bring one problem with it. If you play 720p only games (like the above mentioned), your PS3 will choose 480p (the one you can't untick), because 720p is not ticked and the game is not built to run at 1080p. I tried this with NFS Shift a few months ago and no matter how I set the settings, it would always go to the lowest resolution.
Personally, I stick with 720p, because I also prefer smooth gameplay to a high resolution. Of course, your TV is significantly bigger than mine, so try a few things out.
As dori sa va intreb ceva.Am cumparat de la un user fifa 11 ps3 cu online pass-ul folosit.Daca adaug codul pe contul meu de UK,voi putea accesa modul online sau va fi problema?toate cele bune
AM O PROBLEMA...imi cere online pass la fifa...jocul este original..sigilat lam cumparat...si imi spune ca nu e bun codul ....ca nu mai e valid sau ca e introdus incorect....precizez ca jocul l-am cumparat de la webpredator....care ar fi problema?
@ Donely : am un amic care si-a cumparat consola din Germania iar acum 2 saptamani...a crapat.A dus-o la service Sony iar cei de acolo au spus ca s-a desprins chipul de placa din cauza caldurii din timpul functionarii.Nu au mai putut face nimic ca s-o repare (consola) .Ai mai auzit asa ceva?Sa mai intamplat la cineva?Stiam ca singura problema la PS3 este blocul optic dar asta...chiar nu ma asteptam.
Astept raspuns, Donely.Multumesc.
unde vad zona ?..ca nu stiu...scrie ca e printat in hong kong.....pai se pare ca nu merge sa imi fac cont..site in maintence....nu stiti cand da drumu pe asia?