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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 3

  1. #16641 SP
    Senior Member adibose's Avatar
    multi inca nu au priceput ca aici nu abordam subeicte cu si despre console modate, pur si simplu. (si daca nu v-ati pus la curent cu regulile forumului, aveti timp s-o faceti)

    In primul rand citeste specificatiile aceseti functii
    Este posibil sa nu poti realiza transferul dat fiind faptul ca pentru un transfer ambele console trebuie sa aiba instalat ultimul update de FW. Unii spun ca trebuie sa fie acelasi FW!
    S-ar putea sa te mai lovesti de ceva si anume de faptul ca pe consola modata trebuie sa te loghezi in PSN cu ID-ul de pe consola nemodata ca sa poti face transferul. Risti?

    Probabil ca vrei sa treci la o consola modata si daca tot faci asta vrei sa nu pierzi trofeee samd...

  2. #16642 SP
    Senior Member adibose's Avatar
    foarte misto, cata munca pt toate astea, si e tocmai din 2010 o sa ma apuc de Heavy Rain fiindca am auzit ca este destul de tare jocul.

  3. #16643 SP
    Junior Member mihai1's Avatar
    Multumesc mult pentru raspuns, apreciez

  4. #16644 SP
    Member Imperatore's Avatar
    exista sanse sa apara ceva anul asta de la Q.Dream?

  5. #16645 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Tocmai s-a intamplat ceva ciudat pe contul uk,mi-a aparut un mesaj cum ca nu ar mai fi parola valabila iar apoi mesajul cu mentenanţă...a mai păţit cineva asa ceva?

  6. #16646 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    Da si mie mi s-a intamplat la am schimbat parola.Dar mi s-a intamplat la contul de U.S

  7. #16647 SP
    Senior Member adibose's Avatar
    Next PlayStation to lock out used games - Report -

    Tot apar zvonuri legate de viitoarele restrictii ce vor impiedica schimbul de jocuri, imprumuturi sau vanzari de jocuri SH.
    Mi se pare o aberatie sa fii obligat sa te conectezi sa PSN ca sa poti boota un joc, ok daca nu am internet acasa, treaba e simpla, nu-ti cumperi PS3 fiindca n-o sa poti juca nimic.
    Plus ca daca vrei sa cumperi continut SH, in afara faptului ca platesti o suma de bani pt un joc SH, PSN isi va cere dreptul, si anume un fel de reactivare a acelui titlu pt un nou cont PSN...

    Daca stau bine sa ma gandesc, astia vor incuraja piratarea si modarea! Sincer, daca ne vor taia dreptul de a juca un titlu imprumutat sau cumparat SH, mai bine trec la "dark side" mai cumpar o consola pe care o voi moda si voi juca toate titlurile single player si pe consola curata joc doar chestii online gen Fifa , Gran turismo...etc

    Concluzie: Magari!

  8. #16648 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Pana se va moda PS4 ohooo, mai ai de asteptat.
    Iti va trece cheful de joaca daca vei astepta dupa asa ceva.

  9. #16649 SP
    Senior Member adibose's Avatar
    PS4 il luam de bun si vechiul PS3 il uite asa umplem casa de console. chiar nu doresc sa ajung la asa ceva

    radem glumim, insa treaba mi se pare o mare mizerie.
    So in return for having their games saddled with potential hassles and a definite lifespan (once the authentication servers are shut off, those games stop working), the players receive benefits like… um…
    Daca PSN este sub mentenanta pt 24h, nimeni nu se poate loga ca sa poata juca ceva...Cool

    De ce nu ar face si cei din industria automobilelor asa ceva? Iti cumperi un Audi A4 nou, peste 3 ani deca te-ai plictisit de el nu il poti vinde, asa ca ramai cu el pana crapa si iti iei altul. Ori daca il vinzi , viitorul posesor trebuie sa mai dea un 5.000 de euro celor de la Audi ca sa poate utiliza masina SH abia cumparata. Ei bine cum ar fi asta??

    din pct meu de vedere, treaba e simpla
    1) cumpar joc nou 200 lei
    2) il joc, il vand sh cu 100 lei
    3) mai pun 100 lei mai iau un joc nou cu 200 lei
    4) il termin, il vand sh cu 100 lei
    5) tot timpul voi baga in buzunarul developerului cate 200 lei sa spunem lunar...

    Daca n-as mai putea vinde acel jos in regim SH, nu mi-as mai permite sa cumpar cate un joc de 200 lei pe luna, si voi cumpara cate un titlu de 200 lei la 2 luni, in buzunarul developerului vor intra aceiasi bani....

    Cine pierde?
    - developerul ca vinde mai putin
    - noi pentru ca jucam mai putine titluri


  10. #16650 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by adibose View Post
    Daca PSN este sub mentenanta pt 24h, nimeni nu se poate loga ca sa poata juca ceva...Cool
    Jocul se va activa cand te loghezi prima data pe PSN, dupa care il vei putea juca si offline. Eu asa ma gandesc, altfel e dileala prea mare si nici chiar ei nu-si permit sa intinda coarda atat.

  11. #16651 SP
    Senior Member Malach HaMavet's Avatar
    am gasit si eu o stire interesanta, defapt un rumour! si nu prea am stiut unde sa-l pun deci il voi pune aici:

    "There have been plenty of leaks, whispers and rumors about the next Xbox for a few months now, but there hasn't been a lot of talk about Sony's plans for the next generation.

    Kotaku, though, claims to have uncovered some inside information about the system that, on the surface, makes it sound like the next generation console race is going to be a tight one -- and begin next year.

    Citing a single anonymous source, Kotaku says it believes the code name for the next PlayStation is "Orbis." And while the next console from Sony is widely expected to be called PlayStation 4 when it hits shelves, the site infers that Orbis might be the system's final name.

    Whatever it's called, Kotaku says we can expect to see it released in the holiday period of 2013 -- the same timeframe most expect the next Xbox to arrive. If so, that would eliminate the one year head start Microsoft enjoyed with the Xbox 360, a year that gave it a lead over Sony that thus far has proven insurmountable.

    [Related: New Sony CEO to keep charge of troubled TV operations]

    Much like the rumored next Xbox system (codenamed Durango), the new Sony system will lock games to a PSN account, which could impact the used game market.

    "If you then decide to trade that disc in, the pre-owned customer picking it up will be limited in what they can do," the site said. "While our sources were unclear on how exactly the pre-owned customer side of things would work, it's believed used games will be limited to a trial mode or some other form of content restriction, with consumers having to pay a fee to unlock/register the full game."

    If true, that's likely to upset a notable segment of the gaming population, not to mention have a serious impact on retailers like GameStop who make a tidy profit on the used game market. And Sony could ruffle even more feathers if the system ditches backward compatibility with the PlayStation 3, as Kotaku says it will.

    In terms of hard specs, Kotaku says the system will use either AMD's x64 CPU or perhaps AMD's Southern Islands GPU, the company's high-end chip. Graphics-wise, Orbis is said to be capable of resolutions up to 4096x2160, commonly called '4K' in TV manufacturer parlance (and one of the technological boosts shown off at this year's CES). It's also said to be able to play 3D games in full 1080p, a leap over the PS3's max 3D resolution of 720.

    It's critical to note that these are unconfirmed reports based on a single source, so it's wise to be skeptical. Developers Yahoo! Games has spoken with are unable to confirm anything in Kotaku's report, and note they haven't been contacted yet by Sony to discuss the new system (though they say they have spoken with Microsoft).

    Don't expect Sony to officially start talking about the PS4 or Orbis anytime soon, either. In January Sony's Kaz Hirai stated clearly that the company would not announce any new home systems at E3.

    For game news, free codes and more, Like us on Facebook, follow @yahoogames on Twitter and check us out on Pinterest!"


  12. #16652 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Kaz Hirai a anuntat pe la inceputul anului ca ei nici macar nu vor anunta o noua consola la E3 2012, ce sa mai vorbim de lansare.
    Declaratia a fost facuta in Wall Street Journal.

  13. #16653 SP
    Banned asperas's Avatar
    am eu rdr zone 2 dar e varianta normala..daca vrei putem face schimb?

    ps:nu l-am jucat prea mult .. in jur de 2 ore dar nu prea ma prins!

  14. #16654 SP
    Banned asperas's Avatar
    de ieri batrana mea consola ps3 60 gb refuza sa mai citeasca discurile blu-ray(blocul optic) asa ca ma gandesc la o inlocuire cu una noua cum ar fi un slim de 320 gb dar cea ce vreau sa stiu daca nu e cu suparare si imi poate raspunde cineva cam ce diferente sunt intre modelele cech-2500 si cech-3004?multumesc si o seara buna la toata lumea!

    ---------- Post added 31-03-2012 at 12:16 AM ----------

    nu mai conteaza acum,fiindca nu am rezistat mai mult de o zi fara de ps3 asa ca am luat varianta de 320 gb cech 3004 b bundle uncharted 3 care oricum imi lipsea din colectie asa ca e mai mult decat multumesc mult!

  15. #16655 SP
    Junior Member Antricot's Avatar
    O intrebare, am un monitor CRT cu 2 mufe separate (VGA si DVI) vreau sa conectez PS3 la el prin VGA, va rog sa-mi spuneti daca stiti ce fel de cablu/piesa am nevoie ca sa folosesc acest CRT pentru consola. Multumesc!

  16. #16656 SP
    Member faxiu's Avatar
    cel mai bine iei un cablu HDMI si un adaptor DVI-HDMI. Si conectezi pe DVI, nu VGA.

  17. #16657 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  18. #16658 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar

  19. #16659 SP
    Member stefipsy's Avatar
    Ai aici si un printscreen cu particularitatile fiecarei versiuni. Just in case
    Attached Images Attached Images untitled.jpg

  20. #16660 SP
    Banned asperas's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by stefipsy View Post
    Ai aici si un printscreen cu particularitatile fiecarei versiuni. Just in case
    multumesc mult!sa vedeti ironie.. dupa ce am cumparat-o pe cea noua cealalta a reinceput sa functioneze!

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