incearca acel cablu la alt device...un dvd player o placa video..ceva poate ai
Eu zic ca e ok, doar ca ar fi bine daca i-ai monta niste picioruse mai inalte, altfel se va disipa mai greu caldura de sub ea.
inca n-am inteles care este faza cu acel cod de PS Stoe pt.DOOM beta.....l-am gasit in cutia de la Wolfenstein New pricep iti da un demo cand apare Doom 4 sau ce?
PS3 System Update 4.76
This release comes with the same generic changelog we’re all used to by now:
“System software stability during use of some features has been improved.”
For those of you who can’t download 4.76 directly through your PS3, head over to the US or UK PlayStation sites to download the update using a USB stick.
Stiti de unde as putea cumpara un cablu component pentru PS2/PS3 marca Sony? Am deja unul 3rd-party dar are "ghosting effect" si as vrea sa-mi iau unul original Sony. Acum cateva luni am vazut oferte pe olx/okazii dar acum pauza.
Wow, mie nu-mi vine sa cred. Ma gandesc sa-mi mai iau una la black friday si sa o tin sigilata pana cand cedeaza cea de acum.
E pacat ca vor sa renunte asa repede la ea. Are o librarie uriasa de jocuri, ar fi scos bani frumosi in continuare de pe PS Store.
Am observat ca nici la noi nu sunt foarte ok stocurile. Cel putin controllere Dualshock 3 nu prea se mai gasesc..
Sony mizeaza pe PS4 si acel PS Now, de asta ii face vant la PS3. Intr-un fel forteaza pe toata lumea sa treaca pe PS4.
nu chiar.
de aici incepe totul:
Sony Discontinues PlayStation 3 in New Zealand
"The PS4 has been selling at an unprecedented pace all over the globe, but particularly in New Zealand where the PS4 became the fastest selling console of the decade, and the country’s console market has also grown by 92%, of which the PS4 accounts for 46% of that.
It’s also important to note that there is no other suggestion that Sony will suddenly start discontinuing the PS3 in any other regions. The company didn’t discontinue the PS2 until 2013 (13 years after launch) and so with the PS3 still selling quite well in most places (in Japan it outsells both the Nintendo 3DS and the Xbox One) Sony will be looking to keep the console alive for as long as possible."
Sony mai are multi bani de facut de pe urma lui PS3.