in meniul ps3-ului (XMB se numeste) ai acolo categoriile Music si Videos. Daca vrei sa vezi un video intrii in Media serverul din categoria Video, ca altfel nu iti vede fisierele video. Sper ca am fost destul de explicit acum
Pana la urma asta e problema ta sau nu iti gaseste media serverul deloc?
Daca am un joc zona 2 (MC:L.A.) daca cumpar un card valoric merge sa instalez dlc? Ati incercat ?
am si eu o intrebare vreau sa imi cumpar un skin ptr ps3 si am gasit acest site credeti ca este de incredere ? daca nu puteti sa imi recomandati altul mai bun , multumesc
eu de aicea miam luat skin ps3
Game News HQ - White PS3 controller coming soon
you're a PS3 owner and a have an all white gaming pad you've pretty much been screwed until now. Thankfully there are alternate color PS3 controllers, and the white one is finally coming to the U.S. on Feb. 19, and you can once again feel like your room is partially more coordinated. GameStop has started pre-orders for the controller at $54.99. There's still going to be a black monolith in the middle of your white living room, but if you were that committed to the whole white motif you would have gotten a Wii anyway.
Scuze k ma bag si intreb.....o sa ziceti ca is noob sau alte chestii dar .... imi poate spune cineva daca pe ps3 de 250 gb merg alte jocuri decat cele de ps3 ? ....sau merg doar pe ps3 de 80gb ?
Connected Consoles - PS3 : EA Sports: Arc Offers Different Experience To Wii, Looking Into It
Peter Moore"I've seen the technology working. I think it's going to be a great complement to what's out there. Sony will put their collective technology and marketing might behind it.
It's a different experience than Wii and we're watching it with great interest. As you might imagine, we're working on stuff - in particular on what sports can bring to it."
Interesant , se spune ca ARC este mai fidel ca Wiimote-ul( cel putin acela fara motion plus) si ca ar avea o fidelitate a miscarilor de 1:1, din punctul meu de vedere cred ca va fi un lucru destul de interesant tinind cont ca va transforma ps3-ul intrun wii cu grafica next-gen.
---------- Post added 08-02-2010 at 10:54 PM ----------
acum le-am copiat si eu sunt super temele
---------- Post added 08-02-2010 at 11:57 PM ----------
PS3 'Steadily Increasing' Market Share Across the Globe - IndustryGamers
Research and Markets has released a new report on the growth trends of video consumer devices, including gaming consoles. From a geographical standpoint, the report found that Sony's PS3 is doing a good job increasing its global footprint...