Am un cont PSN pe USA si as vrea sa il trec pe UK cu acelasi nume de user pot si sa pastrez si trofies?
Momentan nu se poate modifica ţara, nu se poate redenumi PSN ID şi nu se port transfera trofee de pe un ID pe altul.
Cine poate sa-mi spuna si mie cum imi dau seama daca un PS3 slim a fost desfacut pt repapare?
Inainte din cate am inteles, in cazul in care se facea un cont de ps3 pe US fuctiona achizitionarea jocurilor de pe PSN, fara riscul banarii.
Acum dupa toate update-urile si tot ce s-a mai intamplat, in cazul in care imi fac un cont pe US si imi cumpar un joc, ce mi se poate bana? Contul, consola sau ambele.
Am ps3 slim si din cate am inteles hardul poate fi schimbat usor cu unul de laptop. deci in cazul in care imi baneaza consola ce-mi baneaza mai exact.
Multumesc anticipat
Din c�te știu eu, nu poți recicla un ID așa cum vrei tu, sorry.
---------- Post added 26-07-2010 at 08:52 PM ----------
Dacă folosești voucher (cod valoric) de re�ncărcare și nu card bancar nu riști banare. De obicei ban se dă pe ID-ul unic al consolei, plus pe toți userii PSN logați pe consola respectivă -- schimbarea IP-ului/MAC-ului sau a HDD-ului nu ajută. Nu există nicio metodă de a "păcăli" un ban, dec�t altă consolă + user PSN nou.
Daca cumpar jocuri de pe PSN US, pot sa le joc si sa iau trophy pe contul de UK? Pentru ca am luat odata un demo de pe US si nu am putut sa-l joc pe UK.
Naughty Dog wants a game designer for 'fun third-person action gameplay'
Naughty Dog is hiring for a game designer to help design "fun third-person action gameplay and levels", according to a job vacancy posted on the developer's website.
Sony: hands-free motion tech not viable
Sony dismissed the idea of adopting hands-free motion controls - similar to that of Microsoft's Kinect - because the technology felt awkward to use, Sony's senior researcher Richard Marks has told
At a PlayStation move technology showcase last week, Marks revealed that Sony did look into hands-free tech using a 3D camera, but it simply didn't feel right.
"We did as much as we could with just a camera: that was my focus. But we kept running into problems, you couldn't do all the experiences we wanted to do and also around that time DualShock was coming out for PlayStation 3, it had built-in censors and gyros that gave different kinds of information about rotation, whereas the camera could give a lot of position information.
"So combining the two made a lot of sense. And also the big other factor that we were realising at the time was that it feels good to have something in your hand for a lot of games. It's not just that it gives you more input capability, which it does. But also it just feels right. Like if you have a tennis racket it feels better to have a controller in your hand. If you have a magic wand, a sword, a gun, it all feels better."
Marks continued: "We were very interested [in losing the remote] in 2004. But then we just decided it wasn't a viable product in our minds. EyeToy can already do a lot of that already. We hit a lot of the same limits with the 3D camera that we had hit with EyeToy so it didn't seem like it added enough value.
"I had demonstrations with the 3D camera where you're just casting spells or drawing. Doing it with your fingers is kind of neat but in the end it feels awkward. I would often just pick up a stick and it felt better."
In the end Marks and his team realised there was no need to drop the handheld controller, so long as it remained quite simple to use.
"[The controller] was easy to use, you could get all the benefits of having buttons. But we could also have all the benefits of tracking the controller with a camera, and that's when we basically started the productisation of Move," he said.
PlayStation Move is scheduled for release across Europe on September 15, 2010. You'll find the full interview with Richard Marks right here.
Da. Poti face trofeul pe contul de UK la un joc cumparat de pe contul de US/JP/etc. Poti chiar face acelasi trofeu de mai multe ori, cate o data pentru fiecare cont separat cu care te loghezi pe PS3-ul tau.
Recomand chiar sa verifici pe ce cont esti logat daca planuiesti sa faci ceva trophy night Asa am patit eu la HAWX, am jucat o seara intreaga, trofeu dupa trofeu, dupa care am vazut ca nu eram logat pe userul meu oficial lol
Nu e problema de contul pe care le fac lol. Contul de UK cu toate cele porneste automat cand pornesc consola, nu mai aleg user-ul.
Am intrebat pentru ca vreau sa iau un card de 50$ pentru US ca au mai mult content pe store si eu joc pe UK si odata mi s-a intamplat la un demo sa nu ma lase sa joc pentru ca nu eram logat pe US.
Stie cineva de ce in timpul streamingului cu ps3media server, imi apare msj."the ps3 sistem has been disconected from media server", dar nu se intampla nimic, merge totul unde acest mesaj fals???